
Friday 6 April 2018

Shadows of Brimstone Heroes 04

Still sticking with Shadows of Brimstone, here are four more Heroes to use in the game - the Frontier Doc and the Jargano Native, both with male and female versions. I recently bought these four figures from a seller on eBay for a very reasonable price. He had glued them, painted them and stuck then on two pence pieces. I don't know what he glued them with (probably polystyrene cement) but they just came apart in my hands. Also, the paintwork was sloppy and amateurish. The basing was unusual but I went along with them, although I did add my own sand and gravel to the bases. I used superglue to stick the figures back together, which is recommended for resin figures and gave them brand new paint jobs. I am very happy with how they turned out.
If there's one thing that the Old West frontier is known for, it's being deadly! Whether it comes from the barrel of a gun, the bite of a venomous snake or being crushed by the constricting grip of a slimy tentacle, death lurks around every corner. That's why frontier docs are so commonplace throughout the West. They may not be the toughest or the fastest, but the doctor is vital for patching you up and keeping the Hero posse going one bandage at a time. These are resin castings, each coming in two pieces, with the arm holding the collection jars being separate. The collection jar is a special piece of Starting Gear that helps define the character. These are superb sculpts and will no doubt, see use in other Wild West games. The standard of sculpting with the new resin figures for Shadows of Brimstone is very high. Height-wise, they are very compatible with the Tombstone figures from Black Scorpion or the Knuckleduster 32mm scale range of Wild West figures.
Legend has it that the ancestors of the tribal native humans of Jargano were originally from Earth, finding their way through an ancient portal and becoming trapped on the other side. Struggling to survive for millennia against aggressive tribes of Serpentmen and all manner of vicious and primal creatures of the swamp, these native hunters of Jargano have become renowned for being perhaps the deadliest and fiercest warriors of any world. The Jargano native is a savage and primitive hunter from the murky swamp world of Jargano. Still bearing his or her tribal weapons and gladiatorial skills, learned in the savage, pre-historic lands of his home, the Jargano native is an expert tracker, hunter and hand-to-hand fighter. Though they do not understand written language or technology, their keen senses and combat reflexes make them a fierce addition to any posse. These resin cast figures came in three parts with both arms being separate pieces. The person who sold them to me had added a bow and quiver of arrows to the back of the male warrior. I thought that this was an excellent idea, as they are skilled in archery. Note that their daggers have been painted to represent flint and not metal. I have painted them with bronzed skin, so they could double as native Americans in a standard Wild West game. Another option is to use them in a pre-historic setting, where they'd fit in perfectly.


  1. Another nice showing of SoB mini's Bryan, and nice "restoration" work :-)
    (Am I right in thinking there's a samurai hero in the range?)

    1. Many thanks, Greg. They certainly did need restoring when i received them.

      There is, indeed, a wandering samurai character available, also in male and female version. They're on my want list.

  2. Well Bryan the over consumption of Easter eggs has not slowed you down at all.

    1. I may have ate a few Easter eggs (cough! more like six!) but no, it didn't slow me down, Phil.

  3. An interesting set of figures, the female nurse would be very useful as I can't recall many figures like this.

    "The west is deadly for guns, snakes and tentacles!!!!" I don't know what westerns you used to watch as a kid but I don't remember any tentacles in Gunsmoke, Rawhide or even Maverick. :) :)
    Looking forward to seeing them in action.
    Take care.

    1. Cheers, John. I totally agree with you about the female doctor/nurse. A very rare figure but so useful.

      Tentacles are such a common threat in and around Brimstone, but, thankfully nowhere else. See here -

    2. Well I shall not be going to Brimstone for my holidays, I never saw those tentacles on the westerns I watched. However I never saw those Lava Men either and they are absolutely brilliant, very well painted and imagined. Have they ever appeared in one of your games? If not why not. Fantastic.

    3. I wouldn't recommend anyone taking a holiday to Brimstone, John! The Lava Men have appeared in a game of "Shadows of Brimstone" that I played, but which I, sadly, didn't record on my blog. As I said to Simon, above, I am planning on showing some "Shadows of Brimstone" batreps on my blog.

  4. Another cracking group of figures and as you say the Doctor and Nurse will be very useful for patching up your other adventurers.

    The Native girl is a lovely figure too, but for some reason the Native chap keeps reminding me of Dwane "the Rock" Johnson in his portrayal of the "Scorpion King", this however is not a bad thing as I rather like that film.

    Good stuff all round sir!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks, Roger. You know I thought the same thing as well about how much the male Jargano native looked like Dwayne Johnson. The illustration of him on his character card must surely have been based on him as there is such an obvious similarity between them. As you rightly say, this is no bad thing.

  5. Another great posting Bryan, full of Brimstone magic, imho. Clearly you are the completist for these minis, which is something I always admire in hobbyists. I also love the idea of the bow and quiver conversion. I can see why you’ve stuck with it - marvellous idea. Any chance of one of your highly informative ‘This is how you play’ BatReps using some of these latest additions?

    1. Many thanks, my good friend. I am trying hard to get all of the figures released for "Shadows of Brimstone" but it isn't easy when Flying Frog don't have a UK distributor. I don't like ordering stuff from America due to the high postal costs, the low exchange rate and the possibility of customs charges. So I keep a keen eye on eBay but unless the buyer has a "buy now" feature I don't like bidding as some arsehole nearly always puts in a last minute higher bid. I've lost count of how many bids have failed in this manner. :-(

      Regarding "Shadows of Brimstone" batreps and how to play tutorials, yes they are on the cards... as they have been for far too long now! 2018 is going to be the year when I finally get to introduce my Wild West projects, which include "Dracula's America", "Shadows of Brimstone" and "six Gun Sound". Stay tuned.

  6. Nice looking group of figures Bryan, the male and female medics look very natural, the natives look like they've been spending a lot of time in the gym with their washboard abs

    1. Thank you, Dave. The two frontier docs are great sculpts. On Jargano it's all about the survival of the fittest, so of course, these natives have plenty of opportunity to workout, although I doubt if they even know what a gym is!

  7. Nice job Bryan. These are some nice looking characters not the usual fare.

  8. I really do like to see this progress. Each time I think I should do that as well. But far to many things started and not finished to start something new...... That will change I am sure by the end of the week as I paint the first figures for Matt of his new project!

    1. Cheers. Clint. I do get what you're saying. Best of luck with your new project.

    2. Not MY new project Matts new project I just happen to be doing the painting for him...... at least until I learn to hate it!

  9. Wonderful looking characters, well done!

  10. Hi all,
    Don't worry, Bryan is ok healthwise but he is currently experiencing PC and Internet problems. He will be back online son but he asked me to let you know why he hasn't updated this blog recently.
    Mikie (Bryan's brother).
