
Wednesday 18 April 2018

Vampifans Views 105 - Back to Blogging

Hi, folks. First of all, an apology for my lack of posts this past week or so. I have had some serious problems with my computer and it had to be taken away to get repaired. This is the second time in the past seven months I have had computer problems. I am thinking it might be time to get a new computer sooner rather than later.
Anyway, I should get back to blogging again very soon as I have a load of new material to show you. Also, I will be spending most of this afternoon checking out the blogs I follow and commenting on them as normal. Ten days without my computer felt like an eternity. On the plus side, I got a lot of painting and modelling done, so it wasn't all bad news. You'll be seeing the fruits of my labour on my blog.
For those of you who e-mailed me to enquire about my absence and my health, many thanks. I really appreciated it. Let me reassure you all that my health is fine. Alas, the same could not be said about my computer.
Kindest regards from Bryan aka Vampifan.


  1. Don't get me started on computers Bryan :( go to have you back :)

    1. Exactly! Computers are great when they work but a real pain in the backside when they go wrong... and you don't know how to fix them!

  2. Glad to hear your okay, sadly not the same for your computer by the sides of it, at least it had a silver lining with all the painting and modelling you got done

    1. Very true, Dave. A case of good news, bad news.

  3. Welcome back to the interweb and blogiverse Bryan :-)

  4. It's terrible being without a computer. It's quite frightening how lost you feel without one.

    1. That is so true, Ray. They have taken over our lives, haven't they?

  5. It certainly seems time to pick up a new PC of some sort, Bryan, as you were much missed hobby-wise, and right across the "Salute" posting period too!!

    1. Thanks, Simon. I'll be discussing what new PC to get with my brother, who is far more tech savvy than I am. It's such a shame he lives so far away.

  6. Computers are the bane of my life, actually no the internet is the bane of my life, computers are just one of the many portals into the bane of my life!!

    Good to have you back though, I've been wondering where you were.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Believe me, Roger, I fully empathise with you.
      It's wonderful to be back online again.

  7. Sorry to hear of your computer woes Bryan!

  8. It's good to hear from you again, glad the absence was due to your computer's health and not yours. :)

    1. Many thanks, John. Health-wise, I'm doing well. Long may it continue.

  9. Welcome back. Be careful, computer problems are actually skynet messing up with your real life, as Skynet is now a teenager liking to prank honest people :)

  10. Planned absence from computers (for example, during a summer holiday) can be refreshing. However, enforced absence due to malfunctions is just *frustrating*! It's astonishing just how dependent we all are on the little boxes these days.

    Good to see that you have overcome this trial-by-technology, even if you suspect it might be a temporary respite!

    1. So very true, Hugh. It wouldn't have been quite so bad if my absence had been planned.

  11. I get my PC's from Novatech. As long as you don't want to play games on it prices are reasonable. Plump for one with Windows installed on an SSD it makes booting up a breeze.Use a disc drive for bulk storage.

    1. Good advice, Phil. I'm not gamer. Never have been and never will. My brother, who is a gamer, tells me this is a bad time to buy a new PC if you're a gamer but a good time if you're not. Yay me!
