
Tuesday 26 June 2018

Forgotten Heroes 2018 - Chastity Marks

Here I present my entry for the Forgotten Heroes 2018 challenge - another favourite vampire of mine, Chastity Marks.
Before I show my finished entry I thought you'd like to see just how I converted this Copplestone Castings Bodyguard in Bikini into Chastity. Working down from head to feet, I had to restyle her hair. This wasn't too difficult as it just involved adding Milliput with no filing or cutting required. I added a bit of Milliput to her upper arms to represent her long gloves. I turned her bikini top into a bustier top by adding more Milliput below her breasts and to the middle of her back. In the first picture of  Chastity that I showed you in my introduction, she was holding two katanas, so I added a second katana to her left hand. I had to remodel her left thumb to fit around the hilt of the katana. Next I added the tops of her thigh-length boots. Finally, I added a bit of Milliput to cover up her toes. All in all, it wasn't too difficult a conversion.
And here she is completely finished and ready for action. I did wonder about whether to paint her clothing in satin black or gloss black. Either would work. In the first picture I showed last time her clothing was satin black but in the second picture it was clearly gloss black. Ultimately, I thought gloss black looked better and so that is what I went with.
With so many other projects on the go, I knew I didn't have that much spare time to devote to this project but I knew that converting one figure was easily achievable, and I'm delighted with the result. Roll on Forgotten Heroes 2019!


  1. Great conversion and painting Bryan, great to see you've got your entry finished in time

    1. Thanks, Dave. I'm glad I only entered the one figure this year but I'm pleased to have done her.

  2. Looks fab and a nice simple(ish) conversion that worked really well

    1. That's most kind of you, Andy. Yes, the conversion didn't stretch me too much.

  3. Nicely done, I always end up sticking my fingers together when i convert.

    1. Thanks, Phil, and you do have my sympathies. Whilst I do find conversion work quite easy, I have been doing it since the late 1970's!

  4. Great work Bryan, I've been waiting for you top post up your finished "Charity" figure, and she was well worth the wait!

    I've re-posted this to the FH site by the way.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks for the nice comment and for reposting this on the official FH site, Roger. Just one small point - it's "Chastity" not "Charity". ;-)

    2. Ooops, maybe it was here costume that threw me, she doesn't look that Chastised (though I am now), and as we all know Charity begins at home, and I wouldn't mind her round my house!

      (phew think I saved that one!! ;-) ).

      Cheers Roger.

    3. LOL! Good catch, Roger! I'd like her around my house as well. ;-)

  5. I wish you all the best in the comp, Bryan. Fingers crossed on a delicious entry. ;-)

    1. Many thanks, SW. By the way, it's not a competition, it's just a bit of fun.

    2. Ooops. Do you have a link to the page\site?

    3. I sure do. Here it is -

  6. Wow looks brilliant Bryan! Good luck with the comp!

  7. Excellent job Bryan! :-)
    She's turned out really well - what a transormation!

  8. Good stuff Bryan, thanks for the unpainted but converted picture, it helps a lot to see how you did it.
    It makes quite a difference in a subtle way, especially like the hair.

  9. Hi Everyone,This was how me and my Boyfriend became VAMPIRES. I got a guy from the internet called Lord who was a VAMPIRE so i told him that me and my boyfriend would love to become a VAMPIRES so he asked me of my Name ,Country, Age ,State , address and in the next 3 days i got the blood sample through the DHL which me and my boyfriend took in the blood into our body and in the next 30 minutes we turned into a VAMPIRE so if you are interested in becoming a VAMPIRE. First: Vampires is not at all like in the movies or books, Sure. I understand. You are young; you have the whole world open to you. You can be anything that you choose if you apply yourself and try hard to work toward that goal. But being a vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, but how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email:
