
Saturday 30 June 2018

Vampifans Views 108 - Monthly Musings 78

With half the year gone already it's time for another of my Monthly Musings. The painting to the left of here was produced by Miguel Sanjulian, whose work I am showcasing this year. It is a stunning portrait of Vampirella surrounded by an assortment of evil creatures. I have no doubt at all that Vampi will prevail against them all.

This has been a good month for my favourite vampire as she has appeared in two batreps within the space of a week. First up was my first High Moon scenario set in Stillwater, New Mexico in 1875, in which Vampirella travelled back in time on the start of a quest to challenge Count Dracula, who had taken over the presidency of the USA. Here's the link to it -
Then John aka Vagabond surprised me by introducing Vampirella to his ongoing Gothic Horror campaign and I couldn't have been more happy to see her. That girl sure gets around. Here's the link to John's batrep -
I do plan on continuing Vampirella's quest in the Old West, so look out for part two coming soon.

I bought a ton of new stuff for my Wild/Weird West projects, including assorted cacti from Great Escape Games, Shellhole Scenics and Wargames Terrain Workshop, fences from 4Ground and the Tree Fellas (thanks for that link, Solo Wargamer), outside toilets from 4Ground, a stagecoach and a wagon both with horses, drivers and passengers from Great Escape Game's Dead Man's Hand range, 6 unmounted horses from Knuckleduster Miniatures (all painted now), the Graceful Seven figures (also from Great Escape Games and also painted) and the Black Fang Tribe supplement for Shadows of Brimstone. All in all, quite a haul. As you can probably tell, I am very enthusiastic about this project. My next batrep will hopefully be a scenario from Dracula's America. I know I want to include the Red Hand Coven faction of vampires in it, but I haven't decided whether to pit them against the Twilight Order faction or the Crossroads Cult faction. I'll make a decision soon.
The Graceful Seven as they appear on the Dead Man's Hand webstore. They are really beautiful figures.

Whilst I am still painting loads of Wild West and Weird West figures, plus some sci-fi figures for my The Ace of Spades Campaign, it was nice to have a change of direction with the annual Forgotten Heroes challenge. This year I only submitted one figure - a conversion of vampire Chastity Marks -but I completed her on time and was very happy with how she turned out. You can see my finished entry in the previous post to this one.

July sees the release of the Strontium Dog skirmish wargame by Warlord Games. I have read a lot of negative comments about the figures for this game, especially the sculpts for Johnny Alpha and Wulf Sternhammer, the two stars of the strip. Judge for yourselves. There is something odd about the way the arms are attached to the bodies. Their faces are very well sculpted but I will admit that I prefer the versions made by Wargames Foundry, which thankfully, I do own.
As for the game itself, and the other figures, I am very excited about them. My Battle Systems Sci-fi Terrain sets (the Shanty Town set in particular) will be perfect for this game. I have pre-ordered the complete collection as this saves me £21 over the cost of buying everything separately plus, I do want everything for this game. I am huge fan of the 2000 AD comic and Strontium Dogs was always one of my favourite strips. Indeed, my all time favourite 2000 AD character is the mutant vampire bounty hunter, Durham Red, who first appeared in this strip before going on to her own stories. I've seen an advanced preview picture of her figure for this game and it's fair to say, hers is the figure I most want. With all of the Strontium Dog figures I already have from Wargames Foundry (now sadly, out of production), which are all painted,  plus my scenery, this is a game I could start playing as soon as I've read the rulebook. Bring it on!


  1. Another great "Monthly Musing" Bryan - they seem to be coming thick and fast, as the year zips by! Halfway mark already, just where has the time gone??? They say that time flies when you're enjoying yourself, so I guess we must all be having a good time ;-)
    Speaking of which, those "Good Time Gals" look like a terrific addition to your collection :-)
    I recently received the Warlord Games newsletter announcing Strontium Dog - it was the first I'd heard of the game...... where DO you get your advance info??????

    1. Many thanks, Greg. I have to agree with you - time does fly when you're enjoying yourself, and I most certainly am.

      As soon as I saw the Graceful Seven I knew I had to have them. I was a bit concerned about their scale but once I received my fears were allayed. Being 30mm tall, they fit in perfectly well with my other figures.

      Regarding the news about the "Strontium Dogs" game this has been general knowledge for many months now. When Warlord Games stopped production of their "Judge Dredd Miniatures Game" range of figures they announced that they had acquired the rights from Rebellion to produce figures for ALL of the 2000 AD stories and that "Strontium Dogs" would be their first offering. I suspect that Judge Dredd will probably come next. We'll just have to wait and see. Any way, as a massive 2000 AD fan, this is wonderful news.

  2. Another musings, where does the time go ! LOL
    I see your still busy on your wild west, look forward to seeing what you show on that.
    Had no doubt you would have seen the Strontium Dog, will be interested to see what you think of the game, and shall be interested to see the scale

    1. Cheers, Dave. Half a year gone by already. It doesn't feel like it. My commitment to my Wild and Weird West games remains as strong as ever and even with the upcoming release of "Strontium Dogs" that won't change. I'll be doing a review of the "Strontium Dogs" game and figures as soon as I receive them. I, too, wonder what size the figures will be?

  3. Wow your really blowing the budget Bryan :) loving the girls & as I'm just starting out in the Wild West they'll be going on to the get list.

    Great to see your Leading Lady staring in someone else's movie, I hope your pam was crossed with sliver :)

    1. Thank you most kindly, Frank. Be aware that the Graceful seven come with separate hands holding their guns. I thought that they'd be a bitch to glue to their arms, but they went together much better than I feared. Still, it is a point to consider.

      Sadly, I'm still waiting for Vampi's fee to arrive for appearing in John's latest movie. There is an ugly rumour going around that he has fled the country!

    2. Bryan the cheques in the post, I'm a bit surprised you haven't received it yet.

      Yep it is an ugly rumour, I've only being practicing, I hope to flee the country maybe next week for a while, but do hope to make provision for Internet roaming while I'm gone, unlike this last week where none could be found.

    3. You're a good man, John. Enjoy your vacation. :-)

  4. Having been given an advanced look at the "Strontium Dog" rule-book recently, Bryan, and had a chance to discuss it, I don't personally think you'll find the system wanting. I was particularly impressed with the Cool attribute which looks like even the best Stronty Dog could readily succumb to nerves in a pinch - which is an element I always like in my games :-)

    1. Wow, Simon, colour me jealous! Well done you on securing an advance peak at the "Strontium Dogs" rulebook. I already had high hopes for it but your comments have only whetted my appetite even further. :-)

  5. All good stuff. I fondly remember "Gronk" and may indeed indulge and buy that figure if none other. Nice load of Weird west ladies. Always a good thing and NOT to be sneezed at.

    1. Many thanks, Clint. Gronk certainly was a much loved character. "Oh, my poor heartses!"

      The Graceful Seven figures did not disappoint in the least and they were a joy to paint. Expect a full review of them very soon.

  6. GREAT acquisitions, CONGRATULATIONS!!! :O) Looking forward to see the Graceful Seven defending the town from a big gang of marauders... :O)

    1. Ha, ha! Many thanks, my friend, and somehow I just knew you'd fall in love with the Graceful Seven as much as I did. I totally agree, they have to defend their town against a big gang of marauders. Have no fear, it will happen!

    2. I'm thinking that they need a suitably impressive place to call home, from which to operate out of and for me, the obvious choice is 4Ground's Sassy Gal Saloon. It is huge at three stories tall with a massive footprint but it is expensive - £110.00! OUCH! But I most likely will buy it anyway. It's only money, after all!

    3. I've also considered 4 Ground's "Sassy Gal Saloon" for a while, but concluded that - though it has lots os space upstairs for "bedroom action" - it has very little room in the ground floor to accommodate all the gorgeous Knuckleduster tables plus a couple more (for incoming characters) AND still have enough space left for the typical "Saturday Night Barroom Brawling"! So I've decided that I will scratchbuild my own saloon someday. :O)

    4. They sounds like a great plan, Edu. It is something I'd like to do myself but the time and effort to bring such a project to fruition would be immense. I was looking at those Knuckleduster saloon tables and occupants and I definitely want them. I'm going to have a long, hard think about this.

    5. Another idea would be to use the Sassy Gal Saloon but expanding its ground floor to the desired size with scratchbuilding materials. It is actually very realistic, because in the Old West the old buildings were "upgraded" all the time, sometimes with another completely new facade to add a few square metres of space as needed. Anyway, IMHO the Knuckleduster saloon furniture and tables with its characterful patrons is a must use! ;O)

    6. That's a sound idea, Edu. Another option I was thinking about was to create a separate ground floor only for bar-room brawls but double it in size length and width ways. That would give me the necessary footprint for when I need to play out a bar-room brawl. Maybe add that to another table when required but still keep the original Sassy Gal for all other uses.

    7. My experience with "separate sets" is that they all end up incorporated to the whole scenery sooner or later, so these days I prefer to go the full monty anyway! :O) Do 4 Ground have some separate walls and such that can be used to expand the Sassy Gal saloon?

      BTW: do you already have the name of your new saloon?

      My own western towns's saloon will be called, of course, "The Horny Unicorn", featuring the very same Reaper Bartender miniature from the "Beheaded Unicorn" tavern of my Enchant Forest setting! :O)

    8. I've never used separate sets before, so this would be a new experience for me if I went with that option. Sadly, 4Ground don't sell separate walls.

      I haven't thought of a name for it yet, other than the Sassy Gal, but I do have loads of names I could use. "The Horny Unicorn" is a great name, but I'll leave that one for you.

    9. Of course you can use the name! Nothing like a small town business opening a franchise in another small town! Specially if you're gonna use the Knuckleduster dancers and soiled doves, since they're already into the establishment's Standards of Quality! :O)

    10. That's very kind of you, mate. Thank you for the explanation on your establishment's Standards of Quality. ;-)

    11. BTW: Do you know that you can find The Sassy Girl Saloon in both RED and PURPLE versions?!


    12. I did know that, Edu. 4Ground offers both options. Apparently, the purple one is a webstore exclusive.

    13. Sorry for butting in here but I share the same views (kind of) I always find that buildings never really scale well for using the insides, but I did build a set that I use from time to time & find it to be very useful & would recommend doing so.

    14. No need to apologise, frank. Comments are always welcome. I agree that there is a balancing act in the amount of furniture to put inside a building and how much space for figures to fit in to leave. At the moment I'm favouring making a larger separate ground floor for the Sassy Gal.

    15. Looking forward to see it in action! :O)

    16. So am I, Edu, but first I need to buy a Sassy Gal Saloon. Watch this space. It will happen.

  7. I will be treating myself to a few of these figures. Bryan have you seen the Strontium Dog fan film currently on You Tube?

    1. Thanks, Phil. I have seen the fan film and thought it was excellent. Did you know that fellow blogger Dave Stone had a part in it?

  8. I like these Blogs. They remind me of that restaurant story where one table of diners views what another has ordered and tells the waiter,.."We'll have what they ordered.".lol Those dancing shameless hussys will definitely be getting a permanent gig in 'Lawless.'..and ' Strontium Dog' has been feed into the radar listings. As for any time factor concerns, Tis not a problem, that is it hasn't been, since Bryan got be hooked on that Time Lord himself, Doctor Who. lol Cheers for the heads up Bryan, and a most enjoyable post. ;)

    1. Thank you for the kind words, SW. Very much appreciated. Ah, if only I could travel in time. Life would be so different! :-)

  9. Great stuff Bryan, always a treat to read your monthly musings, those "Graceful seven" fig's are as you say beautiful, I can see why you had to have them!

    Strontium Dog, was always a good strip though not really one of my fav's, there were several others I liked more, though the game sounds just up your alley. I can see what you mean about the fig's though "Wulf's" arms in particular look a bit off! might just be the photo though I suppose.

    Oh and I for one was most pleased that you could join us for "Forgotten heroes", by the way.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you so kindly, Roger. The Graceful Seven figures are even better in the flesh (no innuendo intended!) than in their photos.

      It'll be interesting to see what Johnny and Wulf look like in real life. As you say, it may just be the angle of the photos.

      Thank you for hosting "Forgotten Heroes" once again and for allowing me in. I don't do painting challenges as a rule but I do love this one as it is more than just a painting challenge. The creation is just as important.

    2. Ahh but I don't host it Bryan, this is Jez's baby, I just baby sit the FH site for him, I won't take credit when it is not due, smashing idea that "Forgotten heroes" is it certainly wasn't mine.

      Cheers Roger.

    3. Thanks, Roger. I always thought this was a joint effort between the two of you. My bad.

  10. Nice! DA batreps incoming. Looking forward to seeing your Old West terrain in action. The Red Hand coven was a given; Maybe Twilight Order for the classic Vampire/Vampire hunter fight?

    1. Many thanks, HP. Red Hand vs Twilight Order was my original idea but then I thought the Crossroads Cult would be a more unusual face off with bad guys vs bad guys.

  11. Well I'd like to add my agreement that this year is flying.

    Bryan I do like your musings a round up of events and suggestions for the future it's a nice interlude, you seem to have an enormous amount of stuff happening I don't know how you have the energy for it all.
    I've only been gone a week and so much has been posted it's taking some catching up on - in a good way.
    Thanks for the shout up on my Vampirella game, much appreciated, I just hope she survives her next outing or I may never hear from you again ;)

    1. Hello John, and it's so nice to hear from you. I try to keep a positive attitude at all times - my glass is always half full. As a consequence my mojo is very high and long may it continue. Gaming is more than just my hobby - it's my life.

      I've just commented on your own blog and yes, I am looking forward to seeing Vampirella again. Whether she survives her next outing in your story or not is immaterial. The thing with vampires like Vampirella is that they are almost impossible to kill. Whatever happens she will return and our friendship won't be affected at all. :-)

  12. Hi Everyone,This was how me and my Boyfriend became VAMPIRES. I got a guy from the internet called Lord who was a VAMPIRE so i told him that me and my boyfriend would love to become a VAMPIRES so he asked me of my Name ,Country, Age ,State , address and in the next 3 days i got the blood sample through the DHL which me and my boyfriend took in the blood into our body and in the next 30 minutes we turned into a VAMPIRE so if you are interested in becoming a VAMPIRE. First: Vampires is not at all like in the movies or books, Sure. I understand. You are young; you have the whole world open to you. You can be anything that you choose if you apply yourself and try hard to work toward that goal. But being a vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, but how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email:
