
Thursday 7 June 2018

Forgotten Heroes Challenge 2018 - Intro

It's July and that means it is time for the Forgotten Heroes Challenge 2018. I have participated in this challenge twice before in 2016 and 2017. The challenge is to create or convert a 28-32mm scale superhero/supervillain character who is not commercially available. In 2016 I converted standard and Chibi versions of two of my favourite comic book vampires - Vampirella and Purgatori. Last year I surpassed my expectations and both created and converted the six heroes known collectively as the Bug Hunters. This year I'm going much simpler and I'm going to convert a single figure to create another one of my favourite comic book vampires - Chastity Marks.

In 1976, teenager Chastity Marks was an American runaway living in London. Punk rock was all the rage, and Chastity was soon running errands for a local band. One night while on the job she was attacked by a vampire. She escaped, but not with her life: Chastity was now a vampire, but with a twist. To the rest of the vampire world, she was completely undetectable.
Today, Chastity works freelance for the Cabal, a secret society of vampires, werewolves, and witches who rule over the monster underworld. As strong as ten men and a master martial artist, Chastity serves (on her terms) as the Cabal's most efficient and merciless assassin, all the while trying to live a normal life.
Chastity's last appearance in comics was in 2015, when she appeared in the epic crossover event - The Swords of Sorrow produced by Dynamite Entertainment. Here, she threw in her lot with the bad guys and in a related four part mini-series, she led the forces of darkness against Jennifer Blood and Vampirella. Bad move on her part. Vampirella kicked her ass but refrained from killing her, in order to teach her a lesson that Vampi was far more powerful than she could ever imagine or aspire to be. This made Chastity question her decision to side with the bad guys.
The figure I'm using for the basis of Chastity is this one to the right and is one of the Copplestone Castings Future Wars Civilian figures from set FW45 Bodyguards in Bikinis. This should be a simple conversion so I'm very confident of completing her in time.
I'm looking forward to this challenge and to all the other contestants taking part, I wish you the very best of luck and I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.


  1. The figure looks perfect for the roll Bryan, good luck with the challenge :)

  2. The figure looks to be a perfect starting point Bryan, shouldn't be a massive amount of conversion work needed, just some added details

    1. Thanks, Dave. I agree that she is a good starting point and she shouldn't need much converting.

  3. good luck. I shall watch with interest.

  4. I googled ' The Swords of Sorrow' comics and the art work is stunning. I don't have much in the way of comics per say, but I do have tons of editions of 'Heavy Metal' comics which cater for my visual story addiction. I did buy several comic editions of 'Shi' who was the last comic character I followed. I have the mini that you are going to use to convert. She is part of my Bikers & Babes game, so I'm super enthused to see how she turns out. Can't wait.

    1. Thanks, SW. You might not have many comics but I can see you are a man of taste. I used to collect "Heavy Metal" and "Shi" myself. The TPB of "Swords of Sorrow" is great value for money (the page count is staggering) and it is the best crossover series I've ever read. I can't recommend it too highly. You can read my review of it here -

  5. Well this all looks very good, and though I've not heard of the character before I could probably have picked her out of a line up as your "Forgotten hero" of choice!

    I think I might have seen that figure you are using as your base before somewhere, ;-)

    Re-posted to the FH site by the way.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Many thanks, Roger, and thank you kindly for reposting this on the official "Forgotten Heroes" website.

      Yes, my choice is predictable if you know my taste in comics. I have no doubt at all that you will have seen the figure I'm using for Chastity before. Conversion is almost completed. I got a lot of work done on her today.

  6. They really don’t hold back with the art do they! Phew is it warm in here?

    1. LOL! I really can't disagree with you, Andy.

  7. Vampirella certainly seems to do a lot of comic book crossovers, Bryan, though I was surprised you didn’t plumb for an Ash conversion, after the superb four-issue mini-series “Army Of Darkness/Vampirella” I know we both enjoyed so very much ;-)

    Looking forward to seeing how this “Forgotten Herorine” turns out, and perhaps a future BatRep will see her team-up with the dynamic duo of Vampirella and Vampifan?

    1. Tut, tut, Simon! Have you forgotten the rules of the challenge already? The idea is to convert or create a figure that is NOT currently available. A number of firms already make Not-Ash figures, including Hasslefree, Studio Minis and Zombicide off the top of my head. I'm sure there's probably others as well. :-) Smiles smugly!

      Seriously though, thanks for the comments, mate. A team up with Vampirella is something I'd love to do in the future.

  8. Good idea. I hope it all goes well for you.

  9. Excellent idea and great figure to base the conversion. Looking forward to seeing this one unfold. Plus the artwork is stunning :)

    1. Thank you so kindly, Simon. Converting and painting her will be a genuine labour of love.

  10. First off, thanks for introducing me to Chastity Marks - I live such a sheltered life, I'd never heard of her before, but am a fan already ;-)
    Excellent choice of mini to base the conversion on, and I'm SO looking forward to seeing her completed! :-)

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Greg. To be fair to you, Chastity is not that well known as a superhero. As you know I'm a sucker for beautiful female vampires and I've been following her adventures from the start. I simply had to add her to my collection.

  11. That's a neat hobby challenge. Have you played games with the hero figures you have made? I've been looking for the right super wargame for years. I've looked at a couple but never really captured the feel of what I was looking for. I'm most interested in DIY heroes because when I was a kid a friend and I made up our own supers and played them with action figures. That's probably what eventually sent me down into the RPG and Wargaming rabbit hole.

    1. Hi, HP. To answer your question, yes, I have. In the 1990's I ran a GURPS Supers campaign in which I played Vampirella. The only superhero game I played since then was Heroclix, which is not an RPG. I guess, like you, I'm still looking for the perfect superhero RPG. GURPS was great but it is complex.

  12. LOVELY CHASTITY! That "Vixen" Horrorclix mini with the red short hair, black trenchcoat and double katana is perfect to represent her on the tabletop IMHO! :O)



    2. Many thanks, Edu. I know exactly which Horrorclix figure you mean without having to look her up. And I do have the figure in question but I felt she was a bit too tall to use for Chastity. Still, definitely a good second choice! :-)

    3. I don't know Chastity's actual height, but agree with you that the Clix mini is too tall to represent an "average young American girl"... Looking forward to see how your mini of choice will turn out! :O)

  13. I can see why you chose to go with Chastity like Greg I've never heard of her which is obviously my loss. Eye catching artwork and it will be interesting to see how she turns out, I'm expecting - stunning.

    1. You're too kind, John. I've finished converting her and I'm about to start painting her. It shouldn't take too long to finish her.

  14. Hi Everyone,This was how me and my Boyfriend became VAMPIRES. I got a guy from the internet called Lord who was a VAMPIRE so i told him that me and my boyfriend would love to become a VAMPIRES so he asked me of my Name ,Country, Age ,State , address and in the next 3 days i got the blood sample through the DHL which me and my boyfriend took in the blood into our body and in the next 30 minutes we turned into a VAMPIRE so if you are interested in becoming a VAMPIRE. First: Vampires is not at all like in the movies or books, Sure. I understand. You are young; you have the whole world open to you. You can be anything that you choose if you apply yourself and try hard to work toward that goal. But being a vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, but how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email:
