
Sunday 10 June 2018

Shadows of Brimstone - Old West Allies 02

I recently paced an order with Flying Frog Productions for four more Old West Allies to use with their Shadows of Brimstone game and my other Wild West games. Allies are not as fully developed as the Heroes but the two human figures shown here could be upgraded to Hero status if you so wanted.
At the far left is another saloon girl sculpt, and seeing as the saloon girl is a Hero archetype, you could definitely use her as a Hero or an Ally. She is armed with a two-shot Derringer pistol. I must admit that I do love saloon girl figures, whether they are armed or not. As is now the norm with the Shadows of Brimstone figures, she is cast in resin. She was a two part sculpt with the joint at her waist. To help reinforce the join, I drilled holes into both parts and used a short length of a paper clip to pin the two halves in place after applying a small amount of superglue. I stuck her to one of my 25mm diameter MDF bases, which I much prefer to the wide brimmed 30mm diameter plastic bases that these figures come supplied with.
Next up is the Indian Brave ally. So often, the native Americans are seen as the bad guys so I do appreciate the fact that Flying Frog have made this plains warrior an ally. He too, was a two-piece casting, with his hands and tomahawk being a separate piece that very easily slotted into place at his waist. I haven't decided which tribe he'll belong to or what his name will be. His name will very much depend upon his tribe. The Fantasy Name Generator website has a section for naming native Americans, which I'll certainly be using. See here -
However, Flying Frog have recently released a new mission pack expansion called The Black Fang Tribe, which finally introduces Native Americans to the game, so there's a good chance that I'll make him a member of that tribe. I've just checked up on Amazon UK and they have 12 copies of this supplement in stock, so I'm placing an order for a set immediately.
Finally, the two dogs were sold as a pair and they are classed as Man's Best Friend and Stray Dog. Man's Best Friend has been painted up as a Doberman breed. He looks big and intimidating and is clearly alert. Google Images helped me get his colouration just right. The Stray Dog, in comparison, looks very pitiful and forlorn. If you look closely, you can actually see his ribcage, which reinforces the fact that he is most likely a stray.
These are all fantastic sculpts. The two humans could appear in any of my Wild West and Weird West games. The dogs, however, are so generic that they could appear in almost any game or setting. All four figures are still available for sale in the Flying Frog webstore. The saloon girl costs $8.00. The Indian Brave costs $10.00 and the dogs cost $12.00 for the pair.


  1. Nice additions to your Wild West Bryan, as you say the two humans would fit in any WW game, and the dogs could be used in any game that has dogs

    1. Absolutely spot on, Dave. I do like it when I can get multiple uses out of a figure.

  2. Nice finds, and you've done a great paint job on them Bryan :-)
    Excellent additions to your WW population, and as you say, the hounds will come in useful across a swathe of genres.

    1. Many thanks, Andy. I do like all of these figures and the dogs are incredibly versatile.

    2. That would be Greg, but my comments would be

  3. really nice figures Bryan, I like the Saloon girl immensely, but will someone please give that stray dog a meal! (he looks so sad!).

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks, Roger. I can tell you're obviously an animal lover from your comments. I think the stray dog not only needs a good meal but lots of TLC too. Yes, I'm an animal lover myself and I can't abide to see cruelty to animals.

  4. I think the stray dog is the best of the lot, whoever sculpted him has actually looked at dogs, which is not always the case in my humble opinion.
    Excellent and if it wasn't so expensive I would buy him tomorrow. You've made a good job on colour matching with both of the dogs and they'll be a great addition to any game.

    1. Many thanks, John, and I wholeheartedly concur with you about the sculpting of the dogs - both are excellent, in my opinion. The stray dog reminded me so much of the stray that followed Josey's party around in the superb "The Outlaw Josey Wales," which I consider to be the greatest Western film ever made!

    2. You are right on both counts, I didn't see the likeness to that dog but as soon as you mentioned it it's so obvious and on the other count about the greatest western ever made. I recon so. ;)

    3. Good man, John. I knew you were a man of impeccable taste! It always amused me that Josey was just as accurate at spitting beef jerky juice as he was at shooting!

    4. :D :D There are so many quotes from this one film that it's untrue.

    5. So true, John, so true! Look out for my next post (probably on Thursday) when I'll showcase my figure of Josey Wales - it's a corker!

  5. Lovely work on them all. I agree with Vagabond the dogs are nicely done sculpted. We do get some strange sculpts sometimes.

    1. Thanks, Simon, and you're certainly not wrong about the strange sculpts we get.

  6. More "Brimstone" goodness and some interesting sculpts to boot. I think the Native American is the stand-out piece paint-job wise, but they all definitely have their merits, and you can clearly see the rib-cage on that dangerously thin pooch too. Plus you've ordered more too, so we can expect a further posting at some point too - it doesn't get better than that with your "Brimstone" postings :-)

    1. Greatly appreciated, Simon. The Black Fang Tribe set has already been despatched by Amazon and should arrive in the next couple of days. However, I still have some more "Shadows of Brimstone" figures to show you - undead outlaws!

  7. Excellent additions to the WW. All of them. The dogs are clearly useable in many settings and for my opinion so much the better for it! Bravo sir.

    1. Cheers, Clint. There's nothing I can add to your comment. :-)

  8. They all look cool with suitable paint jobs, and will no doubt be an added attraction to any games they are used in. Being an animal lover, the stray dog is a tear jerker though. I want to fill him out with green stuff,..just my way of giving him a feed. lol

    1. PS. Just read the other replies,..and fully agree with you that The Outlaw Josey Wales, is the greatest Western film ever made.

    2. Ah, bless you, SW. What a nice thought about filling out the stray dog with Milliput.

      Nice to see you are also a man of taste regarding "The Outlaw Josey Wales". It is one of my most watched films.

  9. Great set of models Bryan & I like yourself fancy the saloon girl :) as for the poor stray dog I can just picture Mr Blue Lightning spitting tobacco at him.

    1. Thanks, frank. The saloon girl is a beauty, isn't she? I remember Josey spitting at the dog and hitting it on the forehead... and yet it still followed him around!

  10. Nice looking figures; As always. That Native American names list was a great find. Thanks for sharing. When I do an Old West game I will be visiting it again.

    1. Many thanks, HP. That fantasy name generator website is one of my favourite and most visited sites. It's a great resource.
