
Tuesday 3 July 2018

Shadows of Brimstone Undead Outlaws

As soon as I saw that Flying Frog Productions were bringing out a new boxed set of figures called Undead Outlaws for Shadows of Brimstone I knew I wanted them. I bought my set from an eBay seller for a much cheaper price than buying them direct from the Flying Frog webstore. Plus postage was free and I had no customs charges to worry about. A win-win deal!
These are actually smart zombies, in that they have retained the memory of how to fire a gun, much like the Smartie Zombies in High Moon.
Outlaws are a common occurrence throughout the region around the ruins of Brimstone. Even before the town blew up and the portals began to open, the gold rush and Dark Stone rush that grew the town out of control also lured in outlaws and bandits by the thousands. Once the devastation occurred and the Darkness came, countless number of these outlaws fell into shadow. Some became mutants, others fell to the curse of the Lycan or began meddling in dark Magiks, and many more began to rise from the grave as Undead. It wasn't long before the Undead Outlaws fell back into their old ways of robbing, rustling and mayhem. Perhaps it was just faint memories of their old lives seeping back in, or maybe they have a cold purpose, with a mind for revenge on the land of the living.
The most famous of all is a dark, rotting figure known only as the Undead Gunslinger. Whoever he was in life, no one can say for sure. But in death, he has become the most cold killer in the land, earning the nickname of the "Fastest Dead in the West". He travels the roads and shadows, challenging any who cross his path to a duel. Few survive to tell the tale. Feared for his quick draw, his cold silence and his sinister stare, the Undead Gunslinger is an unstoppable force, back from Hell and hungry for revenge. As a Legendary Enemy, the Undead Gunslinger is a dangerous foe to face. He is capable of dealing out horrendous amounts of damage with his six-shooters, using special Deadman's Shots bullets to terrorise his opponents.
I think it's safe to say, he is clearly based on Clint Eastwood's "The Man With No Name" from the Dollar trilogy of films. He is a superb sculpt in a very dramatic pose, with his ragged poncho flowing in the wind behind him. With his cheroot clamped in his mouth he just exudes menace as he fires away with both guns blazing.
The other three Undead Outlaws are all the same sculpt. However, they came with separate left arms, so by gluing them on in different positions I was able to make each one look unique. Varied paint jobs helped to differentiate them even further.
Thieves, rustlers and robbers in life, these Undead Outlaws have returned from the grave to bring death to the world of the living. Memories of their past lives have lead them to continue the life of the outlaw, robbing banks and trains, and gunning down any who would stand in their way. Undead Outlaws are predominantly Ranged Enemies that have the Shootout Standard Ability to guide how they move and attack each turn. As Undead, they also have high Defence and are fearsome Enemies to engage in a firefight.
These three figures were all identical one-piece sculpts. The one at the far left is the original sculpt. For the other two, I cut off their left arms and repositioned them so that each outlaw looks unique. I don't like having multiple figures all in exactly the same pose.
Although designed for use in Shadows of Brimstone, I will most certainly be using this set in my High Moon games as well. I am absolutely delighted with this set. The Undead Outlaws boxed set of seven 32mm scale figures costs $39.95 from the Flying Frog webstore plus a minimum $24.00 postage and whatever charges Customs and Excise want to extort you for and you can see why I opted for eBay. There is currently a set on eBay for sale at £34.86 plus free post and packing if any one is interested. It's dearer than what I paid, but still a good price. Better still, Amazon UK have 12 sets in stock for sale at £33.72.


  1. A colourful bunch Bryan. W
    Well done.

    1. Many thanks, Phil. They were a joy to paint.

  2. These are great looking undead cowboys Bryan, like the pose changes you've done to add variation

    1. Much appreciated, Dave. The conversions were simple but essential for me.

  3. Good minis, conversions and price, Bryan. Always a pleasure to see what “Flying Frog” have next in store for “Brimstone”, and this is undoubtedly the blog to follow in order to find out :-)

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Simon. My next SoB post should be for the Black Fang Tribe.

  4. Zombie Gunslingers? I didn't expect to see those on your esteemed blog! ;-)

    Great conversion work on these Bryan, you know you paint Zombies rather well, perhaps you should do more, if you have any interest in those types of game that is :-)

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Laughing my ass off! :-)
      I'm glad I wasn't drinking when I read your comment, Roger!

  5. Your minis look cool, and they are a very interesting concept. Zombies that think that is,..but then why not? In a western\horror theme to boot. Perfect. Bryan, why do I have the feeling that if you weren't around for this type of game, we'd have to invent you. lol ;))

    1. Thank you so kindly, SW. You deserve a prize for that last comment, LOL! :-)

  6. they look suitably dusty and wind blown.

  7. I can see why you think the guy in the poncho stands in for squint, stylistically he fits the pose.
    Nice background info you've provided, looking forward to seeing these guy's in action.

    1. Very much appreciated, John. I'm looking forward to getting these guys on my gaming table.

  8. Love 'em Bryan!
    Excellent additions to your Weird West collection hombre :-)

    1. Many thanks, pardner. Given my fascination with all things Undead, it was a no-brainer that I'd want this set.

  9. Great stuff Bryan! The guy with the cloak blowing is too cool.

    1. Hi, Roger. I totally agree - he is an incredibly well sculpted figure.

  10. Just back from hols Bryan so only catching up, nice bit of work :)

    1. Thank you most kindly, Frank. I hope you enjoyed your holiday.

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