
Saturday 3 August 2019

SOTR German Medium MG & Medium Mortar Teams

To give my infantry squads some support I bought a Medium Machine Gun team and a Medium Mortar team. These can be included in a Mech Grenadier Platoon.
The Medium MG is mounted on a tripod for better stability when fired. The crew consists of the tripod carrier, the loader and the gunner.
Some gamers like to mount their MG and mortar teams on a single large base. I'm not a fan of that option and prefer to have my figures mounted on individual bases. This makes it easier to remove casualties.
The Medium Mortar team consists of three men, two carry the base plate of the mortar and the ammo and the loader who carries the rest of the mortar.
I took the option to add a spotter, and he is at the far left of the two photos. He is mounted on a normal 25mm diameter slottabase. The two assistants are mounted on 20mm diameter slottabases.
These are very useful support units and well worth taking.


  1. More SoTR goodness Bryan. I was interested to read why you base your HW Teams separately than on a single base. Its always nice to see how different people have different likes :-)

    1. Much appreciated, Simon. There is no right or wrong way to basing HW teams, it's all down to personal preference and I like having my figures separate where possible.

  2. Great looking heavy weapon crews Bryan, can see why you have done the crew on separate bases for removing casualties, as when I did mine I made the loader from the large base which was a lot of work ! LOL

    1. Thank you most kindly, Dave. I's agree that basing the figures separately is the best option.

  3. Effective looking and suitably evil to boot.

  4. Nice weapon teams Bryan the camouflage is particularly well done.

  5. Wonderful Bryan, I can't wait to see the whole army together as it will look very impressive :)

    1. Many thanks, Frank. It is an impressive infantry group even if it does lack armoured support.

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