
Tuesday 6 August 2019

SOTR German Specialists

I present a mixed bag of figures here consisting of three two-man teams - Medics, Forward Observers and a Panzerschreck team.
At the far left are my two Medics. Medics do not exist in the Secrets of the Third Reich army lists but they do in Bolt Action and Konflict 47, which is why I have included them. Medics are classed as an HQ choice and can consist of one or two figures.
In the centre are my Forward Air or Artillery Observers. These can call down an air strike or an artillery bombardment once per game. Once again they do not appear in the SOTR army lists but they are an HQ option for Bolt Action or Konflict 47. They can also consist of one or two figures. The observer is equipped with a radio set to call in the air strike or artillery bombardment.
Finally is the two man Panzerschreck team, which is a valid choice in all three games. They are made up of the firer and the loader. A Panzerschreck is the German equivalent of an American Bazooka or a British PIAT and is a powerful threat to armoured vehicles. Unlike the one-shot Panzerfaust, the Panzerschreck may be fired every turn.


  1. Great additions to your force Bryan, and consistent painting

  2. Nice additions and love the camo it looks really good!

    1. Thanks for the lovely comment, Simon. I like this camo pattern too.

  3. Another great bit of paint work Bryan :)

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