
Tuesday 13 August 2019

SOTR German Zombie Horde 01

Vergeltungswaffe 4 or V-Gas is the fourth in a series of Vengeance weapons Germany unleashed to stem the tide of its defeat. It worked exceptionally well. V-Gas kills the living painfully then re-animates their corpses by reacting with the remains of the central nervous system. It also has the effect of raising the recently deceased. Older corpses are not affected ass their nervous systems become too decayed to support the virus.
The Ministry of Special Weapons Development (SWD) has devised a means to weaponise the victims of V-Gas. After all, they are the perfect soldiers. They require nothing: no food, no water, no ammunition, they never run from battle, and the supply of them is virtually unlimited.
I start with the Zombie Officers and at the far right is my only named Zombie. He is SS Standardartenfuhrer (Colonel) Orjan Herzog, the chief villain of the1990 film, Dead Snow. The figure is an exact likeness of him. Second from left is a General who is also a Pinger, as denoted by the aerial sticking out of his back. This always a controller to  make the Pinger go in whatever direction the controller desires. The other zombies in the horde will instinctively follow him instead of shuffling about aimlessly.
Of the other two officers, one has been chewing on a bone and is pointing with it. The other one is standing with his lower right arm blown off.
These next four zombie figures are very unusual in that they are Zombie Bombs. The SWD often strapped explosives to zombies and would detonate them by means of naval mine triggers or radio signals.
Up to four Zombie Bombs may be included in any Zombie Horde. Note they are all carrying different types of explosive but in game turns they all count the same which is they cause a Medium AT/HE blast.
These four figures are the first of my Zombie Infantry Horde. I'll be showing a lot more of them in my next post. In SOTR they have the following special rules, Horror, Tough, Utterly Fearless and Zombie.
These zombie figures are all part of the West Wind Productions Secrets of the Third Reich range but they would fit in equally well in Warlord Game's Konflict 47 range, which I certainly plan on doing. In Konflict 47 the Zombie horde is known as Totenkorps - Death Troops.


  1. Excellent job on these Nazi zombies, I have a horde of them myself, and they are such fun to slaughter in game.

    1. Too true, Tom. However, once they get into melee range they are lethal.

  2. Great looking Zombies Bryan, the zombie bombs did make me laugh, does no one care about a zombies feelings ! LOL

    1. It would appear not, Dave. A cruel and heartless way to treat a living corpse. ;-)

  3. Excellent stuff... time to watch Outpost again !!!

    1. Thank you kindly, Phil. "Outpost" is a very good film. I shall be watching "Dead Snow" again.

  4. Zombies.... I knew you'd get back to zombies :)

    The grey of the uniform goes well with the grey skin, makes them look sinister.

    1. Very much appreciated, John. My three top reasons for collecting this army are - vampires, werewolves and zombies. After all, this is "Vampifan's World of the Undead". I agree, they do look very sinister.

  5. Terrific posting, Bryan, lots to see and admire here. I think you'll love the zeds in Konflikt '47 as they are absolutely terrifying and provide the perfect meat-shield for your forces :-)

    1. Cheers, Simon. That is sweet music to my ears so many thanks for that intel.

  6. There's only one better movie villain's then Nazis Bryan & that's Zombie Nazis, cracking paint job.

    1. I agree with you wholeheartedly, Frank. They are such perfect villains.

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