
Saturday 10 August 2019

SOTR German Mech Grenadier Squads 02

In this post I'm reviewing my third and fourth Mech Grenadier squads, both made up of ten men, just like my first and second squads. This gives me one large platoon of four squads or two smaller platoons of two squads. Both are viable options but I favour splitting them into two platoons.
These five figures are the specialists of the third squad. From left to right are the NCO armed with an Assault Rifle, two soldiers armed with SMGs, a Panzerfaust wielding soldier and a soldier armed with an LMG.
These soldiers are all wearing dunkelgrau (dark grey) helmets apart from the NCO who wears a peaked cap.
The rest of the squad is made up of five riflemen, one of whom will be designated as the loader for the soldier with the LMG.
There is some duplication amongst the riflemen in the four squads, but I have tried to mitigate that by giving them different heads. Note that all of these figures come with separate heads.
Moving on, we have the fourth squad. These differ from my other three squads in that they all wear field caps, even the NCO.
As always, I have an NCO armed with an Assault Rifle, two SMG armed privates and a private with a Panzerfaust. This squad does not have an LMG team, so the fourth figure in line is an ordinary rifleman.
 The rest of the squad is made up of five more riflemen.
I really enjoyed painting these figures and I'm particularly pleased with the camo pattern. This concludes the human elements of my SOTR German infantry company. In my next two posts I'll be showcasing my German Zombies. There are so many of them I had to split them into two posts.


  1. Well done on finishing all that camo pattern Bryan, far more patience than me, the most I ever did was a 10 man squad of cloaks !

    1. Many thanks to you, Dave. I am by nature, a very patient man so painting this amount of camo did not feel like a chore. I'm painting even more camo on my "Bolt Action" Panzer Grenadiers right now.

  2. Blimey Bryan, that is a stunning amount of camo pattern, especially if you revisit your article and quickly scroll down to read the comments LOL!!! Terrific work, and you're definitely encouraging me to dig some of mine out again and give "Konflikt '47" another crack. Great posting!!!

    1. Greatly appreciated, Simon. I did paint these a good few years ago and have only got round to posting them now because of my current interest in "Bolt Action" and "Konflict 47". I'm really looking forward to playing both games.

  3. Another nice bunch but I'm really excited about the zombies.

    1. I can fully understand that, Phil, and you'll be pleased to know I do have a lot of them.

  4. Really good, cohesive look to your German stuff!

  5. Great painting. The SoTR range has a special look that I fits a weird world war 2 setting.

    1. Thank you kindly, Cedric. I certainly agree with you.

  6. Lovin all the WW2 minis. Nicely done!

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