
Friday 11 October 2019

Bolt Action Panzer Grenadiers Infantry 02

My first German Panzer Grenadier squad that I showed last month were all metal figures. This second squad that I'm showing here were made from the plastic sprues by Warlord Games.
This ten-man squad is led by an NCO at the far left, holding a pair of binoculars and a map in his hands. His STG44 Assault Rifle is slung across his back. 
With him are five men armed with STG44 Assault Rifles. Four are shown in the two photos above and the remaining one, throwing a stick grenade, is in the two photos below at the far left.
To maximise the squad's firepower I have included two LMG teams. Veteran Panzer Grenadier squads are one of the very few squads that are allowed to take two LMG teams. With the Hitler's Buzzsaw army rule, the two LMGs have 10 fire dice and the six Assault Rifles gives the squad a further 12 fire dice for a total of 22 dice to hit using ranged attacks. That's a scary amount of firepower from just ten men!
Note that the dark green tubes carried on the backs of the two machine gunners and their loaders contain spare barrels for the MG42s, which were prone to overheating.
These figures went together very well and they come with a very good selection of weapons and equipment. I can highly recommend them. I am not a big fan of prone figures so I was pleased to see no prone figures in this set.


  1. Great looking unit Bryan, brilliant camo pattern usage, and really good looking builds

    1. Greatly appreciated, Dave. They were such a lot of fun to make and paint.

  2. Nice work Bryan on the grenadiers. Seems like a nice model kit with plenty of options. I am not a fan of prone figures either.

    1. Thank you very kindly, Simon. We think alike, Lol! :-)

  3. They look great Bryan, the Warlord kits are very good, there what I used for my Germans.

    1. That's good to hear, Frank. I thought I recognised them in your last batrep. :-)
