
Tuesday 8 October 2019

Bolt Action Resistance Fighters 01

I bought these six 28mm scale figures from a seller on eBay. They were described as Partisans/Resistance Fighters for Bolt Action, which they certainly are. Unfortunately, he neglected to say who produced them and my Google-fu has come up blank. Warlord Games does sell packs of Partisans to use in Bolt Action so I'll combine them for a larger force. The Warlord Games Partisans are predominantly male, whilst these figures are all female.
At the far left is my favourite figure from this set - the leader armed with a Luger pistol. The next two figures in line are armed with MP40 SMGs.
The lady who is fourth in line is armed with an MP40 SMG slung over her left shoulder and carries a German stick grenade in her right hand. The two women at the far right are armed with bolt action rifles. Note that I converted the woman in the olive green long-coat by adding a plastic rifle with sling from one of my German Panzer Grenadier sprues.
Rules and stats for using Partisans/Resistance Fighters can be found in the campaign supplement, Market Garden, where they are classed as Green. They count as inexperienced at the start of a battle but do have a chance of upgrading to regular status during the game when they first take a casualty. On a d6 roll of 5-6 they upgrade to regular status, increasing their morale value from 8 to 9.
Being an all-female force, I really like this set. Female resistance fighters were a reality of WW2 but very little is heard about them.


  1. Great looking Partisans Bryan, could they be from Bad Squido, or Great Escape Games as they both have WW2 ranges, other than that I'm drawing a blank on the manufacturer

    1. Thanks for the comment, Dave. They don't come from either Bad Squido or Great Escape Games. I checked Artisan Miniatures, Dixon Miniatures and Eureka Miniatures but just drew a blank.

  2. Not sure who made these Bryan. Cool painting though.

  3. Great buy Bryan. I think you'll find they're by "Elite Wargames & Models" as a couple of them are from their German secret police range and the rest resistance fighters - I don't own any myself but I remember thinking what a nice niche the company have covered with those particular sculpts when I first saw them. Hopefully you'll be pleased to know they have a few more other WW2 sculpts to potentially add to your collection :-)

    1. Thank you most kindly, Simon. You are absolutely right about their manufacturer - they are by Elite Miniatures. I had never heard of them so I am indebted to you for your knowledge. Yay, mystery solved! :-)

  4. A nice bunch Bryan. That figure on the left would make a nice `Not Peggy Carter' from the Marvel films.

    1. Cheers, Phil. I thought the same thing myself and almost painted her with dark brown hair like Peggy's but in the end I went with a redhead look.

  5. There are some interesting figures in the range, I had a look as I'd never heard of them either, looking through I thought I recognise that figure and sure enough I have 2 of their figures in my western set up. I've a feeling I bought them from Col Bill but I may be wrong.
    These girls will give you a lot of scope for small scale actions slightly different to what we usually see from Bolt Action.

    1. Greatly appreciated, John. I dare say Col. Bill may well have stocked them at one point. I really like the sculpts and just had to buy them.
      Your last point is very well made.

  6. Nice find Bryan & glad to see the mystery was solved, as I always enjoy a good who done it :)

    1. Indeed, Frank. It is pleasing to have a mystery solved and who doesn't love a good whodunnit?

  7. Good looking partisans/resistance. I love resistance fighters, you can make a lot of variation. Having some female also brings in more variety and less testosterone. I hope to see them on the battlefield

    1. That's very kind of you, Cedric. I hope it won't be too long before I do a batrep featuring them.

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    Finally, the initial HERPES POSITIVE result was replaced with a new HERPES NEGATIVE test result, and my position was given back to me with an apology letter and a salary increase.
    Beware of impersonators,
    Dr. Utu can only be reached at:
