
Friday 18 October 2019

Core Space - Crew of the Poseidon

I'm taking a short break from showcasing my Bolt Action figures to concentrate on the last three crews for the Core Space sci-fi skirmish game by Battle Systems Ltd. In this post, I'm highlighting the crew of the Poseidon.
At the far left is Captain Oberon Teelac, a 36-year old human. He crashes through life drawing all eyes and derision. Delusional and gung-ho with a penchant for the glory days of Hollywood, he seems to think he is the hero of his own story, recklessly careering into situations and risking everyone's lives. However, his abrasive attitude hides a deeply insecure and fearful man.
Forced into a life he didn't choose he brazens it out in the best way he can. He has been scarred in part, by the destructive relationship with his twin sister, Satiene, a woman prepared to sacrifice her closest family for her own gain. Oberon prefers action to talk, spontaneity to plans. In many ways it is amazing that he is still alive. Disinherited from a once powerful family, Oberon blunders through life without a goal, looking for approval and rarely finding it.

The crew's only female is Helene Hoskins, a 30-year old human. Born to Trader parents, a childhood accident in Core Space has left Hoskins dimensionally unstable. Part of her physical, living brain is melded into the fabric of Core Space itself. Her condition puzzles neurologists who have concluded that her brain is a direct conduit to Core Space and that she functions because her missing brain is still alive, albeit elsewhere. Over time this conduit has made her increasingly unstable, leaving her delusional and aggressive with a hair trigger temper.
She is an excellent close combat fighter and has drifted from ship to ship, spending as much time in Core Space as possible, as only then does she feel completely whole and sane. The Trader life has been chosen for her, something she laments but is powerless to do anything about. She is close to her shipmate, Pi, who she considers an equal unfortunate.
Pi is a 20-year old Augmented human. He grew up on the streets, an orphan who doesn't know his own given name. He is a true cyberpunk, young and self-taught, a survivor, intelligent and resourceful, he has augmented himself using repurposed junk and outdated tech, often writing the source code himself.
Pi mistakenly believed that the Augmented were higher beings and his ascension to their ranks  would alleviate all his suffering. However, augmentation is stressful under the best of conditions and the rough self-surgery has taken its toll. His implants cause him constant pain, inflamed and interfering with his nervous system. His attempts to reverse the condition have failed and he desperately needs funds to afford corrective surgery. He is still an effective Augment when out in the field, his system flooded with synthetic neuropeptides, the price being a long and uncomfortable comedown. Pi has an uncertain future as his mind is slowly coming apart, but he can still fight, for now...

Finally is Thoman Thomansson, a 26-year old human, who is an ex-soldier, disillusioned with the Galactic Corps and looking for a cause and a leader to follow. He grew up believing that the Corps represented all that was good and noble in humanity but first-hand experience of the brutality and corruption endemic at its core has made him reassess his life and his very being.
A skilled soldier, he is however, incapable of making decisions without doubting himself. He craves discipline and order and the freedom to trust his superiors. He has become rudderless and has drifted to the Poseidon, known to other Traders as a ship of fools. He struggles to relate to the other crew members and constantly looks for other ships to berth with or militia to join - but deep down believes he is where he deserves to be and chooses to do nothing.


  1. Great work on this crew Bryan, happy you've taken the break as I've been waiting to see these

    1. Many thanks, Dave. I knew you'd appreciate this. :-)

  2. Nice work on the latest crew to enter the space station.

  3. Another fine crew Bryan, but with all the painting your getting through its going to take years to get them all on the big screen :)

    1. Too true, Frank. I need more hours in a day!

  4. Useful in the new Judge Dredd game as well...... so spill the beans how heavily did Warlord Games get their Kickstarter hooks into you?

    1. You're not wrong there, Phil. As for the Warlord Games Judge Dredd starter set I went all in with the Mega City One deal. Yeah, I want everything they produce for Dredd!

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