
Tuesday 22 October 2019

Core Space - Crew of the Skylark

Here is the fifth crew of the Traders from the Core Space sci-fi skirmish game by Battle Systems Ltd. They comprise three humans and one robot.
At the far left is Jonathan Weaver, a 42-year old human who is in charge of the Skylark and he lets you know it. He has no time for insubordination or ineptness - on his ship you pull your weight or you're out. He is a hard and ruthless taskmaster but knows how to repay loyalty. He is also surprisingly good with animals. Weaver has his thumbs in many pies in enterprises that are dubious at best. Weaver will fence stolen goods and run arms; in fact, he'll do anything to make a profit. Whether he enjoys the life of a Trader is unknown as he rarely shares his feelings. What thoughts lie behind those hard eyes are his alone.
His closest companion is Marlowe, although they constantly argue, mostly about Weaver's conduct. At some point Weaver may step completely into the criminal world leaving behind the conflicts and grey areas of the Trader life.

Second from the left is Faye Millicent, a 19-year old human, the new recruit, the rookie who still finds everything exciting. Escaping a life of dullness on a backwoods planet, she moves from ship to ship, learning new skills and experiencing dangers and triumphs she'd never dreamed of. She detests travelling by Core Space but considers it a necessary evil for her life.
Faye is rough around the edges when it comes to social graces, but this tends not to be a problem in Trader circles. She also has an intuitive knack for technology with a Trader's eye for mastering the bodge - getting long expired parts to work in new and interesting ways. At this point in her career she's berthed with Weaver's crew and wondering whether she should. A Trader's life is full of hard choices and it's becoming harder to tell who's right and who's wrong. She has found a friend in Marlowe and to an extent, MAC.
Next up is Marlowe Chibueze, a 36-year old Augmented human who tries to do no harm. Although many Augmented let the power go to their heads, Marlowe knows it's all a game. He studies the universe, trying to see where he best fits in. For him this life is but a passing moment, one that he doesn't wish to sully or through inaction allow to be sullied by others.
Born to a wealthy family, Marlowe found himself  becoming more and more distant from his peers eventually losing himself in the fringe worlds. Here he is free to make his own decisions and decide his own future without the crushing weight of expectation that his family upholds. Marlowe often acts as the conscience of Captain Weaver curtailing his excesses. Their relationship is often strained and at some point will most likely snap. Marlowe sees a core of goodness in Weaver but is increasingly alarmed by his captain's actions.

MAC is approximately 150-years old, a human origin robot who is tentatively a member of the crew, on a rolling contract as a mercenary. Originally a semi-autonomous loader machine employed in docking bays MAC has, over its long existence, upgraded its hardware and software, achieving a form of sentience. Machine awareness is contentious depending on which part of the galaxy you're from but MAC has been granted provisional rights to earn and keep its own money.
MAC uses its money for further upgrades, slowly reaching for an ideal that eludes it. Despite being created y humans, MAC doesn't see them as a pinnacle of evolution but rather as an interesting and fundamentally ridiculous bunch - along with all other biological forms. MAC finds the Purge fascinating but repellent, and considers them their own evolutionary dead end. MAC wants something else from this journey but is unsure of what.


  1. Great work on this crew Bryan, can see lots of uses for this screw and the previous one, especially like the robot

    1. Much appreciated, Dave. I totally agree that these figures could be used in a variety of sci-fi games. This game is great for crossover figures.

  2. Some great potential game wise with these figures.

  3. A very different kind of crew this time Bryan, MAC is my favorite one.

    1. Cheers, Frank. I do love the diversity of these crews and yes, MAC is my favourite too.

  4. My name is Olisa Blessing, I am so happy. I never assume I will be this satisfied again in life. I have worked as an air hostess ( cabin crew ) for 3years but early this year, I lost my job because of this deadly disease called Herpes virus (HSV).
    I never felt sick or notice any symptoms. Not until the day all workers were asked to bring their current doctor's report card, that was how I got tested and I found out that I'm HSV positive and that made me lose my job because it was considered as an STD and is an incurable disease.
    I was so depressed to the extent that I started thinking of suicide. I explained my situation to an older friend of mine, who often said to me 'a problem shared is a problem half solved.
    She felt so pity for me that she referred me to Dr. Utu Herbal Cure, that was how I contacted Dr. Utu and got the medication from him and was cured for real.
    I went back to my work a month later with a HERPES NEGATIVE test result. They were astonished and curious when they saw my HSV NEGATIVE result so they carried out another test on me in the company lab to be very sure and they found out I am indeed a HERPES VIRUS FREED PERSON.
    Finally, the initial HERPES POSITIVE result was replaced with a new HERPES NEGATIVE test result, and my position was given back to me with an apology letter and a salary increase.
    Beware of impersonators,
    Dr. Utu can only be reached at:
