
Wednesday 27 November 2019

Bolt Action - Geman Sniper Teams

During the battle of  Stalingrad, Russian snipers took such a heavy toll upon the beleaguered  Wehrmacht that the Germans began to train and equip their own marksmen to undertake a specialist role as snipers. A variety of rifles were used for sniping including the standard KAR-98K and the semi-automatic Gewehr 43, all fitted with the high quality ZF39 telescopic sight, and equipped with precision-manufactured ammunition.
These four 28mm scale figures are produced by Artizan Designs and are classed as German Late War Snipers. I was a bit surprised that Warlord Games do not make any Panzer Grenadier sniper teams. They do make a Waffen SS sniper team, which could be used but I'll be using those in my SS army. These Artizan Designs figures are perfect for a couple of Panzer Grenadier sniper teams.
In Bolt Action sniper teams usually consist of a sniper and a spotter and these figures represent two snipers and two spotters. I do like them a lot and snipers can be very deadly if used well. These will certainly see action in my Western Europe games of 1944-45.


  1. Great work on the snipers Bryan, reminds me of the film Enemy at the Gates, which has the classic scene where one sniper shoots the other sniper through the scope

    1. Many thanks, Dave, and kudos to you for remembering that classic scene from "Enemy at the Gates," a film I really liked. That was some shot!

  2. Very nice indeed, Bryan. I didn't realise that omission within the "Warlord Games" catalogue, so kudos to you for tracking down the right minis elsewhere. Which do you prefer painting? I've always liked the "Artizan Designs" sculpts a bit more as their smooth sculpts are a bit friendlier to my painting style.

    1. Thank you kindly, Simon. To be honest, I do agree with you about the Artizan Designs sculpts being better to paint, but even so, I do enjoy painting my Warlord Games figures as well.

  3. If you examine the plastic sprues provided by Warlord for just about all their plastic infantry you will find at least one rifle equipped with a sniper scope. I usually place that in the hands of someone in the command squad.

    1. That's true in a lot of cases, CC, but there are no sniper rifles on the plastic Panzer Grenadiers sprues. Perhaps they're on the German Pioneers sprues? I don't know as I haven't bought that set yet.

  4. I like the camo on the second team. Snipers add a good variety to armies

    1. Thank you, Cedric. I agree about snipers adding variety.

  5. Nice work Bryan the camo is really good. That crouching figure in the field cap is a nice sculpt.

    1. Thank you most kindly, Simon. He is a great sculpt.

  6. You're certainly cracking on with these Bryan, do you have a timetable for a game or has that already happendd?

    1. Thanks, John. I have played a few practice games to get a feel of the rules but have yet to post a proper batrep. I hope to post one soon.

  7. Your painting output is amazing Bryan & to a high standard to I may add.

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