
Saturday 30 November 2019

Vampifans Views 125 - Monthly Musings 95

It is time for another of my Monthly Musings and I start with another Jim Silke panting of Vampirella. It has been an interesting month for me. Of late I have been doing a lot of painting and modelling but hardly any gaming. That changed this past month. I have played many games of Judge Dredd: Helter Skelter (it's very addictive!), a few games of Wacky Races and even a game of Zombicide:Invader. It felt so satisfying to play so many games.

On the painting and modelling front I have been concentrating on my German Panzer Grenadier army for Bolt Action. I have just about finished painting 30 plastic Warlord Games Panzer Grenadier infantry, a Panzer IV Ausf. H, an Sdkfz 251/10 Hanomag half track with 37mm gun and two Sdkfz 251/1 Hanomag half tracks. All vehicles were produced by Warlord Games. Speaking of them, I made use of their Black Friday sale and bought a King Tiger tank, 3 Tiger 1 tanks and an American M10 Wolverine tank destroyer. The reason for buying so many tanks is that I bought the Tank War supplement for Bolt Action earlier this month. I do plan on buying more Sherman tanks later. I was most impressed with Tank War but my main focus for Bolt Action still remains infantry vs infantry with just a small smattering of vehicles. However, playing Tank War will be an interesting diversion from the norm.

The big news for me is that yesterday I received my Mega package of the Judge Dredd: I Am The Law skirmish game from those fine folk at Warlord Games. A full review of it including the rules and figures will appear on my WOIN blog. Initial impressions are highly favourable. The figures are absolutely first rate although they are rather large at 35mm tall on average. Some may see this as a bad thing and yet another example of scale creep. This does not bother me at all as it means they fit in well with some of my older Judge Dredd miniatures and scale creep has never bothered me that much. As I keep saying, people come in all shapes and sizes so why shouldn't our miniature figures reflect that?

Having played Warlord Games' Strontium Dog sci-fi skirmish game before I am very familiar with the new rules in the Judge Dredd game, which are based on them. By the way, my Judge Dredd WOIN campaign is ready to go and will be played alongside any Judge Dredd: I Am The Law games. I haven't decided yet if they should be connected by running them at the same point in time with the same characters or not. Most likely I will. It would seem to make sense.

There's not much more to report here so I'll sign off and remind you to check out my WOIN blog for all my Judge Dredd news. Cheers, folks!


  1. Great musings Bryan, sound's like you got some great bargains, and I look forward to seeing your thoughts on your other blog about the new JD models and game. Makes sense to me using any games played as part of your campaign as it will keep it moving along and give you variety of game play

    1. Thank you very kindly, Dave. With the WOIN rules being geared towards role playing they will work well for investigative-heavy missions and the new rules for small scale skirmish games with the accent on combat.

  2. Well done Bryan, you are an inspiration for us all.

  3. I too just got my big box of Dredd goodness. The scale of the miniatures did surprise. I was expecting them to be more in keeping with the Strontium Dog line.

    Like yourself, it does not bother me overly as I have a 'few' old models too; Nowhere near your fine collection I hasten to add!
    It is just a strange inconsistency.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Jason. I, too, thought that the figures would be the same size as the Strontium Dogs figures and not the same size as the Doctor Who figures by Warlord Games. As you say, a strange inconsistency.

  4. I'm pleased you found time for so many games in the month and am looking forward to reading of the action projected for the Judge Dread campaign.

    1. Getting so many games played was a big highlight for me, John. I'm even more excited to start my Judge Dredd campaign.

  5. I was wondering what happened :D ! I saw all the Bolt Action stuff and thought you had been abducted. I dug around a bit because I was sure I would find a reference to the new Judge Dredd game. Happy New Year. I've been at Bolt Action quite a bit myself but having heard Judge Dredd had a solo system I was curious and figured I might want some of that. I couldn''t think of a better brain to pick than yours on the subject so it's great to see you are in the process of unpacking. I look forward to checking in and seeing what you think of it and how things are coming along. I hope to dig into it myself withing the next month or so and am interested in your review of the game.

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