
Tuesday 12 November 2019

Bolt Action - Oddball's Sherman Tank

I have spent a lot of my time these past couple of months making and painting infantry figures to use in my Bolt Action games. The time felt right to start work on some vehicles. So, my first choice of vehicle to make and paint was Oddball's Sherman Tank from the excellent movie, Kelly's Heroes.
The tank is produced by Warlord Games as part of the official Bolt Action range and comes with a booklet giving its stats for use in the game. Stats are provided for a realistic version as well as the Hollywood version, which is so over the top.
The main body, turret and tracks are made of resin and all of the other parts are made of metal. As you can see, it comes with four figures - Sergeant Oddball sitting in the turret, Turk sitting on the turret, Private Moriarty the loader in the hull and the unnamed driver sitting next to him.
I have glued all the figures in place. Note the loudspeaker at the right side of the turret. At the end of each turn, Oddball's Sherman and any other Sherman within 12" loses D3 pin markers, such is the soothing power of Hank Williams.
There is a 90mm drainage pipe sitting next to the turret. If placed over the main gun barrel any enemy vehicle which can trace line of sight to the drainage tube must pass an order test to  activate, even if it does not have any pin markers. The Sherman's crew are immune to Tiger Fear because 90mm is greater than 88mm.
The Sherman is festooned with all sorts of gear, such as backpacks, jerry cans, crates and sacks. Who knows what loot they may contain?
The engine has been replaced by Moriarty's Detroit Motors engine, which allows the tank to move at wheeled speed instead of tracked speed. It also has the option of firing paint ammunition, which may be fired intentionally or by accident.
Oddball's Sherman is a great model, full of character and humour. As my only Sherman tank so far I'll be using it as a veteran Sherman tank using the standard rules. I'll use the Hollywood version rules in a special Kelly's Heroes scenario.


  1. Great painting Bryan, the model looks great with all the character of the movie

    1. Many thanks, Dave. It was a lot of fun to paint and made a refreshing change from painting so many infantry figures.

  2. Very cool. Love the movie too. the 90mm drainage pipe and it's special rules are awesome.

    1. Thank you kindly, Dean. The drainage pipe trick makes me laugh.

  3. What an absolute joy Bryan, one of my favourite films and great to see the tank here in all its glory.

    1. You are so very kind, Michael. Kelly's Heroes is one of my favourite films as well. :-)

  4. Quite possibly one of your best posts ever, Bryan. Love it!!!

  5. Excellent looking tank Bryan. You've done a top job of painting it and the walk round of the accessories and crew made me smile, such an iconic film and you've captured this part of it perfectly.

    1. Thank you for such a kind comment, John. As I said to Dave I thoroughly enjoyed making and painting this iconic tank.

  6. Nice work Bryan. Its certainly a more characterful looking tank to use in Bolt Action etc.

  7. I love it Bryan, it looks like its just rolled off the movie set, so as the man himself would say woof woof :)


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