
Friday 8 November 2019

Bolt Action - US G.I. Squad 01

When I was putting together my Easy Company figures I purchased a few sets of American G.I.s from Artizan Designs. With the figures I had left over (they come in packs of four figures) I had enough to make up a single squad of infantrymen to use in Bolt Action. Here they are -
The section is led by a corporal at the far left. He is  armed with a Carbine. These are all regular Late War infantrymen.
Three of the squad are armed with .45 Thompson SMGs. Whilst not strictly legal rules-wise I am including them anyway. At the far right is the squad's Browning Automatic Rifle user.
 The remaining five men are all armed with M1 Garand Rifles.
I like this range a lot because the figures are very well sculpted in a variety of realistic poses. They certainly complement the Warlord Games plastic American Infantrymen very well. I have a box of 30 of them to make and they're high on my to do list.I am now expanding my American army to include airborne troops and regular G.I.s.


  1. Another great looking unit Bryan, sounds like these models are very useful

    1. Cheers, Dave. I certainly have no regrets in buying them or in recommending them to other WW2 gamers.

  2. The paint job is very nice. I would not worry too much about the use of the Thompson SMGs. I would not care if the odd squad had a few extra automatic weapons particularly if you paid for them in the game. Soldiers had a way of acquiring preferred weapons during the course of a campaign including things like SMGs.

    1. Thank you kindly, CC. You are absolutely right, of course. Warlord Games even make US troops with captured German weapons, even though there are no official rules for them.

  3. Do you ever sleep? Another productive week.

    1. Ha, ha! Yes, I do sleep, Phil, but I pack in a lot of work during the day.

  4. I am very impressed with your work and your enthusiasm on these Bolt Action minis. Little details like those sergeant stripes really stand out and show how into this range you are. Can I ask what paints you are using? Also very keen to see your posts on the Judge Dredd release! A very enjoyable read.

    1. Greatly appreciated, Undercoat. I use the Foundry triad paints - shade, base colour and highlight. Obviously for my "Bolt Action" figures I'm mainly using their various WW2 paints.
      The new Judge Dredd game by Warlord Games will get a lot of coverage over on my WOIN blog.

  5. Nice work Bryan. The Artizan minis have a fab selection in there range.

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