
Wednesday 19 February 2014

EM4 Elfsera Undead Figures

I recently had to place an order with EM4 miniatures for some dice for my friend Mathyoo and for some counters for myself. It didn't amount to much so I thought I'd have a look at the figures they sell. Whilst checking out their pre-painted figures boxed sets I discovered amongst their Elfsera 28mm scale fantasy figures this set - set 5, the Undead. I don't know how I hadn't spotted them before. Most probably because I'm not that interested in fantasy figures. I already own some of their pre-painted figure sets and was very impressed with them. Given that I run a blog called "Vampifan's World of the Undead" I simply had to buy this set.
At the far left is a liche. As I said, these are all pre-painted figures and I have done very little work on them. They came with 25mm square slotta-bases but I have glued them to 25mm diameter slotta-bases, to which I have added sand and gravel. The only paintwork I have done on this figure was to add black lines around the bracelet on his right arm to help better define it. Liches are primarily found in fantasy settings so it's unlikely that I'll get much use out of this figure.
The mummy was just perfect so I haven't altered his paintwork at all. All I had to do was paint his base. He's my third favourite figure of this set and he may get used or he may not.
The vampire is almost certain to appear in one of my scenarios. I repainted his teeth and mouth as they didn't have much of a contrast. Other than that, he was fine. I should point out that these figures are made of pewter and not lead. As such, they feel a lot heavier than most metal figures.
Moving on, we come to my least favourite figure in the set - the wraith. I have nothing against the figure per se. He is very well sculpted and painted. It's just that I have even less use for him than the liche, who could always double up as an animated skeleton. Being by far the tallest figure in the set he is also the heaviest.
Finally we come to my favourite figure out of the set and the one whom I shall use the most. Yes, of course, he is the zombie. I repainted his eyes, which were originally red. All of my zombies have white eyes with no pupils showing. I also added some Tamiya Clear Red to his wounds to give them a wet look. When it comes to painting blood and gore on zombies (or most any figure) you simply can't beat TCR. His clothing is more fantasy based than contemporary but I don't think that'll matter if he's just part of a big horde. Who'd notice anyway? Don't answer that, Joe!
In addition to the five figures, the boxed set also included five d20 dice, with skull symbols replacing the number one. Elfsera set 5 - the Undead costs a mere £11.25, which in my opinion, is excellent value for money. They are well sculpted, well painted and you get five free exclusive dice. What's not to like?


  1. I love EM-4, painted figures, they have to be the best value-for-money on the market.
    I too have several Old Glory zombies that would'nt lookout of place in a medieval setting, but it doesn't really bother me.

    1. Thanks, Joe. I was just teasing you with that comment about you spotting an incorrectly dressed zombie in a contemporary setting. No offence meant!

  2. I have two sets of their pre-painted security guards. I bought the second because they had change their painting from security guard blue to contractor camo. I painted some Hasselfree female soldiers to match that camo. About the only thing I have done is add a brown wash.

    1. Yes, I have them as well. I also bought their gladiator sets and I'm currently contemplating buying their pre-painted Wild West figures.

  3. Huh, I didn't know that EM-4 sold figures like this. Guess I've never pid much attention to their pre-painted stuff...

    1. Hugh, they are well worth looking at. Sadly, their gladiators are no longer available but you can still get their fantasy figures, sci fi figures, 1920s investigators, samurai figures and Wild West figures all for around about the £12 mark. They are well worth having.

  4. Mathyoo has got me on the scrounge for dice as well. Cheeky blighter!

    1. He is a cheeky blighter, Clint, but as we say up north, "shy bairns get nowt."

  5. Lovely work Bryan but I do love the classic vampire!

    1. He is old school, Fran, and all the better for that too!

  6. Nice figures Bryan.
    Would any of these be of use in the "Highrise to Hell" setting? I don't think that set is for me though I'm too much of an old skool shuffling zombie fan.

    1. I have High Rise to Hell, Bob, and to be honest, I don't think any of them, apart from the zombie, would be suitable for it.

  7. Okay, okay. First, thanks for the dice again! Second, the Clint dice are different as they're special memorabilia dice and I just needed those D8. You can't hate me enough to ask of me to try and buy those here! I am a victim here! :D

    Here...and all I wanted to say was that EM4 is like Santa's sack. I ALWAYS find something new there. Heck, I had no idea they even sell dice until last month :D

    1. Ah, poor Mathyoo! We are a bunch of bullies, aren't we? Actually, I really didn't mind getting those dice for you. As I said to you before - that's what friends are for. We look out for each other.

      EM4 is indeed like Santa's grotto. It's full of nice surprises. I've been buying from them for years now, which makes it all the more surprising that i missed this Undead set.

  8. A Marvellous set perhaps the Scooby gang need to uncover who are really underneath those masks!

  9. Those are very nice. You've done a very good job on the Zombie. My favorite is the Wraith, though. Very dynamic pose.

    1. Hey, nice to hear from you again, LJ! I think if I could find a use for the wraith I'd like him a lot better.

  10. The mummy and the vampire are totally punching the air in unison...

    1. Well spotted, Bruno. You're so right.Perhaps I should have posed them so that they were doing fist bumps.

  11. Very good value especially with the dice too! Thakns Bryan

    1. I think they are damned good value for money, Adam. I'm glad you like them.

  12. That is pretty nice. Good find. And for prepaint they are not that bad.

  13. I really like them. Someone from your NOT Scooby Doo figures to deal with.

    1. I can see where you're coming from, Bob. They're not really undead, they're just humans wearing spooky costumes and masks.

  14. Vampifan,

    The second from the right looked like a dementor, luckily I keep chocolate handy at all times.

    The minis are quite good for prepaints, much better than the heroclix rubbish I normally see.

    I'd love to see a group pic of your whole undead collection.


    1. Many thanks, Baconfat. You want to see my whole undead collection? We're talking well over 1,000 figures there! Still, I might just do it. It'd be an interesting exercise.
