
Sunday 16 February 2014

Hasslefree Post Apocalypse Scooby Gang

Way back in September 2011 I reviewed Hasslefree Miniatures' 28mm scale Scooby Gang. See here -
I have always been a fan of the TV series, Scooby Doo, Where Are You? and was delighted to see Kevin White sculpt these iconic figures. Since then Kevin has upgraded the gang as fully armed survivors from a post apocalyptic world. Here is my review of them.
At the far left of my two photos is Scooby Doo, the Great Dane dog and eponymous hero of the TV series. Here, he has been sculpted with head protection and body armour. Somehow, I don't think he's going to run away from a fight any more.
Scooby's owner and best friend is Norville "Shaggy" Rogers, who, like Scooby is renowned for his cowardice and gluttony. Here, he appears to have stepped up to the mark and "manned up." He holds a fireman's axe in his right hand and he has a Big Ass Pistol in a holster on his right hip.
I have a problem with the figure of Velma Dinkley. The sculpt is absolutely gorgeous and that's what concerns me - she is just too beautiful! Velma was always portrayed as the "Plain Jane" of the group with Daphne as the main eye candy. Here, Kev has sculpted Velma as a sexy-looking babe holding a chainsaw. If you check out my original review of the Scooby Gang, you'll see that I included an illustration of Velma and Scooby in a post apoc setting. In that picture, Velma is armed with a pump-action Shotgun and has a Machete in a sheath on her hip. She still looks like the "Plain Jane" of the TV series but that was the version I wanted Kev to sculpt. Maybe, just maybe, the apocalypse has forced Velma to rethink her appearance, so she has become leaner, meaner and a lot fitter. Hot damn, she is one sexy chick!
Fred Jones holds a 9mm Pistol in a two-handed grip and has a katana strapped to his back. I always regarded Fred as a bit of a dick and he was my least favourite figure of the group. This figure isn't a bad sculpt but it doesn't grab me as much as the others.
For some reason, Kevin sculpted two versions of post apoc Daphne Blake. The one I like the most has her holding a baseball bat. She also has a Pistol in a holster as a back-up weapon. Given that Daphne is a martial artist, she ought to be able to inflict some serious damage with her baseball bat. Fred and Daphne appear to have changed the least in this post apocalypse world.
The second version of Daphne sees her armed with a huge Gatling Cannon or a Minigun. How on earth she can even carry it never mind fire it is beyond me. Has this version of Daphne acquired super-strength? Whatever the reason, I think this figure is just far too over the top. I bought her for the sake of completeness but I doubt if I'll use this figure very often, if at all.
If you want to include the Scooby Gang in a zombie apocalypse type of game then these are "must have" figures. I suppose you  could paint them up differently and use them as a  normal survivor group, but knowing who they are meant to be, who's going to do that? Not me, that's for certain.
You can find all six figures in the Hasslefree Modern Adventurers range. Their individual codes are HFA082(b) Felicity (that's Daphne with the baseball bat), HFA086(c) Felicity (that's Daphne with the Minigun), HFA087(b) Barney (that's Fred), HFA088(b) Wolsey (that's Shaggy), HFA089(b) Louise (that's Velma) and HFA098 Post Apoc Hamlet (aka Scooby Doo). The humans cost £4.50 each, whilst Scooby sells for £4.00. Hasslefree do offer a good deal - HFA093 Post Apoc Gang, which contains five figures for just £20.00. The figure of Felicity/Daphne with the Minigun is not included in this set, but is that really a bad thing? I think not.


  1. Great job as always, Bryan!

    I have to admit I never really liked the series too much when I was a kid, but I did watch it. I can totally relate to Fred being a dick, lol. And Daphne a...err..a combination of a hook and ER. Velma was the nerd that they shouldn't make the fun of and Shaggy was a slacker :D.

    Those, however, are really great sculpts. While I'd generally prefer the classic ones, those are really well done, especially Shaggy. As for a minigun...well, that's a chick with a big gun, it sells :D

    1. Great comments, Mathyoo, and I agree with you all the way.

  2. Nice review and you've painted them great. I want these figs but I'm not sure how I'd paint them yet. They'd be nice to have as the gang but I think they'd only get used in one off games rather than as part of a campaign for me. I must admit the Daphne and Shaggy poses are the nicest of the bunch. I think with Velma I'd remove the chainsaw and replace it with something more clever especially considering she has night vision goggles on her head the two items don't go imo.

    1. Thanks, Simon. You do make a good point about Velma and her night vision goggles. her chainsaw doesn't really go with them. I still prefer the Velma from the illustration in my original review.
      Also, if you don't think you'll get much use out of this set, then you're probably wise to spend your pennies on something else.

    2. I'd use them just not as the Scooby gang I think

    3. In that case, you could keep the alternate names that Hasslefree have used for them.

  3. Very nice job yet again Bryan, loved these guys when I was a kid. Yes Fred was always a dickhead, the girls rocked and Shaggy was a stoner. Rose tinted glasses eh! I really like what you've done with these figures, now I want them more than before. Must get back to my vixens and Scooby snacks.
    All the best Bob.

    1. Scooby snacks are vitally important, Bob. Oh, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the rest of your zombie Vixens. I must get round to making some of my own and slapping some paint on them.

  4. I also prefer the baseball bat version. As always nice paint job. Now let's see them on the table kicking some bottom!

    1. Daphne with a baseball bat is just so cool. Daphne with a fricking huge Minigun is just silly. I'd love to run an ATZ scenario with the Scooby Gang.

  5. I am a huge Scooby Doo fan! Have been since I was a kid. I need to buy these figures. As to the Velma sculpt: I always saw her as the "sexy librarian" type who doesn't know she's hot. Take away the glasses and frumpy clothes and a goddess is revealed. Maybe Kev is interpreting her this way as well.

    1. I like your assessment of Velma as the sexy librarian who doesn't realise how hot she is. My opinion of Velma as a sex goddess changed when I watched the life-action Scooby movies and saw Linda Cardelini as Velma. She stole the show for me!

  6. Very cool figs, I loved the first cartoons, but I tuned out when they brought in Scrappy Doo, lol, he reminds me of Homers Ichy and Scratchy Dog Poochy in the Simpsons

    1. Thanks, Shinto. Scrappy Doo was the most annoying little shit in the history of cartoons! I don't know anyone who likes him.

  7. I do like the idea of this group (didn't much like the TV series though) but I can't really say I like all of this group. The minigun seems out of place and I'd go with the bat too, but Velma's chainsaw is also a ludicrous weapon imo (anyone who has actually weilded one of these beasts would probably agree) I'd have much rather seen her with a shotgun too.
    Scooby just look silly. (my least fav. character on TV too)
    Great paintjob as always, very true to their TV counterparts .

    1. Thanks, Joe. Your sentiments echo my own, apart from liking the show.

  8. Great work!

    Because of your original review I ended up getting both sets of the characters as well as two Mystery Machines. One will be done up as normal, the second will become a Mad Max style van... we'll see where it goes!

    1. Nice one, Jon! I should get myself a second Mystery Machine and upgrade it for a zombie apocalypse.

  9. They look fantastic! I grew up with these pesky kids, and have fond memories of them. Two Daphne's are better than one I say. And Shaggy never looks so intimidating! Best, Dean

    1. Thanks, Dean. I still remember watching them when the series originally aired on TV. Now that's showing my age!

  10. The minigun is just wrong... The other models are ace! Really loved the old show, the movies...No...Just no!

    Again a great paintjob from you and a good review. Thanks mate!

    1. There isn't a lot of love for Daphne with her Minigun, is there? I agree with you, Johnny - it's just wrong.

  11. I have the "traditional", non-survivor versions of these figures and they are fantastic. I confess that I don't quite see these figures as Mystery Inc., although they're very well done.

    1. Of the two versions, I prefer the original figures as well, Hugh. But having said that, I can still find a use for this set (well apart from Daphne and her Minigun!)

  12. Great Job as always Bryan. The evil corporation that unleashed the virus would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddlesome kids!

  13. I haven't seen that yet, AWESOME!

    Sometimes I feel myself very Post-Apoc, and so I wonder about 28mm PA games... It's a very rich setting that can encompass several tropes from other genera, IMHO! :O)

    1. Totally true, Edu! I'm surprised that I haven't used these in a game... yet. ;-)
