
Wednesday 14 May 2014

Vampifan's Crips Gangstas 01

After my last batrep it seemed only appropriate that I review my collection of Crips Gangstas. The Kill Krazy Kommandos, who fought them, were reviewed in February of this year. I'll be splitting this review over two posts. All of the figures in this gang were either sculpted by me or converted by me, with the vast majority being my own original sculpts. Only two are conversions and I'll point them out below.
Starting at the far left of the photo above is Joseph Dosenmu, who has dyed his hair and his eyebrows blond (!). He is armed with a 12 Gauge Olin Close Assault Weapon System (CAWS) - a Shotgun that can fire on full automatic. He is still a teenager and is not the sharpest tool in the box.
Next up is Adam Obunge, the current leader of the Crips Gangstas. This figure is a copy of a Games Workshop 20mm scale Dark Future figure, a short lived game that tried and failed to cash in on the popularity of Car Wars. He is armed with a futuristic looking Automatic Shotgun that comes with a drum magazine behind the pistol grip. Perhaps, it is an updated version of Joseph's CAWS. As back up weapons he carries a .50 calibre Desert Eagle Big Ass Pistol and a Machete. Until his gang's massacre at the hands of the Kill Krazy Kommandos, Adam was a successful and respected leader. Now his future as gang leader is in jeopardy.
Standing to the left of Adam is Michelle Warboyes, a woman with an impressive list of kills to her name. She is one tough bitch and a hell of a fighter, skilled in martial arts and in target shooting. She is armed with a 5.56mm Steyr AUG Assault Rifle. When I sculpted her way back in the early 1990's no one was making figures armed with this rifle. I think I made a damned good job of sculpting the rifle. Nowadays, I have quite a few spare Steyr AUGs, mainly collected from Wargames Foundry.
Last in line is Quadri Ogunkoya, a combat veteran with front-line experience. This is a converted figure that originally started life as a Games Workshop plastic Imperial Guardsman for their Warhammer 40.000 game. This set is now long out of production and was one of GW's first boxed sets of plastic figures. I remodeled his leather jacket and I armed him with a 5.56mm Colt M16A2 Assault Rifle from my spare parts box. He also has a knife in a sheath at the back of his belt.
Delbert Gayle is the tough guy armed with a 7.62mm Saco M60 Light Machine-Gun. Delbert is a brute and just like Quadri, he has seen front-line action with the U.S. Army. Now he is one the Crips' chief enforcers.
Next in line is Jevon Yenga, who was very lucky to escape the massacre by the Kill Krazy Kommandos. He is armed with a 12 Gauge Pump-Action Shotgun and a large Knife. This is the second of my two converted figures and just like Quadri, he came from the same boxed set of Games Workshop Warhammer 40,000 plastic Imperial Guardsmen. I think his head, right arm and shotgun came from a set of plastic Games Workshop Goliath Gangers for their Necromunda game. His left arm was made out of Milliput modelling putty.
Third in line is Josh Winkler, a teenage hoodlum who has armed himself with a .45 Thompson Sub-Machine Gun with front grip and 50-round drum ammo clip. This is, of course, the infamous "Chicago Piano" from the "Roaring Twenties" gangster era. What on earth he is doing with such an antique is anyone's guess!
Last and most definitely least is Everton Samuels, a total waste of skin and space. He is drug addicted teenager with no hope and no future whatsoever. He is one of life's losers and always will be. He is armed with a .45 Ingram MAC10 Machine Pistol with a fitted Sound Suppressor. I once created him as a GURPS NPC and he came out as a 0-point character. He really is that bad!


  1. I like all the names. Yeah Gurps 0 point characters. I once ran an adventure were everyone played 0 point characters...... The first thing everyone did was get disadvantages. Hee hee.

    Nice lot of figures both sculpts and conversions. Good to see them in close up Bryan.

    1. Yes, you can play negative point value characters in GURPS. I've done it myself.

      I thought the gang deserved to be shown in closer detail than my batrep photos.

  2. Nice sculpts and conversions Bryan.
    I owned several boxes of those Imperial Guard back in the day. You've made them into quite the band of badass gangsta's. I must comment on their colours, no self respecting Crip would wear red that's a Blood colour. Apart from that, great job dude.

    1. Oh shit! You're right about the red. Adam needs a new headband and Michelle a new T-shirt. I'll get on it straight away. I actually have a Bloods gang and they are all wearing at least one item of red clothing. Well spotted, Bob!

  3. Great looking figures Bryan, you really should take up sculpting again.

    1. Thanks, Joe. Sculpting is something I'd love to do again, providing I could find something I really wanted to sculpt and, just as importantly, finding the motivation to do it. Nowadays, we gamers are spoilt with the amount of choice we have when it comes to finding that obscure figure we need. Things were a lot different when I began sculpting.

    2. The subjects I'd like to see covered are now few and far between considering the choices now available, but a decent set of 28mm firefighters seem to be as rare as chicken teeth.

    3. That's very true, Joe. A good point!

  4. Lovely stuff, mate. I love Delbert Gayle's M60 (I'm a sucker for a 60, me).

    1. I had a feeling you were going to say that, Simon. LOL!

  5. Well, they're a darn sight better than anything I've ever sculpted! Very heavily armed for cheap hoodlums, I think?

    1. Thanks, Hugh. Street gangs in Mayhem City need to be heavily armed if they want to survive!

  6. They are great Bryan, and I agree with Joe, you should continue sculpting them. Firefighters are a great idea and I should start working on one right away, lol. They're like modern vikings, except they also fight fire :D.
    You could also always make some more medical personnel, those come in handy, too.

    1. These are good ideas, Mathyoo. There are very few 28mm scale contemporary firemen figures about. The ones originally made by Mega Minis are rather naff. It's certainly food for thought.

  7. Really love all the self sculpted you've posted. These are no exception. ;)

    1. Many thanks, Carl, and you'll be pleased to know there is even more of my work on the way next time.

  8. Definitely wouldn't have spotted the Imperial Guardsmen if you'd not said Bryan!

    1. Well, they are very old figures, Adam. I'm sure a lot of folk won't even know about this former set.
