
Sunday 18 May 2014

Vampifan's Crips Gangstas 02

I continue my review of my collection of 28mmm scale Crips Gangsta figures, only this time concentrating on those armed with one-handed weapons. Every one of these figures was sculpted by me many years ago, some as far back as the 1980's.
The big brute at far left is Olawale "Big Ollie" Awesu. He has dyed his hair orange and he wears a puffa-jacket, both of which in my opinion, are a crime against fashion. He is armed with a pair of .50 Calibre IMI Desert Eagle Big Ass Pistols, which he is foolishly holding "gangsta" style.
"Big Ollie's" best friend stands next to him - Paul "MC Hellraiser" Mafolabami. He is a party animal and a serial womaniser, who keeps  his brains in his boxer shorts. He is also armed with a pair of .50 Calibre IMI Desert Eagle Big Ass Pistols, but at least he is holding them correctly. Before Bob berates me once again for him wearing red, the colour of rival gang, the Bloods, "MC Hellraiser" is a big fan of the Washington Redskins and he wears their team shirt with pride. Plus, it really doesn't matter what he wears now, as he was recently murdered by the Kill Krazy Kommandos.
In the centre of the group is, until recently, the second-in-command of the Mayhem City Crips Gangstas, Frederic Blackmore. As you will have seen in my last batrep,  Frederic died in a hail of gunfire from the Kill Krazy Kommandos. Not even his Star Power advantage could save him. He is armed with a 9mm Beretta M92 Pistol. He will be missed by his colleagues.
Fourth in line is Jolomi Humes armed with a pair of 9mm Beretta M95 Pistols. He is little more than an average mook with no outstanding talents or skills.
Finally, is Maurice "Mo" Clay, an amateur boxer when he is not hanging out with his "homeys." Although still a teenager (he is only 18), he is a terrific fighter and if the zombie apocalypse hadn't come along, he could have made a lucrative career out of boxing. I sculpted him attacking with a knife but he does keep a small 9mm Heckler and Koch P7 M8 Pistol as a back up weapon tucked into the back of his trousers.
This completes my collection of Crips Gangstas. Thanks for looking.


  1. Typical. Fredric Black more is my favourite and now dead. Like every phone in TV show my favourite goes out in the first round!. They all look good though and it will be excellent to see them in more adventures.

    1. I must admit that Frederic had the most appalling bad luck in my last batrep. He was Rep:5 and had the Star Power advantage. All he needed to do was roll 5d6 and have just one of the dice score a 1, 2 or 3. This would have allowed him to reduce his Obviously Dead result to something less fatal. But all five dice came up scoring 4 or more. That was REALLY bad luck! Sorry. Clint.

  2. They are very nicely sculpted Bryan and they look great. No wonder I couldn't place where the figures had come from in the previous game reports you made them yourself!

    1. Thanks, Simon. Yes, all of the Crips and Kill Krazy Kommandos in my last batrep were original one-of-a-kind figures.

  3. They are great. I like how they all have such a complicated biography to them while I can't even make up names for my characters in games :D

    1. Thanks, Mathyoo. One of the things I love to do is imagining a character's background and what makes them tick. Some characters are easy to create, others (like Jolomi above) I just can't get a handle on. A lot of my Crips Gangstas were originally created for GURPS and thus have fully developed Character Record Sheets. So. it was a simple matter to convert them to ATZ-FFO. Coming up with names has never been a problem for me.

  4. Lovely sculpts Bryan.
    Paint is great as usual, like the backstories too.
    "MC Hellraiser" needs to become a Cowboys fan.LOL.

    1. Thanks, Bob. As I told Mathyoo, I love creating back-stories. It helps bring my miniatures to life.
      "MC Hellraiser" should be a fan of the Mayhem City Marauders! I guess he wasn't born in Mayhem City... but he certainly died there.

  5. very nice sculpts Bryan, you should do some new stuff

    1. Thanks, Shinto. You're right - I should do more sculpting.

  6. Frederick was always doomed to die (of embarrassment if not gunfire) for wearing a pink shirt !
    All great figures though that have stood the test of time.

    1. You're about Frederic, Joe! LOL! "Big Olliie" and "MC Hellraiser" were made in the mid to late 1990's, whilst the rest were made some time in the 1980''s. They have stood the test of time fairly well.

  7. Hmm, if the character dies in the last ATZ battle then does that mean that you cannot use the model again? Or maybe it goes back into storage for another decade or so :-) ?

    1. Not at all, Hugh! Those who die in my ATZ-FFO campaign won't be seen again in that campaign, but that does not mean they can't be used in other games. I would dearly love to run a GURPS Zombie apocalypse campaign so they might crop up again if I switch rulebooks. Who knows?

  8. Nice clean painting as always. I think I'll pick up ATZ. There was a review of which edition or supplement wa suitable over on the forum, I'll go and have a look now.

    1. Thanks, Phil. The most recent ATZ rulebook is Final Fade Out.

  9. Those sculpts really stand the test of time. As others have said you should make more of them.

    1. I appreciate the comment and the suggestion, Robert.

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks, Ray. That's you and Clint liking Frederic best of all.

  11. Great looking gang and the sculps are cool :)

  12. These guys are really cool...same as above, start sculpting again Byran (you know you want to, right??) and try 1/35 scale, (as a one off) you will really see thats it´s much nicer making models at the size.

    1. Thanks, Toni, Many years ago, when I was a member of my local wargaming club I used to play Wild West skirmish games using 54mm (1/32 scale) figures. Many of these were one-off sculpts that I made, so I do have experience in sculpting large scale figures. When sculpting at this size you can add a lot more detail.

  13. You gotta love "Big Ollie", bloody lovely work Bryan.

    1. Despite his lack of fashion sense, I too, like "Big Ollie."

  14. Love the colours you've used Bryan. Big Ollie certainly stands out on the gaming table. Definitely my favourite.

    1. Thanks, Adam. So that's another vote for "Big Ollie." He certainly does stand out.

  15. Nice work again, Bryan. Any more gangs on the horizon?

    1. Thanks, Simon. Yes, I still have lots more gangs and criminals to review, including the Crips' big rivals, the Bloods. Plus Japanese Yakuza, Chinese Triads, English Chavs and others. There is still a lot more to show.
