
Wednesday 28 May 2014

Vampifan's Views 50 - Monthly Musings 30

Winged Vampirella by Joseph Michael Linsner
This has been a very busy month for me. First of all, I'd like to mention that my blog was nominated twice for a Leibster award. Thanks to Inso and Bandit86 for the nominations but I'm afraid I have no desire to take part in something that is just a glorified chain letter with no real meaning. However, I am planning on running a Q and A session similar to a one run by Johnny/Lord Siwoc on his blog not so long ago. See here. I'll give you a lot more details in my next Monthly Musings post.

Let's move onto books now, something I haven't mentioned for a while. I finished re-reading Mira Grant's Feed trilogy and it simply reaffirmed my opinion that this is one of the best zombie series ever written. I also re-read one of my favourite vampire novels - Vampyres by Tim Greaves. It is only a short novel, running to 128 pages and is the novelisation of the cult 1974 film - Vampyres - Daughters of Dracula. This was a low-budget film about a pair of bisexual vampires, Fran and Miriam, (played by Marianne Morris and Anulka Dzubinska) who lure passing motorists to their creepy mansion where sex and death awaits them. It was quite gory and featured a lot of nudity but nothing too revealing. The novel goes much further than what is shown on screen and is far more graphic in its gore and far more explicit in its eroticism. I was going to do a full review of the film and the novel but instead I'll just give them a passing mention here. Reading the novel made me dig out the DVD but watching it again just reminded me of all the scenes that were added to the novel. I would have loved to have seen them included in the film. As is usually the case, the book is far better than the film, although the film isn't too bad. I am currently reading Juggernaut by Adam Baker, thanks to such a good review by ZombieBob. See here. Cheers, Dude!

Now that my mum is well on the mend, I have a lot more time on my hands for hobby pursuits and I have been catching up on my painting. I finished painting 12 Gripping Beast 28mm scale civilians and I'll be reviewing them soon. I am well on the way to finishing my 8 Atomico Press Kickstarter figures (7 zombies and a US soldier). Once they get done I plan on catching up on my mountain of Zombicide figures that need painting. There are simply far too many and I don't want to ignore them any longer.

"That's another fine mess you've gotten me into!"
Speaking of Zombicide figures I thought you'd like to see some work in progress shots of two figures I have just converted. One is a Walker from the Prison Outbreak expansion set and the other is a Fatty from the original Zombicide boxed set. These are zombie versions of the classic comedy duo, Laurel and Hardy. Stan Laurel required very little work to get right but Oliver Hardy was a major conversion with a lot of plastic cut away and Milliput added. I rarely post WIP shots but I wanted you to see just how much work went into creating them, especially the Oliver Hardy figure. I just finished painting them this morning, so expect to see a review of them on Sunday.


  1. I am glad your mum's on the mend. Laurel and Hardy as zombies! Now that is a novel idea. I shall look forward to seeing them completed. Nice one mate.

    1. Yes, mum got the all clear from the doctor just over a week ago, so home life is back to normal.

      I am a huge fan of Laurel and Hardy and so I was inspired to create zombie versions of them. Fortunately, you won't have long to wait to see the painted versions.

  2. Looking good so far. All the best to your Mum.

  3. Im glad your Mother is better. The conversions are great, im a huge fan of their movies, I have a mountain of DVDs, can't wait to see the finished pics. How are you getting along with Brummies Burgers?

    1. Shinto, you can't fail to love Laurel and Hardy. They were just geniuses at slapstick comedy.
      Sadly, because of having to spend so much time looking after my mum, my card modelling had to take a back seat. Fortunately, I'm now raring to get back in the saddle, so to speak.

  4. I can just say again that the conversions look fantastic - looking forward to seeing them painted!

    1. Cheers, Mathyoo. Look out for Sunday's post for the finished article.

  5. Well if we can have famous politicians and other historical figures (e.g. then why not Laurel and Hardy :-) ! Mind you, I'm not sure that Stan's hat is quite right yet.

    I'm also pleased to hear that your mum is getting better. Best wishes to her and you.

    1. Hugh, well spotted on Stan's hat. There is a very good reason for the way it is and I'll explain all on Sunday.

  6. Wow Bryan, the Laurel and Hardy duo is fantastic. An inspired choice and a nifty bit of re-modelling sir!

    1. Thanks, Adam. I had a load of fun both in converting them and in painting them. I am very proud of the pair of them.

  7. Thanks. Andrew, Sunday will soon be here.

  8. Hope you are enjoying Juggernaut Bryan.
    Thanks for the review pimp, see Big Daddy V.
    I know I say this every time but superb sculpting skills Dude.
    Can't wait to see them painted.

    1. Thanks, Bob, and yes, I am thoroughly enjoying Juggernaut so far. I'm about a third of the way through it.

      The painted versions of Stan and Ollie will certainly appear on my next post.

      My mum thanks everyone for their kind wishes and support.

  9. Great news all-round and you're now back in full production so-to-speak.
    The conversions work great and you must now be thinking of even more (even perhaps some new home-brew sculpts ?). I think I'd have been tempted to do another two too as their non-zombified selves.

    1. Thanks, Joe. it has been suggested to me that I make/convert zombie versions of myself and certain other bloggers! Be afraid, my friend, be very afraid!

  10. Glad your Mum is feeling better. I like to re read books as well sometimes I find I miss things the first time round. Great looking conversions look forward to seeing the painted versions.

    1. I often re-read books that I particularly like, Simon. You're right - you can find bits you missed first time round or simply forgot about. I knew that the novel "Vampyres" was very erotic but I'd forgotten just how gory it was.

  11. Looking forward to Laurel and Hardy, excellent idea!

    1. Fran, when I told one of my followers I was converting a fat zombie and a thin zombie, he assumed I was making zombified versions of you and Ray! Don't laugh but it might yet happen!

  12. My best wishes to your mum.

    Laurel and Hardy? That is just brilliant! My skills are nowhere near this!

    Thank you for the shout out. Looking forward to your Q&A Bryan

    1. Thanks, Johnny. Just what until you see the finished versions of Laurel and Hardy. I'm so proud of them.
      And a big thank you to you for coming up with the Q & A idea. mine will be similar but with a prize draw incentive. I'm hoping for a good response.

    2. You are quite welcome. And I am sure you will get a lot of responses. How are you doing by the way?

    3. As we Brits are wont to say, "I mustn't grumble!" All things considered I'm doing very well. The hospital is keeping a close eye on my progress and that's very reassuring.

    4. Good to hear mate. If I could I would give you a hug.

  13. Hats off to you for doing such a good job sculpting. My efforts have been restricted to small gap filling. Milliput I have never got on with and have launched many a ball of putty in temper.
    i'm glad your mum is getting better, i've just finished a month looking after pater who fractured his leg falling off a bus.

    1. You have my sympathies, Phil, and I wish a speedy recovery to your dad.
