
Wednesday 21 May 2014

Assorted Pimps 01

Staying with my recent theme of reviewing some of my African/American figures here are a set of four assorted pimps. Two were sculpted by me, one is from Black Orc Games and one from Killer B Games.
First in line is Raphael "The Man" Robinson. Most citizens of Mayhem City think that he is a flashy, flamboyant businessman and nightclub owner (he owns six!). Few realise he is a notorious crimelord and leader of the Crips gangstas. He is a skilled martial artist in Savate and La Canne de Combat (cane fighting). He is also armed with a gold-plated .40 Glock 27 Pistol. He is one of the criminal elite and is involved in drugs, extortion, gambling and prostitution.
Next up is James Earl Barton, a pimp from Black Orc Games. He was such a tall figure that I stuck him on a plastic disc instead of a slottabase. "Jeb" as he is known as (after the initials of his name) is just a minor figure in the criminal fraternity. He is not armed and is not a fighter. This is why he employs street thugs to protect his interests. He cost just $1.00.
Third in line is Lionel Thompson and he was sculpted by me. He is based on a figure made by Graven Images from their 40mm scale range of Dystopia figures - set Pros001 Pimp and Hoes. Lionel is also unarmed but he is a vicious brawler and is very handy with his fists having trained as a boxer. He keeps fit and regularly works out at his gym. He is more successful than "Jeb" but nowhere near as powerful as Raphael.
Finally is Dwayne DuBois, a newcomer to the scene. He has clearly been influenced by Raphael and wishes to emulate his style and success. However, he has allied himself to the Bloods gangstas, which naturally makes him an enemy of Raphael. At the moment, Raphael ignores him because he is just a small fish in a big pond. But that could all change if Dwayne gets too big for his boots, or should that be Gucci shoes? Dwayne is armed with a cane but that is more for show than as a weapon. This figure comes from the Killer B Games range of 28mm scale Geezers, Shut It! set of 1970's cops, crooks and civilians. He is described as Pimp on their website and he costs £1.80.
This is an illustration I drew of Raphael "The Man" Robinson for a GURPS Character Record Sheet. Compared to the illustration I fear my sculpt is a bit too chunky. He should be a lot slimmer. I'm sure I could do a much better job if I re-sculpted him now.
As a GURPS NPC, Raphael was a major villain with a points cost of 600 and savings of $20 million.This put him in the superhero category, even though he has no super powers.
Next time I shall review a few of the prostitutes who work for these pimps.


  1. Wow, there are some clichés here, aren't there :-) ? That's a good thing in gaming, I think - it allows us to form opinions very quickly!

    1. Cliches abound, Hugh, and I have no problem with that.

  2. I'm really impressed with your sculpting skills - couldn't tell which were yours and which were purchases.

  3. Impressive sculping skills you got... cant tell what models you made and what models you buyed.
    Great looking models :)

    1. Thanks. I much appreciate your compliment, Hobbyworker.

  4. Nice work Bryan. If you have that many pimps I am guessing you have a lot of "working Girls" Mayhem city must be rife with social diseases.... but compared with Zombieism that's not a major concern.

    1. Clint, Mayhem City is rampant with crime. Prostitution is just a small part of what goes on. Yes, it is true that I do have a lot of "working girls" figures. You'll see some of them in my next two posts. Most of the whores insist on their clients wearing condoms, but not all. So, yes, social diseases are prevalent in Mayhem City. Sheesh, who'd want to live there?

  5. "Yo dude, dem lookin so fine." But then that's just normal going out gear up your way, isn't it? ;-)

    1. Cheeky sod! Actually, yes for Lionel but the others are bit too flash.

  6. They're all pimpastic Bryan ! I too tried to decide which you'd made and guessed correctly that you hadn't made the second chap, as he'd be about 8 foot tall ! Your sculps are very difficult to distinguish from commercial figures.

    1. Many thanks, Joe. That Black Orc Games figure is a bit of a giant. He's about 35mm tall, making him just about acceptable, even for me with my lax attitude to figure heights.

  7. They are great Bryan, but I have to admit I always get a strange feeling of deja vu when I am looking at all the miniatures you've made. My first thought is always that you've posted these already, but then I quickly remember where I saw them :P.
    As it has been said, they are all really well done and while you certainly got your style, they are very indistinguishable from the commercial miniatures.

    1. Mathyoo, as my only follower to have actually seen part (there is still a lot you haven't seen!!) of my figure collection, I'm not surprised at you having a sense of deja vu. I'm happy with how Lionel came out, but not so happy with my rendition of Raphael.

  8. They all look great and they've been painted brilliantly. I really can't tell which are yours and which are the bought figures.

    1. That's very kind of you to say, Simon. Many thanks.

  9. I couldn't tell either well done on the sculpting.

  10. Super sculpting skills Bryan. I couldn't tell which was made or bought either. Every pimp needs his cane and his pimp cup. Great paint as always. Bring on dem ho's.
    I must bring to your attention that you have been made an honorary Dude, for services to Bob's Zombie Apocalypse.

    1. Just what until you see the ho's Bob.
      Oh man, how cool to be made an honorary Dude. I shall strive to match his high standards. Thanks, Bob!!

  11. Pimping ain't easy, but you certainly make a man tempted to. Seriously though, another round of great looking sculpts Bryan.

    1. Carl, your comments made me smile because I know nothing about pimping other than what I've seen on film and TV. I reckon I'd make a lousy pimp!

    2. No. You made a great pimp! The proof is in the pics.

    3. Ha, ha, ha! You just crack me up, Carl!

  12. Very nice (as always) I really like Lionel... very moody and brutal, and beautifully sculpted.
    I might steal the idea for 1/35...(if you don´t mind?)

    1. Thanks, Toni, and by all means, copy away.
      By the way, I don't have your e-mail address. i'd like to discuss this further with you, so please get in touch with at either or leave me a personal message on the Board of the Living Lead forum.

  13. Dwayne DuBois is da Bomb Bryan! Well done.

    1. Thanks, Adam. It's good to know someone likes Dwayne. Up till now, Raphael and Lionel have been attracting all the attention.

  14. Cracking work Bryan, remind me of Huggy Bear from Starsky and Hutch!

    1. Yes, I can see where you're coming from, Fran.
