
Sunday 27 July 2014

Johnny Borg Castings Road Kill Set 01

I recently received an e-mail from an old friend of mine, sculptor John Lauck. Here is what he had to say. I hope you find it as interesting as I did.

Hey Bryan,

Just searching the net in an effort to promote my limited edition set of 80 
various road kill figures (mostly animals and some various humans and gag 
pieces).    Any promotion on your Vampifan blog would be greatly appreciated.  
Here is an official press release with a bunch of images.  I used to operate 
Mega Miniatures from 2001 to 2013, then decided to focus on other venture.  
Still going to produce some miniatures from time to time that fit my fancy.  

Road Kill Corpses 28mm  (Limited Edition of 80 figures)

Available from  July 23rd to October 31st, 2014 then discontinued.

Download the three page flyer showing all 80 figures at ACTUAL SIZE, and price 

     I’ve spent the last year finishing off one of several projects.  Road Kill 
started off years ago as 30 sculptures that never went into production until now 
and the range has ballooned into an 80 figure set.  The set is the best value.  
However, I understand miniature enthusiasts love to pick-n-choose so I’m 
offering singles too.  Any quantity because I’ll cast whatever is needed before 
the discontinue date.  Some minis as cheap as 25 cents each with the vast 
majority in the $1 to $2 range.  This is the only release I will have in 2014.  
I’m semi-retired and don’t want to obligate myself to doing this full time 

     The figures are 28mm scale,  cast in white metal (tin alloy), unpainted,  
with a flat rate world shipping rate of $10, Paypal accepted, and a minimum 
order of $15 or more.   

Well worth a look, I'd say. I have already placed my order for all 80 figures. John is selling the complete set for $99.00, which saves you a whopping $51.00 if you were to buy all 80 individually. It's funny but just recently I was saying that I wished more figure companies produced corpse miniatures and suddenly, out of the blue, John contacts me with this fantastic offer. By the way, as an extra incentive, if you place an order before the end of August, John will throw in some extra freebie figures as well as a glossy full colour flyer showing the colour schemes of all 80 figures.


  1. This is pretty cool actually!

    And yes we need more dead bodies in the streets!

    1. It is cool, Johnny. And, yes, there should be lots more corpses in the streets in any zombie apocalypse game.

  2. I agree, Andrew. I was more than happy to take up John's kindly offer and order all 80 figures.

  3. These are rad. I want a doggy companion.

    1. Well, there's plenty to choose from, Simon. Not all of the animal corpses need be dead. Some could just be sleeping.

  4. What a great and unique set of figures.
    Corpses are like zombies, you can never have too many!

    1. That is so true, Bob! I think that corpses can only enhance the feel of a zombie apocalypse game. And the more the merrier.

  5. I saw this late last night and I was just about to email you about this. Several of these figures will figure into my Victorian Zombie project.

    1. Thanks, Robert. There are many very useful figures in this range. Whilst I may not use all of them, this was just too good enough an offer to turn down.

  6. I do like them but at the moment I am trying to retain some focus and only buy things I NERED. We all know it won't work in the long run. But in the short term It's going well. Thanks for sharing the info though. I am sure you could make a good game about collecting road kill and then getting it fried up!

    1. It's funny but when I told Mathyoo (he's staying with me at the moment) that I'd sent away for them he asked, "but do you need them?" Well, no I don't really need them, but I do want them. So, I know what you're saying, Clint.

  7. Some fun looking figures amongst that range. Will have to see if I can squeeze an order in at some point so much demanding my cash lately!

    1. I can appreciate that, Simon. With Zombicide season 3 coming to a close today this has been a damned expensive month for me hobbywise! Ah well, it's only money! Better to spend it than leave it for the taxmen or your kids!

  8. I first saw these over on the TMP board, but I was a bit disappointed in the human 'kills' as many were more suited to hostages etc., they're a great set nevertheless, but may appear a bit small to those with the large '28mm' style of figures.

    1. The two humans tied to the chairs clearly work better as hostages but the others are just fine as corpses. I'll wait until I see them in the flesh before commenting on their size.

  9. Funnily enough, I happened to stumble across this range yesterday, before seeing this post of yours. It's certainly the most comprehensive collection of corpse models I've ever seen!

  10. I predict an influx of corpse riddled zombie gaming tables Bryan! Awesome stuff!

  11. Heh - I just showed up to send you a link to these very miniatures!

    One day too late, looks like. :P

    The Auld Grump

    1. Ah, don't worry, mate, I still appreciate the thought.

  12. Bryan thanks for sharing Johnny's project. I painted all the example figs. They are nicely done.
    I would like more dead people like you guys but over all its a really unique set a price you wont find anywhere else. The sculptors were pretty accurate on the animals, too.
    As far as the corpse size, if you are using one of the larger fig types, perhaps some of the bodies could be teenagers, I think the girl is meant to be anyway.
    Bryan, I would think since you play an American city that laying about some dead urban type animals such as raccoons would give the board a more grisly look :)
    Sorry if I sound promotional, I spent the last year working on painting these guys and I'm a bit excited about it :)

    1. Many thanks, Roger. Johnny and I have chatted a lot about this project. I asked him if it was you who had painted the figures and he told me it was. My congratulations on a job well done. I absolutely love this set. I agree that more dead animals scattered around my game boards would make it feel more grisly, which is no bad thing in my mind.
      Don't apologise for sounding too promotional - you have every right to!

    2. Thanks Bryan. It was a fun project, but I must admit as an animal lover some of these were hard to do lol.

    3. I can see your point, Roger. Nevertheless, you still did a first rate job in painting them. I will be shamelessly copying your colour schemes.

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