
Wednesday 30 July 2014

Vampifan's Views 54 - Monthly Musings 32

Vampirella in peril by Mike Mayhew
I have lots of news to report for this month. First up, I'd just like to thank everyone who took part in my 500th Post competition and once again, congratulations to the three winners, all of whom who have received their prizes. A few of you have suggested I should run more competitions and I certainly hope to do so.

On Sunday 27th of July, the Zombicide season 3 Kickstarter project drew to a close with a whopping huge $2.85 million finally pledged. My starting pledge of $150 for the Patient Zero offer ballooned to $415 (roughly £240) by the close, thanks to many of the optional stretch goals I wanted.. Stuff like season 2 re-offers, dice, tiles and plastic counters did not interest me. But any new figures did. And Guillotine Games really pushed the boat out with them. Fortunately, none of the new stuff will be shipped out until next year, which gives me plenty of time to paint loads more zombies. I'm currently painting the last of the season 2 survivors and Zombivors (6 of each). Then I'll move on to the zombies and do as many as I can before boredom and fatigue sets in. I plan on doing lots of conversions (like my Laurel and Hardy zombies) as I don't like the idea of having loads of zombies looking exactly the same apart from a paint job. On the plus side, I have LOTS of ideas for conversions. On the minus side, it'll take extra time to convert them.

Bryan aka Vampifan, getting ready to play ATZ with Joe and Mathyoo
One of the things I hate the most about being a solo gamer is that I miss the interaction and chat with other gamers. Happily, that all changed last week when I spent two glorious days playing ATZ-FFO with not one, but two fellow gamers and bloggers - Joe and Mathyoo. Mathyoo flew over to England from Slovenia to spend 10 days with Joe and me. He spent 5 days with each of us.
Joe aka Zabadak taking notes before playing ATZ His gaming room is awesome!

Mathyoo or Matevz, struggling with his camera. Take the lens cap off first!
For me, the highlight of his stay was the two days spent at Joe's house. Joe will be posting batreps of both scenarios on his own blog and I don't want to steal his thunder. I was designated official photographer, a role I was more than happy to do. My camera was much better than Joe's and Mathyoo's.

Before we began I was able to take these two shots of Joe and Mathyoo, which I thought I'd share with you as I'm sure they won't want to. It seems they're both camera shy, which explains why they were taken unawares! Mathyoo took the photo of me on my camera. Joe has all the photos I took safely stored on his computer.

We had a great time and without giving anything away, I was well satisfied with the outcome of both games. Joe had us both playing civilian characters based on ourselves. No, I wasn't Vampifan or Scotty Bryant, just some guy called Scott Briand. Mathyoo's character was called Mattias Groschen. This was the first time I had been to Joe's house. We had met up in Newcastle city centre on a few other occasions. Now that I know where he lives, I'm sure we'll be meeting up for even more games. It would be such a shame not to seeing as we only live a few miles apart.

The newest Vampirella #1 cover by Terry Dodson
The only downside to Mathyoo's visit was that we never found the time to play any games of Zombicide. No matter. The two days spent playing ATZ at Joe's more than made up for it.

After a brief absence, the Vampirella monthly comic is now back on sale. So what, you might ask? Well 2014 sees the 45th anniversary of Vampirella's first appearance and there is much planned for her this year. This makes me feel quite ecstatic. So I'd just like to take this opportunity to wish my favourite vampire a very happy birthday. Long may you reign, Vampirella!

Finally, I have to go to hospital on Friday to have an operation to remove a cataract in my left eye. I'll be in and out within two hours but if you don't hear from me during the week it'll be because I'm still recovering. I'll try to resume blogging as soon as I can. Take care.


  1. It looks like Joe has a nice games room. I am, of course, following his Scenarios and looking forward to his next edition. Good to see you all are looking after Mathyoo as well. Even if you do teach him your strange Northern ways.

    1. I'm sure that most gamers would be hugely envious of Joe's gaming room. I certainly was! As for Mathyoo, he's picking up the native language and has become an honorary Geordie. Hawaay the lads!

    2. "Strange Northern ways" is just a matter of geographical perspective. As far as I'm concerned, they're "strange Southern ways"!

  2. There's never enough time to play all the games we want, sounds like a awesome couple,of days gaming all the same Bryan

    1. I wish I had more time to play games, Adam. Fortunately Joe has a purpose built gaming room with a huge 8' by 4' board. I have no doubt, we'll be playing many more games together.

  3. That's an awful lot of plastic you've pledged for, it'll keep you busy for a long time to come.
    Our two games were truly enjoyable affairs and I'm hoping we have many more, but it may be a while before we have Mattyoo there ! Unlike you, I've only vere had one solo game and I much prefer gaming with others.
    Vampirella must be a pensioner now - just saying

    1. It's true that I've bought a lot of stuff for Zombicide season 3, but what must not be forgotten is the amount of FREE stuff I'll be getting as well. As the pledge total grew higher and higher, more and more free stuff was being released, almost on a daily basis. The $415 I spent gets me a hell of a lot more than that amount would seemingly indicate.

      I can promise you that I will be returning for more games of ATZ with you. I'm sure we can manage just fine without "the bairn!"

      Ah, the beauty of being a vampire - they never age. A pensioner, Vampirella may be (in human terms) but she still looks as good now as she did 45 years ago. I wish I could say that about myself!

  4. What's this I hear is bloggers most famous solo gamer coming in from the cold? Gamers like zombie survivors need to band together. I hope the operation goes well.

    1. Many thanks, Robert. I can't even begin to describe what a thrill it was to play ATZ with two such enthusiastic and friendly gamers as Joe and Mathyoo.

  5. I'm quite jealous of all of you, partly for having what looks like a very nice setup and partly for being able to play games with fellow bloggers. Definitely looking forward to hearing more information about this encounter, wherever it comes from!

    1. Thanks, Hugh. I'll leave the batreps to Joe as it was his campaign we were playing. Make sure you check out his blog over the next few weeks. He has a lot of material to work with.

  6. You lucky, lucky bastards! What a games room! What great company! What is going on? I hope you all enjoyed your get together. Is this going to be some bizarre cultural exchange on an annual basis? Can't wait to read the game reports.
    You seem to be attacking the plastic mountain Bryan, good on you Dude!
    I do hope your hospital sojourn isn't too intrusive on your blogging, and that all goes well.

    1. Lucky bastards indeed, Bob! Mathyoo is desperate to find a jobin the North East so it could be that we'll be meeting up on a much more regular basis if he succeeds.

      The Zombicide plastic mountain has taken quite a hammering in recent weeks but I still have loads of zombies left to paint.

      I'm not too worried about my hospital operation but blogging, painting and card modelling will have to take a back seat for a short while. Hopefully, I won't be out of action for too long. Thanks for your good wishes.

  7. Awesome month then! I shall look forward to reading about it all on Joe and Mathyoo's blogs!

  8. Sounds like you had a good one. All the best for your hospital trip, mate.

  9. No no, not camera shy, just not photogenic. And seeing I do have closed eyes on the photo, I think this proves it all! :D

    I had a great time and judging by the speed of you two oldtimers, I should be there again before all the main heroes die! :D

    I hope the Friday operation goes well!

    PS: Google says "Hawaay" is a Mackem spelling - you traitor! :D
    I have to stop acting like I know all about it now :P

    1. Thanks. Mathyoo. Oh, I'm sure my character will survive in Joe's campaign, especially if I have anything to do with it. As for yours... well, who knows?

      Pah, what does Google know about Geordie words? It was probably some southerner who wrote that!

  10. Best wishes and a speedy recovery for your hospital visit Bryan.

    1. Many thanks, Mark. It should all be very routine - in and out fairly quickly. It's the recovery period that will take time.

  11. 3 of the goodguy bloggers gathered under 1 roof! Brilliant!

    Due to finances I had to skip on this Zombicide run...Sigh....

    All the best on the hospital visit. After what you went through it is pretty important to do the check ups.

    1. Missing out on Zombicide season 3 must really hurt, Johnny. I've been saving up all year for it.

      My hospital visit went MUCH better than I expected. It's all good news for me.

  12. What an amazing blog, I really enjoy coming back and back to read bits, see what`s new, and catch a few inspirational ideas... thank you for sharing. Like me, you are obviously passionate about your hobby :))

    Hope the eye is feeling better mate,


    1. Many thanks, Steve, Yes, I am very passionate about my hobby. In fact my hobby is my life.
      My eyesight is now amazing. I can't wait to get my right eye operated on now.

  13. Frank Zappa... Kudos to you Bryan

  14. That's amazing and all the very best on that too.

    yes, I have `lived` for this hobby all my life too; its everything to me. Please feel free to email for a good natter. My wife and I are both passionate gamers and we love to talk and talk and talk about games.... lol.

    Steve :)) <-- watch for that double underscore between gypsy and dance.

    1. Thanks, Steve. I've sent you an e-mail and I look forward to chatting to you

  15. Are you tired of being human, having talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten minutes, Do you want to have power and influence over others, To be charming and desirable, To have wealth, health, without delaying in a good human posture and becoming an immortal? If yes, these your chance. It's a world of vampire where life get easier,We have made so many persons vampires and have turned them rich, You will assured long life and prosperity, You shall be made to be very sensitive to mental alertness, Stronger and also very fast, You will not be restricted to walking at night only even at the very middle of broad day light you will be made to walk, This is an opportunity to have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture. If you are interested contact us on
