
Wednesday 15 October 2014

Zombicide Zombies - Season 1 Female Walkers 02

So far, in recent posts, I have reviewed my converted Fatties and Runners from the original Zombicide boxed set. That just leaves the Walker zombies to show. I'll start by showing you four of my female Walkers, which, very unusually for me, includes a named zombie.
I shall start with that named zombie. At the far left of my two photos is a zombified version of Alex Polizzi. Some of you (especially my foreign followers) must be wondering "who the hell is Alex Polizzi?" She is a business guru known as the Fixer and she helps revive ailing businesses in a series of documentary programmes shown on BBC2 called, appropriately enough Alex Polizzi: the Fixer. As I was about to paint these four figures a trailer for Alex's show kept airing on TV and I was struck at how closely she resembled one of these Zombicide females. I did not watch the shows but my interest in her was piqued. My conversion of the figure was very simple. I repositioned her arms by briefly holding the figure over the flame of a lit candle. Once the arms were repositioned I immediately dunked the figure into a glass of cold water, which froze the limbs in place. This is a simple conversion technique that works very well with plastic figures.
For the next three figures I decided to make them look different by use of Milliput modelling putty. You can instantly see what I've done with the blonde-haired woman. Her hair has been considerably lengthened and restyled. Her black roots show she is not a natural blonde.
It seemed odd to me that eight women would have their skirts torn in exactly the same way so I went with a couple of conversions that should satisfy the more prudish followers of my blog. I restored the skirts of both women to their former glory. They are intact and the only thing marring their skirts now are the splashes of blood. Their skirts are not quite identical. The woman at the far right has a slightly shorter skirt than her friend.
Here is a photo of Alex Polizzi showing her in the trailer that caught my eye. It is strange how inspiration can hit you. Until I saw her on that trailer I would never have thought of making a zombified version of her.
Look out for more female Walkers next time, including another named character, whom I'm sure you'll all know.


  1. That Alex Polizzi conversion has to be one of your best yet. Great stuff indeed. Love the blonde conversion as well though, with the dark areas around her eyes (like a small mask) she reminds me of Louise Mason, the Blonde Phantom from the Forties pulp comics. Cracking post this one. Looking forward to your next.

    1. Thanks, Blaxkleric. Good call on Louise Mason. I remember her working for Jennifer Walters, aka She-Hulk in the Sensational She-Hulk series of comics. I can certainly see a similarity between my blonde zombie and Louise as the Blonde Phantom in her early days of adventuring.

  2. you just have to love female zombies :-) Nice stuff Bryan...Alex Polizzi would also make a good survivor!!

    1. Agreed. Toni! Alex would make a good survivor as she's a very strong-willed woman.

  3. Nice one mate. Always good to see more and different zeds. I do wonder if you are planning a "I'm a celb-zedity get me out of here!" Scenario!

    1. The short answer to your question, Clint is "no." Did you ever see a film called "Dead Set?" which was essentially "Big Brother" with zombies attacking the set. Best of all, Davina McFoghorn got killed twice - once as a human and then as a zombie. Result! I HATE those so-called reality TV shows. But put zombies in them to feed on the participants and I'd be an avid viewer!

    2. No I never saw it in entirety, just clips, but I thought it was a spot on film. And if turned into a scenario we'd all want to play the zeds. Well I would at least!

  4. Great job on the conversions Bryan.
    They really break up the "sameness" of the Zombicide poses. The Alex Polizzi conversion is spot on. I must admit to liking zombie girls showing their knickers, so not quite as impressed with the last two. Although I can see why you did it.
    Dead Set was excellent by the way.
    Nice paint too Dude.

    1. I'm with you on every point, Bob! If it's any consolation, I felt bad about covering up those last two figures.

  5. Awesome love the Hotel Inspector zombie! I also really like the one in yellow. Great job! applause!

    1. I'll happily take your applause. Many thanks, Simon.

  6. "Prudish"? He surely doesn't mean me :-) !

    I agree entirely that it would look odd to have all these female zombies with their clothing torn in exactly the same way. It's a problem that I've struggled with often when constructing some of the more animated plastic survivors and zombies (Wargames Factory - I'm looking at you!). One very distinct figure is good, but 3 or 4 copies of the same become suspicious. So I approve entirely of your conversions here, on the grounds of artistic merit if nothing else!

    1. Far be it from me to name names, Hugh. I prefer to keep a diplomatic silence.

      You're absolutely right - it would be very odd indeed for eight women to have their dresses torn in exactly the same manner. Heck, even six is way too many. So, changes had to be made.

  7. Black roots! Fantastic idea! Something so overlooked I better go back to all my zombies and paint some on them! :D

    1. When I'm out and about in Newcastle, Mathyoo, I see a LOT of women with blonde hair. But when I look closer, I notice they nearly all have one thing in common - black roots. Just look at TV. So many blonde actresses and presenters are the same. It is rare to see someone who is a natural blonde. It seems there are far more "fake" blondes about.

  8. Having just painted some of the elements that you re-modelled last night you've done a very good job on 'covering up' the girls here, well done Bryan

    1. Thanks, Adam. I had a lot of fun converting these figures. More to come next time.

  9. Good Work! I like your painted zombicide miniatures.
    Is it ok when i use the photos of your painted figures for
    It is a German Fan site of the Game. And i search for the gallerie for good painted Miniatures.


    1. Hi, Sven. Welcome on board. Of course you may use any photos from my blog for your fan site. All I ask is an acknowledgement that the photos are mine.

    2. Thank you. I posted the photos at

    3. Wow! That is very impressive. Many thanks, Schranx.

  10. Loving the variety you have introduced to the zombies. Nicely done. Getting out my own zombie pieces and hopefully I can get them painted soon. :)

    1. Go for it, mate. Feel free to copy any colour schemes and/or conversions you see here on my blog.
