
Sunday 19 October 2014

Zombicide Zombies - Season 1 Female Walkers 03

Here are my second batch of converted female Zombie walkers from season 1 of the Zombicide board-game. As with my previous four that I reviewed last time, I have a named zombie character here, although this one is far more famous than Alex Polizzi.
The Walker at the far left of my photos has had her arms repositioned in the same way as I straightened Alex Polizzi's arms last time - by holding her over a candle flame, repositioning the arms, then immediately dunking the figure in cold water to freeze the limbs in place. It is one of the simplest conversions you can do. Some folk soften the plastic by dipping the figure in hot water. Either way, do take care.
The second figure in line has had her hair slightly lengthened with Milliput. I also filled in the hole at the back of her dress, thus covering up her bare bum and panties. It was not done for any sense of decency on my part but simply because it is so unlikely for so many woman to suffer exactly the same wardrobe malfunction.
Moving on, the walker in the grey outfit has had the most work done to her. I made her hair much longer and I covered up the big hole in the back of her skirt. In addition, I repositioned her arms so that they were spread out more.
The female Walker at the far right is my named zombie and she is, of course, Tina Turner. Okay, I admit, not an obvious choice for a zombie and I certainly did not set out with the intention of making a zombified Tina. However, I did decide to totally alter her hairstyle and as soon as I came up with this hairstyle I had a mental image of Tina Turner flash into my brain. A quick Google search of images of Tina confirmed my initial thought. This is Tina from the 1980's. Okay, so more than likely it is just a Tina Turner lookalike and not the real deal but what the heck? To me she is Tina Turner - Zombie Walker.
This is Tina as I modeled her, not as she looks now, but as she looked back in 1984, when she released her fifth album, Private Dancer. It was all down to the hair! Incidentally, I am not a big fan of Tina's music. I don't dislike her either, but instead I feel rather ambivalent about her. Having said that, I did enjoy her acting performance in Mad Max 3: Beyond Thunderdome.


  1. Very very nice once again Vampifan. I'm not a fan of many of the Zombicide minis hence I've never bought it but with each posting you continue to make me doubt my decision with your great conversions. I like the 'cheeky' shot of Tina, though how you can like anything about the truly dreadful Mad Max 3 film is beyond me. Probably just the title track is all it was good for :-) I think my fave this time round is the teeny bopper in the yellow skirt - can't help but think "Fallout 3" when I look at her.

    1. I agree that Mad Max 3 was not as good as the two previous films but whilst far from perfect, it kept me entertained. All I can say is I've seen better and I've seen worse.

      As for Zombicide, I am a massive fan of the game. I'd have preferred it if every zombie was unique but even so, there is a lot of variety amongst the zombies and converting them is a LOT of fun. Just wait until you see my male Walkers!

  2. Ha Ha The Tina Turner zombie is ace! They are all brilliant.

    Funnily enough I watched 'Walking on Sunshine' last night and that was quite a fun film to watch lots of 80s music they all dress up towards the end and one of the characters is Tina Turner lol

    1. What a coincidence, eh? Thanks for the comment, Simon.

  3. Great job again Bryan!
    Loving your conversions, really wish I'd converted my second tray now.
    Tina Turner is a great idea for a zombie.
    All the Mad Max films were good, #3 was the weakest admitedly, I'm really looking forward to Fury Road.

    1. Thanks, Bob. I hope I have shown with these recent posts (and with the next few) that converting can be easy.

      I am also looking forward to Fury Road. The trailer looked darned impressive. If it's as good as Mad Max 2: the Road Warrior I'll be happy.

  4. Tina and the chorus line of dancers look very good, just shows what simple conversions can acheive.

    1. Ha, ha! I never thought of the other females as Tina's backing singers or chorus line of dancers. Great idea, Joe!

  5. Ok no one else has said it so it's down to me. Your Tina Figure is "simply the best!" Yes I know stop throwing things at me. Ouch that hurts I promise to say no more......

    1. You are so right, Clint. Someone just HAD to say that Tina is "simply the best!" But I'm in a good mood so you're forgiven.

  6. Great minis Bryan!! Love Miss Turner...

  7. I'm impressed at how much variety you've squeezed out of these identical models. I wonder what you'd do with *another* 4 or 8, though :-) ?

    1. Interesting question, Hugh. I reckon I could come up with four more conversions, but eight more would be really pushing it.

  8. Tina is already a zombie....Isn`t she?

    Well done Bryan!

    1. Hee, hee! Looking at some of her more recent photos you may well be right, Johnny!

  9. Ha ha ha, Clint beat me to the pun! :D

    She's fabulous, I love the sinister look under all that hair!

    1. Those eyes are evil, aren't they? Thanks, Mathyoo.

  10. Now that I have painted my first few zombie board game pieces I am tempted to get the Zombicide game too. I agree with Colgar6, the variety you introduced to the minis are great ... nice work. ^_^

    1. Zombicide is HUGELY popular, FEM. You only have to look at how much it has made on Kickstarter to see the proof of its popularity with sales in the millions of dollars. All I can say is buy it and you won't be disappointed.

  11. Dude! Tina is inspired! Awesome conversions Bryan!
