
Sunday 26 October 2014

Zombicide Zombies - Season 1 Male Walkers 03

And so I come to the last four figures of my Zombicide season 1 male Walker zombies. All four have been converted to give me more variety amongst the poses. These are dressed much more casually than the shirt and tie guys I reviewed last time.
Starting at the far left is a very simple conversion. I just gave this Walker longer hair with a bit of Milliput modelling putty. You can see much better from the rear just how long his hair is.
For the next figure in line I converted his vest into a T-shirt with a bit of Milliput and repositioned his left arm so that it hung by his side.
The third Walker in line also had his left arm repositioned. But even more noticeable are the intestines spilling out of his stomach. These were added on with thin "sausages" of Milliput that were twisted into shape. It looks like he is trying to stop his guts from spilling out but he's fighting a losing battle. It does beg the question of why he's doing it? After all, zombies do not feel pain and he doesn't really need his intestines. Perhaps he is reacting out of pure instinct as some long forgotten memory triggers in his brain.
For the Walker at the far right I repositioned his head slightly so that it is facing forward instead of to the left. I also drilled a hole all the way through his stomach to show the entry and exit wounds of a gunshot. Finally, I gave him the skin tones of an African/American to further emphasise his difference.


  1. As far as my eyesight will determine these seem to be the best so far. I gotta say I really like them. They have a late teens vibe to them just like Jeremy Kyle show guests. Nice work mate. Looking forward to seeing more.

    1. Having had the misfortune to see part of a Jeremy Kyle show in a hospital waiting room (I'd NEVER watch it by choice) I think ALL contestants on it should be fed to flesh hungry zombies! Thanks for your comment, Clint.

    2. I agree it's totally trash TV but are you sure they have not been fed to the undead hordes already?
      I am not so sure!

    3. Ha, ha, ha! I suspect you're right! They do all appear to be brain-dead, don't they?

  2. Loving the extra details on these Bryan - bravo Sir.

  3. Great, simple,alterations to these, making them all look quite distinctive.

    1. Thanks, Joe, and I think my conversions do make them stand out.

  4. Again, this really works well! Much more character to the individual zombie.

    Though most will see the zed horde as just greyskin and blood, this really makes them stand out....FOR A HEADSHOT!

    1. Too true, Johnny. We know that head shots work best against zombies, but does everyone? I suspect not.

    2. Some will not. They will be the next zombies!!!

    3. And we won't gloat, will we? Well, maybe just a little!

  5. You did well with the poses Bryan, head shots for them all!

    1. You know it, Fran. It's the only way to put the buggers down.

  6. A fine quartet of the walking dead. I think chummy with the intestines is simply scratching personally... do Zeds itch? Mr 'Just Do it' has to be my fave :-)

    1. Do zeds itch? Now that's a question I've never heard before. I'd have to say, no. I'm glad you like my Nike T-shirt guy. It took a while to come up with a decent logo for his T-shirt.

  7. Great conversions again Bryan! What really makes them is that they don't look like an obvious conversion. Nike guy is my favourite, although they are all very good. Your pĂ intwork also helps, those guts look very realistic.
    You've Just done it Dude, great stuff.

    1. Many thanks, Bob. It was such a relief to finish painting my horde of season 1 zombies. Next up - the season 2 zombies.

  8. Seriously very nice.My Zomtober efforts are truly awful, I'm so out of practice with the brush.... do paints deteriorate if they're 10 years old????

    1. Thanks, Phil. To answer your question, it all depends how well they are sealed. With a good tight seal they can last for ages.

  9. Very nice - again I like the variety. The number of ways that the single pose has been disguised is impressive.

    Is the skin tone (not the dark guy, but the other 3) the same as your previous mix? I'm not sure if I'm imagining things here, but it seems different. I like it.

    1. Thanks, Hugh. Oddly enough, the skin tone of my zombies has not changed. I have a certain formula for painting my zombies and that never varies. It most probably is my camera settings and lighting set up that makes these zeds look slightly different.

  10. Excellent job mate. Well done on converting them into more individual like zombies. I have bookmarked a lot of these for future reference Thanks!

    1. Good man, Simon. Please feel free to copy anything you like here.

  11. Great work Bryan, really. It's amazing to see how much alteration can be achieved by simple conversion work. I'd reckon painting them is much easier, too, compared to 30 of the same poses!

    1. You've hit the nail on the head there, Mathyoo. It is FAR easier painting figures that are all different than to painting figures that are identical.

  12. Nike T-Shirt wins hands down! Fantastic Bryan!

    1. Nike guy seems like a popular choice, Adam. I like him too.

  13. Yep ... that Nike T-shirt looks cool. As do the zombies. :)

  14. For you

  15. I can't say enough about the great job you are doing with these zombicide figs! Everytime I look, I become motivated. Things are keeping me from the table though. Its quite frustrating. I really admire how you can keep it moving. BTW Love the Barn, too. Awesome piece!

    1. Lovely to hear from you, Roger. I have no problem in staying motivated because I love my hobby so much. Plus, Zombicide is an exceptionally good game.
