
Wednesday 22 October 2014

Zombicide Zombies - Season 1 Male Walkers 02

In my last two posts I reviewed the Zombicide season 1 female Walker zombies I had recently converted. Now it is time to show the first of my converted male Walkers. Remember that in Zombicide, a Walker is your basic slow-moving, easy-to-kill, generic zombie. Individually, they are weak but when in a group they become more powerful as the group grows in numbers.
There are only three figures in this group because I converted another Walker into my zombified Stan Laurel of Laurel and Hardy fame. The zombie at the far left of this group has had the bottom of his shirt added to with |Milliput so that the whole of his shirt lies outside of his trousers all around. It's a simple conversion that could easily be overlooked. Note how the other two have been sculpted with their shirts half in and half out of their trousers. It's more noticeable in the back views of them.
As I was thinking up ideas of how to convert these figures I had a sudden flash of inspiration - why not sculpt some with their guts hanging out of their stomachs? I make no apologies about being a gore hound and this conversion had real appeal to me. I smeared a very small blob of Milliput over the guy's stomach and groin to give the intestines something to adhere to. The intestines were just thin rolls of Milliput twisted into shape and placed over his stomach. Two or three "sausages" were enough to give the impression of his intestines spilling out. I painted his intestines with a mix of Tamiya Clear Red and Foundry White. The white helps give it that pale colour and the TCR makes it glisten wetly.
The Walker at the far right has had his arms repositioned so that they thrust forward more. This was done by briefly holding the figure over the flame of a candle then immediately dunking it into a mug of cold water once I'd repositioned the arms.
There is an interesting story to tell about the Walker zombie at the far left of these photos directly above and below. I decided to reposition his left arm so that he was clutching his stomach with his left hand. All went well with the flame and cold water technique... or so I thought! A closer inspection showed that the flame had melted a hole in his lower back. I looked at it and thought, cool! I can make that into a big wound. Serendipity in action! That gaping hole looks quite disgusting (in a good way) and makes for a unique wound. Note that I also added Milliput to his head to give him more hair.
I was much more careful when I repositioned the left arm of the second Walker in line. His arm is reaching out as if to grab someone.
Having done one zombie with his guts hanging out I had to do more. The walker in the tan-coloured suit had his intestines sculpted and painted in exactly the same manner as before.
The Walker at the far right had his left arm cut off near the shoulder. I added Milliput around the stump to make it a ragged cut and to show a bit of bone. In addition, I added Milliput to his head to cover up his bald patch. Finally, I painted his skin as an African/American by adding a Citadel Agrax Earthshade ink wash to my normal zombie flesh tones.


  1. Buckets of blood. Intestine sausages and blow torching holes in hapless zombies backs!! you sir, are indeed a gore hound :-) Lovely choice of colours once again, with the chap all in grey (wiv the hole in his back) probably my fave. If only I could simply cover my own bald patch with a bit of milliput..!!! Do you have a couple of boxes of the stuff going spare :-)

    1. Ha, ha! Your comments brought a smile to my face. Blax. If only it was that easy to cover up the problem of going bald. I too, would need a couple of boxes to cover my thinning hair!

  2. Superb Bryan, good to see those walkers spilling their guts for the sake of Zombiekind! Goretastic!

    1. Goretastic is exactly what I was aiming for, Adam.

  3. OK, but if you're going to have guts hanging out then shouldn't they also be spilling to the ground and maybe some trailing all over the base (see - I can be gross too :-) ).

    I do like the amount of variety that you've put into these models. Makes quite a difference!

    1. Good point, Hugh. I'll bear in mind your suggestion for more hanging entrails next time I do a conversion.

  4. I like the fact that they are all in collars and ties it gives your zombies a very business like appeal. I also do like the word "Goretastic" very apt and fitting. Very nice job making them all look different.

    1. Goretastic is a fantastically descriptive word, Clint. Yes, these guys were culled from the business centre of Mayhem City.

  5. Great conversions Dude! Once again your skills impress us mere mortals. From the simple arm tweaks to the full on gut spillage, each making it's owner unique. Brilliant!
    Goretastic indeed!

    1. Many thanks, Bob. The beauty of nearly all of the conversions I have done for these figures is that they are easy to do. I hope I can inspire others to follow suit and to not be afraid of converting.

  6. Sick, very sick, (in an excellent way of course)
    Love these conversions, very effective.

    1. I can't argue with you, Joe. They are sick, which is just how I like my zombies.

  7. Lovely conversions again. Love to see them with there entrails hanging out makes them so disgusting looking. I'm hoping someone does some slimy water logged zombies they had some great looking ones in episode 2 of this seasons walking dead.

    1. Slimy water logged zombies would be a great idea, Simon. I'd have some fun painting them!

  8. The gutsy guys are great!

    Nice conversions Bryan.

    1. The gutsy guys are my favourites, too, Johnny.

  9. Fantastic work, those guts are properly disturbing and slimey!

    1. That's just how guts should be, Mathyoo! Goretastic!
