
Wednesday 5 November 2014

Recreational Conflict Biohazard Troopers 02

These six figures belong to the Recreational Conflict Biohazard set III and are very different to their first set. The most noticeable difference is that they are much more chunkier. I like their bulky protective clothing. With the current Ebola crisis in Africa featuring prominently in the news I thought this was a good time to get these figures painted. They have been waiting to get painted for more than a year now - shame on me!
The first decision I had to make was to decide on their colour scheme. Watching recent news footage, white seemed to be the most obvious choice and so I went with that. At the far left of my photos is the leader of the group, waving his men on to follow him. He holds a 9mm pistol in his right hand. The first thing you'll notice about this group is that they are well armed. Only one out of the six is not carrying a weapon and he is second in line from the left. He holds a box and a probe, most likely a Geiger counter as he tests for radiation levels.
Next in line is the flame thrower operator. Or he could possibly be a chemical sprayer. Readers of Mira Grant's excellent Feed trilogy will be well aware of how often the heroes had to endure chemical showers to ensure they didn't spread the zombie plague. Note he has three tank cylinders on his back - one oxygen tank and two for his flame thrower or chemical sprayer.
The next two troopers in line are armed with 5.56mm M4 Assault Carbines. Note that all troopers are fitted with yellow oxygen tanks.
Last in line is a kneeling trooper, firing his 9mm pistol in a two-handed grip.
It is obvious these are not humanitarian aid workers but some sort of military or paramilitary group. The obvious use for them is for clearing out pockets of zombies in a zombie apocalypse game. They are radically different to Recreational Conflict's first set of Biohazard troopers, which would suggest that these guys work for a different organisation.
These figures were sculpted by Alan Maguire and can be found in the Lead Bones 28mm Modern Horror section of Recreational Conflict's webstore. All six figures can be bought for $15.00, which is very reasonable for a metal figure these days.


  1. Gota say these do look good. Not heard of them before but they do look very useful. I am not sure If I will ever need bio hazard figures, but now if I do I'll know where to look.

    1. They are nicely sculpted, nicely priced and rather topical at the moment, although I'm sure the aid workers combating Ebola in Africa aren't as well armed as these guys.

  2. Nicely done. Like how you painted the visors

    1. Thanks, WR. I'm happy with the visors. Three shades of green then coated with gloss varnish.

  3. These are a great set, on a par with the Hasslefree hazmat guys; as soon as I see Hazmat figures I'm always reminded of "Feed" by Mira Grant too. I would like a lot more unarmed Hazmat guys though.

    1. I'm with you 100%, Joe. I'd like to see a lot more unarmed Hazmat guys (and women, too).

  4. Always a fan of the hazmat suit, and these are very well done. I particularly love the flamer thrower guy, gives me a real Fahrenheit 451 vibe. A 25mm round base with a stack of books on it would be great to see in front of that chap. ;)

    1. That would make for a very chilling figure, Carl. I do remember Fahrenheit 451 but it has been years since I last saw it.

  5. Great job on these Bryan. There a nice set of figures and nicely posed.

  6. That's a very nice group of models you've painted there. Big fan of your visors and nice work on the white suits as well. Really like the yellow for the tanks too - very bright. Great job and I must confess to being tempted to pick some of these up as a result... curse you :-)

    1. Thanks for the compliments, Blax and sorry for putting temptation your way.

  7. These are great, dude. I do love a bit of Hazmat.

    1. If you're playing any kind of zombie apocalypse game, Simon, then you need Hazmat Troopers.

  8. Very nice Bryan!
    Love the helmet style on these, all armed is a plus. Maybe some unarmed scientist types would be handy for special circumstances.
    Great brushwork Dude!

    1. Armed Hazmat Troopers are good, Bob, but I have to agree - there should be more scientist and doctor types.

  9. Those are fantastic! Hazmats have always been my favorite pat of the apocalypse (miniatures wise) and I have none!
    Its nice to see them in both armed and unarmed variants - someone has to do the dirty work and someone has to keep those zombies/mutants at bay!

    1. Thanks, Mathyoo. I'd still have liked to have more unarmed types doing research work or offering medical support. But all in all, they are a great set.
