
Sunday 9 November 2014

Assorted Men in Black

Today I present the first of three posts looking at the mysterious Men in Black. To some they are a force of good, defending earth from alien threats (see the popular Men in Black films), whilst to others they are a sinister and evil organisation (see White Wolf's Mage: the Ascension role-playing game). One thing that is not in doubt is that they belong to a highly secretive organisation and that they wield considerable power. They can arrest people with impunity and most worryingly of all, make people just disappear, never to be seen again.
At the far left of my two photos is the commander of my force of Men in Black and he was produced by Wizkids as part of their OOP Horrorclix range, where he was known simply as Man in Black. Like a lot of Horrorclix figures, he is over-scale when compared with most ranges of 28mm scale figures. However, in his case, I don't think that matters too much. He appears to be unarmed but who can tell? I think he is quite a sinister-looking figure, which has a lot to do with his skull-like face. One other feature makes him stand out from the rest of my Men in Black figures and that is he is the only one wearing a hat. I would not want to cross his path!
Next in line is a standard field agent. He is another OOP figure and he was originally made by RAFM. He is slim but well proportioned and he holds a 9mm pistol in a two-handed grip. In addition to his trademark black suit, white shirt and black tie he also wears a pair of regulation black-lensed sunglasses. 
The next two figures are also OOP and they were made by Target Games as part of their Mutant Chronicles range. Although they are 28mm scale they are very chunky and bulky. Their weapons do have a sci-fi feel to them, although in ATZ terms I'd class them as a Big Ass Pistol and a Big Ass Machine Pistol. The figure third in line has blotted his copybook, in my opinion, by wearing his hair in a ponytail. I have nothing against woman who wear their hair like this but on men it just looks silly!
The figure at the far right of the group is a Vampifan sculpt. I made him over twenty years ago for my White Wolf Vampire: the Masquerade role-playing game campaign. He was part of a covert vampire hunting organisation. He is armed with a 5.56mm Colt M16A1 Assault Rifle which came from my spare parts box.
These figures can be used in a variety of ways. Yes, as Men in Black, that is the obvious choice. But they will work just as well as US Secret Service agents or as corporate security agents. They can be good guys or bad guys. Indeed you could ask the question - are they even human? They could be aliens or robots. Anything is possible.


  1. MIB always have a sinister appearance. All knowing yet saying little. This says nothing about Majestic 12 or Illuminati so neither will I. Nice job on these mate. Very menacing.

    1. So true, Clint. I am aware of both organisations you didn't want to mention. I thought it best not to mention them either. :)

  2. Hmmm... I can see I'm going to have to get some of those "Horrorclix" MIB models now. I didn't realize they were so creepy looking until your comparison shot. A group of those would be a lot of fun in"7TV" meddling in the affairs of Gotham PD. I love the old "Target" figures too. Nice and chunky and easy to paint. Thanks for posting :-)

    1. Thanks, Blax, mate. The Horrorclix figures can still be found on the likes of e-Bay, and you're right - they are creepy.

  3. I really like how the horror clix figure came out. You can also get clix figures from miniature market, some for less than $1. I also loved the barn and the sculpted guts from your zombiecide conversions.

    1. $1 or less for a figure is quite a bargain these days. Thanks for the info, Sean.

  4. Men in black....."Good guys"....Riiiiight!

    Hehe nice work mate!

  5. A varied group indeed!
    Nice work as always Bryan. I don't own any 'clix figures but they look pretty good after your through with them. I guess these guys know something about how the zombie outbreak started, let's hope they don't need Vampifan and co. for "questioning".

    1. Quite so, Bob. And who knows what their kind of "questioning" involves!

  6. Deary me, mate, what a collection. Just FAB.

  7. Hi Bryan! Great job, as always. I like that you mentioned the doubt as to whether the MiB's are human or not. IIRC, in the Conspiracy X RPG, they are disguised forms of the Saurian aliens (descendants of the dinosaurs who therefore consider themselves the rightful inheritors of Earth.)

    1. OMG, Chris, you are so right! I actually have the Conspiracy X RPG but I forgot all about it.

  8. Quite a variey of figures there, all with some merit, but the RAFM chap in particularl stands out for his beautiful proportions and the same height as the two Mutant Chronicle ogres !
    The clix chap is a bit wierd and scary but a lovely sculp, whilst your own sculp stillmakes you wonder why you never went professional.

    1. Thanks, Joe. The RAFM guy is indeed beautifully proportioned - unlike the Mutant Chronicle "ogres" (nice description!). Thanks also for the compliments about my own sculpting.

  9. Nice paint job ... and if they ever have a Matrix game needing agents, you are covered too.

  10. Very nice collection and I agree the Horrorclix man in place is very sinister! I remember my Mage gaming days well and had many a run in with the men in black.

    1. The Men in Black in Mage:the Ascension were evil buggers and very nasty if I recall, Robert.

  11. Eek - it's the Slenderman! Very creepy.

    I vote for the weapons being distinctly sci-fi, with the ability to project some interesting special effects when fired (target disintegration, lightning bolts, freeze rays, extreme recoil...)

    1. Ha, ha, I can see you're a fan of the Men in Black films, Hugh... and there's nothing wrong with that!

  12. Hey - every world needs an organisation that might appear both good and bad, but honestly only works in what they believe is the best interest of the world as a whole. Now - arrest the Europe! :D

    1. Ha, ha, I like your thinking, Mathyoo. Arrest Europe, eh? You sure do believe in keeping things simple, LOL!

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