
Sunday 21 December 2014

Horrorclix Werewolves 01

This will be my first post reviewing my Horrorclix 28mm scale Werewolf figures. There will be more to come later. These three figures were all part of the original game. Note that all three have been mounted on 30mm diameter slottabases.
At the far left is a Bane Wolf. This was one of six figures that came in a boxed starter set with the rulebook and original game maps. A lot of the Horrorclix figures were over-scaled but in the case of these figures, I don't think that matters. These should be big, imposing and full of menace. Bane Wolf is certainly all three. He stands roughly 37mm tall. He has just beheaded a deer and he carries its severed head as some sort of grisly trophy. It is unusual to see someone wearing a puffa-jacket (or should that be puffa-waistcoat?) but his has survived his transformation intact. His trousers, however, are ruined and badly torn. He is a very animated figure. The torrent of blood gushing from the deer is just so over the top but I like it.
In the centre is a Dog Soldier in full werewolf form aka Crinos form for those fans of Werewolf: the Apocalypse role-playing game. In Horrorclix, characters were either Rookie, Experienced, Veteran or Unique, going from the weakest class to the strongest. I liked that sometimes they'd make different figures for the various classes. This figures represents a Veteran Dog Soldier. I am not surprised that Wizards of the Coast decided to call him a Dog Soldier as he is very reminiscent of the lupines that appeared in the excellent werewolf film, Dog Soldiers. 
At the far right is the Rookie and/or Experienced version of the Dog Soldier. This Dog Soldier is in mid transformation - his Glabro form - half human and half-werewolf. In this form he could still use his pistol, which is in his holster, but more than likely he'll just ignore it and attack with teeth and claws. Both Dog Soldiers are about 37mm tall from the soles of their feet to the tops of their heads.
I don't have prices for these figures as, unfortunately, the Horrorclix line was discontinued years ago. However, you can still buy them singly from assorted retailers and on auction sites like e-Bay.


  1. Good to see yet more variety of were's . I really did enjoy the film "Dog Soldiers" so I will let you guess which one I like the most. Nice one mate.

    1. I thought "Dog Soldiers" was an excellent film, Clint. It is easily one of the best werewolf films ever made.

  2. Great stuff Bryan. I always like to make a cuppa and settle down to read your review postings and this one once again doesn't disappoint :-)

    I'm a little ignorant of "Horroclix" so really enjoy your posts to see what sculpts I've missed and what I need to be looking out for second-hand. I love all three of these and your repaints. Bane Wolf has especially caught my eye because of the hunting puffa-jacket and splendidly gory blood trail you've carried on over the lip of the base. I have 'endured' a couple of viewings of "Dog Soldiers" and can see the attraction for lupine lovers. Indeed there's something of a passing resemblance between Sean Pertwee and that Glabro form. Looks like another handful of minis I need to acquire from across the Pond. Very nice Rum & Bones badge btw.

    1. Many thanks for the kind words, Simon. I was a huge fan of the various Horrorclix ranges of figures and managed to get almost all of them, although I'm missing about a third of the Unique figures, including a huge monstrous Dire Werewolf.

      As for the Rum & Bones badge, I had to choose Captain Dracula, didn't I?

  3. These are great figures and you've done an excellent paint-job on htem(as always).I think I like the 'browner' coloured wolves rather than the more black variations. "Dog Soldiers" I enjoyed tremendously when I first viewed it as it wasn't anything like what I was expecting !

    1. Thanks, Joe. Regarding the colours of them, I just stuck with their original paint jobs and added highlights. I'm glad you enjoyed "Dog Soldiers."

  4. These are awesome and quite characterful especially for re purposed clix. Perhaps a Night of the Werewolves game is in order or perhaps an Underworld themed game report.

    1. Both suggestions have merit, Simon, and are something I'd love to do in the future.

  5. Lovely job Bryan! Love the Bane Wolf Dude! Dog Soldiers was a great movie, shows that British films can get it right. It would be great to see Team Vampifan do a "Beast must die" scenario.

    1. Now there's more food for thought - Team Vampifan vs. the Werewolves. Yes, it could happen. Thanks, as always, Bob.

  6. Those are really nice, highlights make all the difference.
    Some of Horrorclix miniatures are really...odd, so to say. The one with a deer head is a great example, but he looks fantastic!

    1. Cheers, Mathyoo. Oh, you're so right about how odd some of the Horrorclix figures are!

  7. The highlights do make the difference to the rather lacking Horrorclix original paint jobs. I've found the Horrorclix line to contain some very interesting sculpts. I am another Dog Soldiers fan.

    1. The Horrorclix (and Heroclix) paint jobs are perfectly acceptable but I like to see more detail in my figures so I always end up adding to them. Good to know that you're also a Dog Soldiers fan, Robert.
