
Tuesday 23 December 2014

SLAP Miniatures Werewolves 01

SLAP Miniatures are a new figure company that make various ranges of figures for different genres. I was particularly interested in their werewolf range, which consists of 6 male werewolves and 4 female werewolves. For now I want to review the males. I'll review the females next time. The figures were all named by SLAP Minis. Note that these are all five piece castings - body and legs, head, tail and two arms. They stand just under 40mm tall, which is perfectly in keeping with a lupine's Crinos form. These figures are taller than the Grekwood Werewolves I showed recently but a lot less bulky. These guys are tall and slim! I thought I might have to glue them to 30mm diameter slottabases but because they are so light and so slim I was able to stick them on my normal 25mm diameter slottabases.
At the far left is Canavar. I positioned his head to show him howling. I copied the colour schemes for these figures from the SLAP Minis website. They are various shades of grey with a final highlight of white, which provides a nice stark contrast.
Next up is Farkas. I should point out that I drilled and pinned the heads, tails and arms to the bodies. This was a time consuming process but the effort was well worth it as they hold together really well. For my pins I used a paperclip cut into small pieces. They were glued using superglue.
Third in line is MacTire. He is in an advancing pose and hence looks smaller than the others.
Fourth in line is Vilkas. Note that the body parts are interchangeable allowing for loads of customisation if you so wanted.
The penultimate figure is Kurt who is crouched down more than the others.
Finally, is the group leader, Serigala. I deliberately painted him black to make him stand out from the rest of the group. He still has white highlights on his front but from the back he instantly stands apart from the others. His head has been positioned higher than anyone-else's showing him in mid-howl.
There are a couple of things that make these figures stand out from other similarly sized Werewolves. One is just how slim they are. I don't see this a bad thing or a good thing. It's just how this particular tribe or strain has evolved. Secondly, they all have prominent male genitalia, which most sculptors ignore. Some of you may be put off by this and if you are you really won't like the females of this range! To be fair to SLAP Minis they do give a nudity warning on their website, so steer clear if offended. I liked this range as soon as I saw them. They are very different to any other werewolf figures in my collection and for me, they were a must have purchase.
You can find these under the Moon Howlers section of SLAP Miniatures' webstore. They can be purchased at £1.50 each or all six for just £8.00, saving you a quid. Given the size of them and the customisation potential I'd say they are excellent value for money.

Seeing as this will be my last post before Christmas I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all the very best for the festive period, whatever your religion. Peace and goodwill, folks.


  1. Very nicely done Bryan. Merry Christmas to you and your family as well.

    1. Many, many thanks, Simon and all the best to you too..

  2. Wow, those guys are really slim, perhaps they've crossed with whippets ?
    I do like these sculps though, they've plenty of character, not sure I like the colouring, but it does make them distinctive.
    Have a good Xmas Bryan

    1. They are exceedingly slim, Joe, which, I think makes them stand out.
      Best wishes to you and your family.

  3. Another feast of fur which is much appreciated Bryan. They're very interesting sculpts. Possibly a bit too thin for my liking but if you had a bunch of them coming at you across the wargaming table I don't think you could complain about their quality; and £8 for 6 seems like a steal. I've certainly seen far worse for much more. I think you've done a top job painting them too. Love the grey-white fur. I suppose if the genitalia is that offensive (and I must confess I've never seen a werewolf's privates so public before) then you could always employ the use of a sharp modelling knife... and on that festive note I'll wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year :-)

    1. You're right, Simon, they may be very slim but I would not like to face them. Remember, if they were scaled up to life size they'd be standing about nine feet tall! That would scare the crap out of me! Regarding their price, they really are exceptionally cheap. Some firms would charge £8.00 or more - Games Workshop, cough, cough! - for just one!
      All the very best to you and your family for Christmas and beyond.

    2. I forgot to add that having visited the SLAP minis website, and managed to avert my eyes from the true horror of their "Pewter Ponies" - you didn't warn me about them Bryan!! - I've picked some up as they'll much better looking (and cheaper) than the "Heroclix" ones I had my eye on, so thanks for the heads up.

    3. Sorry, Chris! Some folk, especially those parents with young daughters will find the Pewter Ponies cute, adorable and just what their girls need. Others, like me, will want to avoid them like the plague. I do hope that when you said you'd picked some up you were referring to the Moon Howlers and not the Pewter Ponies? Just kidding! LOL!

  4. I think these are the best lycanthropes you have shown so far. And at that price who can complain.

    1. Indeed, Clint. I doubt if anyone could complain about the price of them.

  5. I really like these. SLAP is a new company to me so will be off to have a look. Great painting on great models (as usual!). Have a productive and merry xmas.

    1. Many thanks, Chris. SLAP Minis were new to me too. Worth checking out... just beware the Pewter Ponies!
      A very merry Christmas to you, too.

  6. I'm not sure how i feel about these, not sure I like the shaved look.

    1. No problem, Robert. I suspect they won't be to everyone's liking.

  7. Very nice Bryan! Way cool sculpts, lean and mean Dude!
    I love the colour scheme too.
    Have a great Crimbo and a even better New Year Dude!

    1. Lean and mean is a great description for them, Bob.
      Best wishes to you and your family this Christmas.

  8. Those are certainly different, if nothing else! I don't mind the slim look in general, but their legs could use some bulk. I do love the paint job, that white highlight really adds to the contrast!

    1. They certainly are different, Mathyoo. That, and the price, is what attracted me to them.

  9. Interesting mix of werewolves you have had the past couple of posts. I can see what you mean by the lean look, they almost look fragile compared to some other figs. It adds to their look though, almost more creepy.

    Merry Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful holiday!

    1. Many thanks, Nobody667. Hmm, creepy? Yes, definitely!
      Merry Christmas to you and your family. I hope it's a great one.

  10. I'm no expert on werewolves, but I'd say that they look almost emaciated :-( .

    Anyway, Merry Christmas to you!

    1. I think Bob described them best - lean and mean!
      Have a great Christmas, Hugh. Best wishes to you and your family.

  11. Great job on how you handled the various weres. Awesome. Merry Christmas Bryan!

    1. It's great to hear from you again, Roger. Many thanks for the comment and all the best to you this festive season and beyond.
