
Sunday 7 December 2014

Ken the Zombie vs Kandy Pane

Another post with only two figures to review. You'd think I was slacking! Not so, I have loads to show you. Here, I present a duel between Ken the dapper zombie and Kandy Pane, a cheerleader and zombie slayer. Who will win? My money's on Kandy.
Ken the Zombie is made by the Network Model Soldier Company and I recently won him in an e-Bay auction. Apparently he was a limited edition figure for their Partizan range. He is quite a character and is clearly of aristocratic stock. His top hat and tails have seen better days, as has Ken! I like how he is doffing his hat. He must be a Smart Zombie to retain that much intelligence and good manners. He holds a cane in his left hand, which I gloss varnished to give it a shiny polished look. The blood around his mouth and neck may have come from a victim or may be his own. With his intestines hanging out of a big hole in his stomach he was clearly a victim of a zombie attack when he was human. Note that Ken comes with an integral metal base, which is something of a rarity these days.
Kandy Pane is made by a new figure company called SLAP Miniatures. I was looking at their range of werewolves, (which I bought) when I spotted Kandy in their webstore. They offer a very small range of survivors but in my opinion, Kandy really stood out as being the most useful for me. This teenager was once a member of her cheer-leading team before the zombie apocalypse began. Now she is a kick-ass zombie slayer. I like her a lot and I suppose she could just as easily be a vampire slayer similar to Buffy Summers. In real life a chainsaw is not the best of weapons to wield but in nearly every zombie apocalypse game it is invariably the number one melee weapon for taking out zeds.
Both figures are very nicely sculpted and both will fit in well with true 28mm scale figures, meaning they are not over-sized like some alleged 28mm scale figures. Ken is hard to come by but often pops up on e-Bay. Kandy Pane is much easier to buy. You'll find her in SLAP Miniatures' Human range, where she costs £2.69.


  1. Two cracking models Bryan. I'm extremely jealous of you owning that splendid 'Ken The Zombie' and you've definitely done him proud with that gore-fest paint job. He certainly looks like he's got some guts :-) I'd hazard a guess that Kandy is based upon the San Romero High School cheerleader Juliet Starling from "Lollipop Chainsaw". Although she doesn't wear her hair in a single ponytail. Great mini though and nice choice of colours. Seems a steal at that price too. Thanks for posting her :-)

    1. I was absolutely over the moon when I won Ken on e-Bay, Blax. I did not expect to win or get him so cheaply.
      I think you're right about Kandy being based on Juliet Starling. There is a very close resemblance between the two. Good observational skills, sir!

  2. Good work! And from the look of things, SLAP are improving their female sculpts.

  3. Running around with a chain saw has "Health and Safety Violation" all over it. It makes you realise that the sculptor has never used on in real life.

    Personally I strongly prefer the "Gentleman" zombie. Swath sophisticated and deadly every thing a villain should be.

    1. Chainsaws are also prone to running out of fuel, often at a most inopportune moment, Clint. And yet they remain very popular in zombie apocalypse games.

      Ken just exudes cool, doesn't he?

  4. My immediate thought on seeing Ken was about the huge number of possibilities for painting a coat and tails. You can go dark (as you have), or do a pale grey morning coat, as if for a wedding. My favourite idea is the ringmaster, though: a sparkly green, blue or pink suitable for the big top!

    Another cheerleader turned slayer? She's very well done (both the sculpt and your painting!), but the idea is getting a bit tired, I think. Just my 2 cents...

    1. I think Ken would like very smart in white. I like your idea of painting Ken as a ringmaster. Now that idea had never occurred to me.

      As for Kandy, the idea of the kick ass cheerleader is a bit of a cliche nowadays but I still like her.

  5. Great job on these Bryan! Ken looks great Dude! Love Kandy, you have to check out the comic Zombies v's Cheerleaders, it's pretty cool.

    1. Thanks, Bob. Zombies vs Cheerleaders sounds like my cup of tea. I'll check to see if there's a graphic novel of the series.

  6. They both look marvellous Bryan. Watch out Kandy that stick could take your eye out!

    1. Ha, ha, I guess Kandy forgot to heed her mum's advice not to run whilst holding a sharp object!

  7. I can't say I'm a fan of Ken's (and not just because he's a zombie !), but Kandy is quite a dynamic figure - good paintkob on both as usual.

    1. How odd. I was fully expecting you to like Ken and hate Kandy. Thanks, anyway, Joe.

  8. I love what you did with Kandy's eyes. At such a small scale, they look great and make her come alive.

    1. Many thanks, FEM. I have found that my painting has vastly improved since I've had the two cataracts operations done.
