
Wednesday 3 December 2014

Black Scorpion and Shadowforge US Army Medics

I only have two figures to show you this time round, and one of these, you've probably already seen (unless this is your first visit to my blog). The new figure is a female US Army medic made by Black Scorpion. The second figure is my Shadowforge US Army medic, but she has had a slight makeover.
At the left of my two photos is a very sexy female medic whom I have called Kelly Marie Delaney. I know that some of you won't like her because she is showing too much bare flesh, but I disagree. I think she's a really nice figure. The detail on her is very well done. Black Scorpion have recently stopped making their figures in white metal and instead use resin. She is one of the very few resin-cast figures that I own and I must admit, I was very impressed with her. She stands 32mm tall from the sole of her boots to the top of her helmet, which may make her too tall for some of you but not for me. Certainly, she fits in very well with the rest of Black Scorpion's US Army soldiers. She is armed with a 5.56mm Colt Commando Assault Carbine. She carries a first aid box in her other hand. Little details like her dog tags, wristwatch, head band and left upper arm bandage impressed me a lot. She is an incredibly beautiful woman with a spectacular cleavage. Check out her arm muscles. I wouldn't want to get on her wrong side!
When I last showed my figure of Shadowforge's female US Army medic, Diana Webster, I told you that I had sculpted a pair of trousers and knee-pads for her. My good friend, Joe/Zabadak, suggested I also give her a T-shirt. I thought this was a great idea and this is what I have done. I'm sure you'll agree this was a change for the better. She now looks more professional and less like some sort of stripper (analogy courtesy of Mathyoo). There were some very interesting suggestions as to what her "pistol" could be. I still favour my suggestion of it being a dart gun but I did like Blaxcleric's suggestion that it be a flare gun. I'm afraid Hugh's suggestion of a price labelling device and Joe's hair-dryer idea were non-starters, even though they did give me a laugh!
You can find the Black Scorpion female Army Medic under their Collectors Series range and not as you'd imagine under their Moderns (US Marines) range. She is listed as Medic Girl and she costs £3.50. I have recently discovered that the Shadowforge range of figures can be bought from Australian company Eureka Miniatures. Diana - Combat Nurse, as she is listed under their Shadowforge Characters range, costs Aus$4.00. They also stock Tatiana the vampire and Nina Chi the sci-fi cop that I recently reviewed. I've dealt with Eureka Minis before and despite being based in Australia they are a very reliable company. Shown below is a picture of Diana taken from Eureka's website so that you can see what she looks like if you purchase her. I don't know where her sunglasses came from because my figure was certainly not wearing them. As you can see, she's not exactly dressed for front-line combat, is she?


  1. Beautiful job Bryan.
    Medic girl certainly is an Amazon, lovely none the less. Diana's tee shirt looks nice too, although I preferred the cleavage TBH.
    I think both ladies will fit right in. It would be great to see them in an adventure soon, Dude.

    1. Thanks, Bob. It took a lot of willpower to cover up Diana's cleavage. There's still a hint there but it's not as blatant. I think that once I introduce the US Army to my Zombie campaign both women will feature prominently.

  2. Up again early I see! Another great addition. I must say I do prefer your more professional version than the original "Stripper with hair drier" look.
    I like the other figure as well, with the Rifle, No objection to her cleavage, but I do like figures to look like they are what they should be. Combat medics should look like medics in fatigues. But that's the scuptors choice not mine. I don't condemn them for their choice it's just not mine. Don't know if you saw the series "Our Girl" but that's what I would hope for in a combat medic. Ranty Clint has finished now!

    1. Fair comment, Ranty Clint. I watched the first episode of "Our Girl" and thought it was a pile of shite! Too cliched and predictable. A far better modern army series was "Bluestone 42" shown on BBC3 about a British bomb disposal unit in Afghanistan. Kelly Marie would have been right at home with our lads, even though she is American.

  3. She's cracking and her nerdy sister too!

  4. Holy cow!! What is Eureka's Diana wearing? That isn't a skirt its just another belt!!! Victorian Dad values aside I much prefer your version Bryan, and Kelly looks cracking as well. Any chance you'll divulge your painting technique for the camo you apply so very well please?

    1. Eureka's Diana is wearing VERY little, Blax! I think you can see why i had to cover her up. Much as I like the sight of bare female flesh, she was just dressed totally inappropriately for an army medic. You can find my camo painting recipe here -

  5. Two great figures even if the first is a smidgen large, as yu say she fits in well with the larger Scorpion figures.
    I still like your conversion of the second figure, more so now she looks more professional and less like a street-walker - the weapon sheis carrying, I've now worked out, is in fact a hand held bar-code scanner.

    1. Good call on suggesting I add a T-shirt to Diana, Joe. I'm still 100% sure what her pistol is but I'm fairly confident it is NOT a hand held bar code scanner! LOL!

  6. Nice work Bryan. Both are lovely figures and I like there colour scheme.

  7. I find the t-shirt a real improvement. The black Scorpion figure is lovely their resgin casts are coming out as nice as their metal one IMO.

    1. I was very impressed with Black Scorpion's resin-cast figure. She was just as good as their metal ones.

  8. Black Scorpion figures are very nice, but they are notoriously larger than most other manufacturers. Too big for me...

    As for Shadowforge, they sculpt exposed female flesh and pretty much nothing else. Some nice models, but of limited value in representing the real world. They can also be bought in the UK from Fighting 15s: , so you don't have to order from Australia if you're in Europe.

    1. Thanks for the info on Fighting 15s, Hugh. I had never heard of them before.

    2. Grekwood also stocks some of the range as well now.

    3. True, but he has also sold out of many of them.

  9. When I saw Marie it reminded me of this photo of a soldier sitting on a bomb...straddling would be more correct:

    As for Marie's pistol while it does look a lot like a bar code reader the top part could be a folding stock. They might have been going for a machine pistol eg. MAC11.

    1. Hot damn, Jason! That girl sitting on the bomb is GORGEOUS! I wish she was straddling me!

      You could be right about the folding stock.

  10. That is just brilliant! Well done again Bryan. I really like these reviews. And I think Joe had a good point. Well done there too.

    1. Thanks, Johnny. I agree - Joe did have a good point.

  11. They both look great Bryan. The Scorpion one isn't half bad as a sculpt, even if it doesn't fit in my idea of how "moderns" should look like. I LOVE her eyes though, they are just fantastic.
    I also like the shirt on the other one. If nothing else, it adds a nice bright colour for the contrast!

    1. Cheers, Mathyoo. Did you notice with the eyes that I didn't add any white to them? I agree that Diana's T-shirt sets the model off very nicely and provides a bit of contrast. I'm glad you like them.
