
Sunday 28 December 2014

SLAP Miniatures Werewolves 02

Last time I reviewed the SLAP Miniature's male werewolves from their Moon Howlers range. This time, I'm reviewing the female werewolves from the same range. Whereas there were six males, there are only four females. The other big difference is that these are all one-piece castings. Once again, the character names come from the SLAP Minis website.
At the far left is Cadela. I have based my colour schemes on those used by SLAP Minis on their website. I was pleased to see more variety in the paint jobs than with the male werewolves. Their fur is much lighter on the front than on the back.
Standing next to her is Zuka. These figures stand about 37mm tall from the soles of their feet to the tops of their Mohican haircuts.
Third in line is Kuja. She arrived without a tail. It must have snapped off her before she was sent. It was not in the package I received but no matter. I was able to add one by drilling and sticking a piece of wire to the base of her spine then covering the wire with Milliput and shaping then scribing it. You can tell it's not the original tail as my tail is pointing upwards whereas it should be pointing downwards as the others are. I actually prefer mine as it makes her stand out.
And finally, is the leader of the females, Cho Chai. Just like the males these are very slim with tiny waists. They all stand tall and have big hands, Mohican haircuts and very prominent breasts. I'm really not sure if female werewolves should have such large breasts. I suspect not but it does make them unmistakably female.
These certainly complement the males of this range perfectly. They are lean, mean fighting machines and quite unique in the way they have been sculpted. I like these figures a lot.
Once again, they are very reasonably priced. Just like the males in this range they cost £1.50 each. You can buy all four females for just £5.50. By far the best way to buy these and the males is to opt for the Pack of Werewolves set, which gets you all 6 males and all 4 females for the ridiculously low price of £13.00. This is the option I chose when I bought mine.


  1. Well Mohican female werewolves is certainly a niche market which SLAP miniatures seem to have firmly cornered with these figures, Bryan. Their sculpting looks rather too Hannah-Barbera for my liking but I love your choice of colours, especially Zuka and Kuja; which strike me for some reason as being very feminine paint schemes. Again excellent value for money though if you do like them, and I know you do :-) Great service by Stuart at Slapstick btw, who has apologised to me for not getting my male werewolf minis ready for posting because he's taking Christmas Day off! Really looking forward to them now. Thanks Bryan.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Simon. I'm pleased to hear that you're receiving good customer service from SLAP Minis. Hopefully, you won't have to wait too long for your figures to arrive.

    2. I see Rum & Bones is doing especially well. Love the Sea Dragon and many of the KS exclusives are looking very nice. Hope all is going well with your kobolds and Super Dungeon Explorer.

    3. It's the last day for the Rum & Bones Kickstarter and they have brought out some fantastic stretch goals and add-ons. The Sea Dragon is so cool!
      I can't wait to show off my Super Dungeon Explore stuff. All of the figures from the basic set are finished and I'm working on the two expansion sets - Caverns of Roxor and Von Drakk Manor. In the early part of 2015 I'll be reviewing SDE in depth and with loads of photos.

  2. As you say good value. I do prefer the male werewolves though. Were wolves with knockers just seems wrong to me. I am sure there are films where you can see this sort of thing but that on it's own does not make it right. For me this is another miss! But I can't condemn any who like them it is all personal choice. And by that comment I don't mean to take anything away from your painting which I do like.

    1. Clint, clearly back in the mid-eighties you missed that terrifying Philippe Mora horror classic "Howling II: Stirba - Werewolf Bitch"... a film so very wrong for many of the reasons you allude to :-)

    2. Fair comment, Clint, and no offence taken.

      Simon, I saw "Howling 2" and know exactly what you're talking about. I commend you for your knowledge of obscure horror films!

  3. I like what you've done with these Bryan!
    Although the sculpts are strangely erotic Dude, is that wrong?

    1. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Bob. Apparently! Actually, I rather agree with you, so I guess we're both damned!

  4. Nice paintjobs, Bryan! As much as I like the grey ones, it's nice to see them in various colours.

    As for the sculpts themselves, I can only agree - while I like the idea of the naked werewolves (they are animals, after all!), the sculptor seem to be trying really hard to prove his point on both sexes.

    1. Thanks, Mathyoo. I'm afraid I don't know enough about the physiology of lupines to say whether these sculpts are accurate or not. After all, we are talking about a supernatural creature not something from the real world (unless someone knows different!). All I know is that I like the figures and they appeal to me.
