
Sunday 4 January 2015

Assorted Werewolves 02

I'm going to continue my reviews of my collection of werewolf figures for the next week or so. Today I'm showcasing lupines sculpted by three different companies.
First up is a werewolf from the Micro Universe Doctor Who range. This is a plastic 35mm scale figure that came pre-painted, much like Heroclix figures are. The paintwork was basic but acceptable. I added highlights and picked out the claws, teeth and eyes. For a plastic werewolf, this is a fine sculpt and I really like it. If you're wondering what a werewolf is doing in Doctor Who, one appeared in the episode called "Tooth and Claw," which was set in Scotland during the reign of Queen Victoria. This was an adventure starring the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) and Rose Tyler (Billie Piper). Please note this range is no longer in production.
The werewolf in the centre of the group was made by Mongoose Publishing as part of their Judge Dredd Miniatures Game. Werewolves infect the Undercity of Mega City One, although, thankfully, they are few in numbers. It looks like this werewolf was chained up, possibly whilst in human form. Either way, he has now broke free and is on the loose, looking to wreak havoc. The figure is just over 28mm tall. I think its an okay sculpt . I don't like the fact that its head seems overly large, even though it is well sculpted. This figure is available to buy and costs £5.00 from the Mongoose store.
The third figure in line is a very old figure that I bought in the 1980's. He was very badly painted by me but recently I gave him a totally new paint job, which has improved him no end. I'm not 100% sure which company made this figure. I suspect it was Alternative Armies, who are still going strong today but if they did make this werewolf, he is no longer in production. This wouldn't surprise me as many of their old figures are no longer available. If you can positively identify the manufacturer of this figure, please do let me know.


  1. Nice additions to the completed pile. No idea on the last one. The mongoose one does look a bit odd with the larger head shame its really good besides that.

    1. Thanks, Simon. I agree that the Mongoose werewolf does look a bit odd with its big head.

  2. I really like the first one (my Fav), a good sculpt with good proportions and a good pose, the others aren't too bad either, but paint jobs are sweet.

    1. I totally agree with you. The Doctor Who werewolf is the best of this group.

  3. Will your round up also include the Ainsty Castings Werewolf? (In their weed west range)
    Of those shown today though I think the first one is the most how I imagine them to be.
    Nice work mate keep them coming.

    1. No, it won't, Clint, for the simple reason that I don't own the Ainsty Castings werewolf. I have seen their Weird West (it's WEIRD West and not Weed West, by the way) and I do plan on buying all of them at some time.

    2. Yeah I can't spell. It is a good figure though.

    3. Don't sweat it, Clint. I actually like all six figures Ainsty produce for their Weird West range but, yes, their werewolf is particularly good and usable in so many genres.

  4. Another great posting Bryan. I wasn't actually a fan of the Dr Who minis but their werewolf was rather nice. I do though, sadly clearly, like the Mongoose one - as I understand it was based upon Steve Dillion's artwork for the JD story "Cry of the Werewolf", where he was the Laaaah! :-) I've had a rummage through my old metal tin and don't have the last one - I thought at first it might be linked to the old "Citadel" Fiend Factory Werewolf (my all-time fave) as the soft sculpting is quite similar in many ways. Clearly not though.

    1. Simon, the JD story, "Cry of the Werewolf" is a huge favourite of mine. Steve Dillon's artwork on it was just superb. The Mongoose werewolf is clearly based on that story but I can confirm, it is an original casting. I do plan on showing some of my old Citadel werewolves very, very soon. I think you'll enjoy seeing them.

  5. Quite a mixed bunchin the quality of the sculps, but I can't help wondering where your werewolf army is heading and what is their target.

    1. Thanks, Joe. That's a good question you ask. At some point I'd love to do an all out horror game with vampires, zombies and werewolves. I might add demons and ghosts into the mix and of course, humans will feature prominently both as hunters and hunted. All Things Horror (before it got converted to After The Horsemen), GURPS Horror and possibly Occult Wars are all likely contenders for my choice of rules. Colgar6 recently suggested I look at Fear and Faith by Ganesha Games. That covers all three creatures, so I may well get that if only to check it out. It may never happen but consider it a long term goal of mine.

    2. I can certainly vouch for "Fear & Faith" Bryan. I've not played "Ghost Rangers", its supplement though.

    3. Hmm, another "Fear and Faith" fan. It looks like I'll definitely be getting it now. Thanks, Simon. See, just as I can make you spend money, so you can make me spend money!

    4. LOL. You've got a long way to go before you fork out as much as you've cost me Bryan :-) Those "Horrorclix" from across the Pond aren't cheap!! I look forward to a F&F AAR at some point in the future.

  6. Nice paintjob Bryan! I like the first two, even though the middle one's got a massive head, (all the better to stuff his prey into) but the last one's lack of ears makes him look like a badger. It's probably just me.
    It would be great to see some of your fine lupines grace the streets of Mayhem Dude. Maybe they could escape the lab, like in Underworld.

    1. Now that you've mentioned how small the last werewolf in line ears are, I must agree with you. Hmm, werebadgers - now there's a thought! I like it!
      I'd like to do a scenario with at least one werewolf running loose in Mayhem City. He or she might possibly be an escapee from the Prosperity Corporation.

  7. Nice work Bryan, I prefer the one on the left from Micro Universe, he looks more like a werewolf should....I think??

    1. Thanks, Ray. You are spot on with your comments about the Micro Universe werewolf - he is the best of the bunch.

  8. Hello, Vampifan,

    Just a sugestion: why you don`t install a "Google+ like button", so we can share your posts in Google community.

    A great year and greetings from Brazil!


    1. That's a good idea, Mauther. I've added one already. Many thanks for the suggestion.

  9. I thought that I recognised that first werewolf - I've got a bunch of the same Micro Universe figure myself!

    The 3rd miniature is a little odd, isn't he? My first thought was "that's not a wolf; it's a womble!" But that isn't quite right either...

    1. Thanks, Hugh. I like Bob's suggestion of the third werewolf being a werebadger!

  10. I like those! Especially the last one for some reason, it must be that old school feeling. It looks like a Werebadger!

    1. Thanks, Mathyoo. I think I'm going to have to repaint the third one as a werebadger!

  11. You can never have enough werewolves, lovely work Bryan.

    1. Thanks, Fran. There are quite a few things you can't have too many of, including civilians, zombies and naked females!
