
Wednesday 7 January 2015

Assorted Werewolves 03

Hey, guess what? I have more werewolves to review. These four are all very old sculpts. Two were made by Citadel Miniatures and two were made by Grenadier Miniatures. All of these figures stand roughly 28mm tall.
The first two figures at the left of my photos were made by Citadel Miniatures many years ago. The black werewolf has a very bestial face. Notice that he has no tail. It's not a bad sculpt but I'd liked to have seen him much taller.
The second werewolf is one of my favourite lupine sculpts. I gave him a very red brown fur to contrast with his deep blue tracksuit bottoms. I do like how his toes and heels are bursting through his training shoes. He is just a fantastic sculpt of a werewolf in its Glabro form (half human, half werewolf). He hasn't fully transformed into a werewolf but he's almost there.
The next two figures were originally made by Grenadier Miniatures. The black and beige werewolf was part of Grenadier's Call of Cthulhu range. Once again, a decent sculpt has been let down by having an over-sized head. However, I do like the way the spine has been sculpted. Note the absence of a tail.
The brown furred werewolf could well be the oldest werewolf figure I own. It was released as a part of a boxed set of Dungeons and Dragons monsters in the early 1980's. There are a number of things wrong with this figure - the head is far too big and the legs are far too short. Still, at least it has a nice bushy tail.
None of these figures, except one, are available for sale now, unless you can find them on the likes of e-Bay. The one exception is the first Grenadier werewolf who is now offered by Mirliton. You'll find him in a pack of three figures called The Main Monsters in their 28mm scale Nightmares range. The other two figures in this set are a Mummy and Frankenstein's Monster. This set costs 5.96 Euros. If you are unfamiliar with Mirliton, they are an Italian-based company and they sell a LOT of the old Grenadier figures. They are well worth checking out if you're after some old obscure Grenadier figures.


  1. A nice selection of figures you have there!

  2. My goodness there's some serious variety to your Werewolf collection, Bryan... in a very good way I stress. I like all of these, possibly the first, the black lupine being my fave - though tbh he probably doesn't look all that much like a classic werewolf, just a snarling savage beast. Great paint-job on him too. Though I like what you've done with the others as well, especially the trainers and the were-hamster at the end (he's so cute).

    You've once again demonstrated how dangerous it is to follow your blog as I've popped over to Mirliton's website and immediately fallen for their fantastic Eyekiller sculpt, amongst many others. Fortunately my Slap Miniatures order has arrived, so I'm distracting myself with gluing these babies together... and basing my little pony ;-)

    1. Many thanks, Simon. I think the first two are still transforming into their true werewolf forms. Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

      A werehamster? Well, why not? It seems any animal is fair game for lycanthropy.

      I had no idea what an Eyekilller is so I've just checked it out. It's not what i was expecting but I do agree that it's a very nice sculpt. Incidentally, I should tell you that I have ordered from Mirliton in the past and they are very reliable.

      Good to hear that your SLAP werewolves arrived.. . but you got a little pony!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do hope it's for your daughter or wife!

    2. To be fair, I didn't get a my little pony, Stuart kindly sent me one as my order was delayed over Christmas. Besides... Batman & Rainbow Dash sounds like a winning Team-Up for a Batrep to me :-)

      I will be visiting Mirliton just as soon as I've cleared my table of a few minis and the Eyekiller will certainly be one of my purchases. But for now I have a few rather large models to paint...

    3. Ah well, if the little pony was a freebie then you're forgiven. I thought you'd struggle to beat the Batman/Jesus team-up but I reckon a Batman/Rainbow Dash will top the lot!

      Having fun painting those beasties!

  3. Nice paint work on some interesting minis, keep them coming.

  4. Not familure with Mirliton so I will deffo check them next thing I do.

    I do prefer the Citadel duo and remember the red-brown fellow well although never owned him.

    A very nice selection and with the others you must have quite the pack now. If you show any more, any chance of a pack shot if not inconvenient.

    1. I'd certainly enjoy a pack shot too, if that's possible Bryan?

    2. I have just been photographing yet more of my werewolf collection but I didn't take a group shot. No matter, I will get round to it, once I've finished my lupine reviews. If you don't mind waiting another couple of weeks I'll show you a BIG group shot. Be warned though, I'll only be showing about half my collection. I still have loads of werewolf and wolf figures that need re-basing. But that's a job for the future. I want to finish my werewolf reviews before the end of January so that I concentrate on Super Dungeon Explore.

  5. Quite a comical lot, for various reasons, but 'ginger' I think is a take-off of a 50's film I seem to remember. I do find it strange though that most of the figures you've shown in the last few posts all appear more human than animal.

    1. Could the film be "I was a Teenage Werewolf"" perhaps? I'm afraid 1950's films are before my time. Regarding your point about the recent bunch of lupines being more human than animal, Joe, is that you have to remember that they can come in all shapes and sizes. Some stand on two legs whilst others, who are more animalistic, stand on four legs. Some are part human and part wolf whilst others grow into massive werewolf monsters. As a species, werewolves are very varied, and I like this trait a lot.

  6. Fabulous! I don't envy those werewolf hunters against all these creatures you've amassed recently!

    1. Indeed not, Simon. And there's many more yet to come.

  7. Very varied and cool figures Dude! Nice job painting them Bryan. The second in line is my favourite too. I love that cartoon look, very Scooby Doo.
    Talking of hunters against werewolves do you remember an old film called "The Beast Must Die".

    1. Thanks, Bob. I loved your Scooby Doo comment.
      Not only have I not seen "The Beast must Die" but I have never heard of it. Sorry!
