
Wednesday 14 January 2015

Assorted Werewolves 04

Here is another batch of 28mm scale werewolf figures from my collection, and once again, they are a mixed bunch from a variety of companies. Some are still available to buy but others are sadly, long gone.
At the far left is a huge and very scary werewolf in its Crinos form from Heresy Miniatures. This is a multi-part kit containing head, torso and right leg, tail, left leg, right arm, left arm and base. It was sculpted by Andy Foster and I must say, he's done a cracking good job. Note the blood around its mouth and snout, indicating it has fed recently. This is one of my all-time favourite werewolf sculpts. It is in a very animated pose and it was a joy to make and paint. He is available to buy from Heresy's webstore for £8.00. Do bear in mind that for that price he is very tall despite the fact he is crouching down, and he is a multi-part kit.
The white werewolf was originally made by Grenadier Miniatures but is now available from Mirliton. He is part of their Nightmares range and comes in a pack of three figures marked as NM020 Lycanthropes. The other two figures show him in wolf form and in half-human form. Price is 5.96 Euros for all three figures. I must admit that I think this is a rather average sculpt. By painting him white, he could almost pass for a small polar bear.
At the far right is an old Ral Partha figure who is not actually a werewolf at all but a werejackal. He is quite small and the fact that he is crouched down in a running pose makes him look even smaller still. I actually like this figure for his uniqueness. Ral Partha made a lot of werewolf figures. They had the franchise to make figures for White Wolf's Werewolf: the Apocalypse RPG. This figure, however, was part of their fantasy range. Ral Partha closed shop many years ago so you will struggle to find a copy of this figure.
These two huge werewolves in their monstrous Crinos form were made by Alternative Armies as part of their old Firefight sci-fi range. They were allies of the evil Shia Khan forces who fought against the Free Companies Crusaders in what was known as the Ion Age. They stand 42mm tall from the soles of their feet to the tops of their heads.
I see no reason why they can't be used as contemporary werewolves. They are nicely sculpted and although they are huge in comparison to a normal 28mm tall figure, they are still in scale. A Crinos form werewolf is generally about nine feet tall. Sorry to say that these figures are no longer available.


  1. The large werewolf looks soo cool great paint job.

  2. The Hersey miniatures were wolf is fantastic. I really like the dynamic pose it has. For me it is the best one in all this series you have shown so far.

    Nice work on all 5 of these and I do admire the variety of fur colours it must really break up the pack.

    1. The Heresy werewolf is certainly amongst my favourites, Clint.

      Giving them different fur colour does help identify them easier and breaks up the monotony of having them all, say black, for example.

  3. The Heresy 'miniature' is the form I imagine werewolves to be in and is a great figure, whilst the two werewolf m'marines'look ridiculous imo.
    The Ral Partha figures may be avialable from RalPartha Europe:

    1. Sorry, Joe, you're close but that is not my werejackal. I've had a good look at the Ral Partha Europe website and I couldn't find the werejackal anywhere.

    2. I didn't mean to imply it was yours, but merely to point out that Ral Parta may have closed its doors, but others have opened. As there were over 500 figures in the Ral Partha range on offer at that site, I looked for werewolf, not werejackal., werebadger or whatever else they may have.

    3. Thanks for that clarification, Joe. As you say, as one door closes, another opens.

  4. More awesome additions love the look of the Heresy one what a whopper and those last two are kind of cool I find the clothing/webbing a bit to neat for my tastes but they are a nice size.

    1. Thanks, Simon. The Heresy werewolf is indeed a "whopper!" I actually don't mind the last two made by Alternative Armies. They fit in well with my other Crinos form werewolves.

  5. Lots of variety again Bryan.
    I love that "Heresy" model, what a big ass scary werewolf should be. The others all have their own merits. I must say that I rather like the camo scheme on the last two gigantic beasts.

    1. Cheers, Bob. Another fan of the Heresy werewolf. He sure is popular... and I'm not at all surprised. Thanks for the compliment on the camo patterns. It's never an easy thing to paint.

  6. Well the Heresy Werewolf is clearly a fearsome beastie and personally I think your paint-job on him is one of your best by a mile. Love the fur fading into the skin of the hands and feet, the look in the yes and that blood. Terrific stuff Bryan. I actually like the white were-sloth as well and that's a good white fur you;ve painted. Why didn't you post him before I did my Slink Champion Gluckle so I could pick up some top tips!?! I do hope the Ion Age werewolves are produced in 15mm as a lot of that range currently are. Though mine won't have that excellent camo pattern on them which you've done. Really enjoying these postings :-)

    1. Many thanks, Simon. As I said in my review, the Heresy werewolf was a total joy to paint. On some figures, you just know that painting them will be a real labour of love. This was one of those figures.

      You have caught me by surprise as I had no idea that the Ion Age stuff was being produced in 15mm. Although it is not a scale I am interested in I will check it out just to see what is on offer.

      Ha, ha, weresloth! Now that did make me laugh! Is no animal safe from the curse of lycanthropy?

  7. Been loving the werewolf show as of late. That Heresy were is also one of my favorites, the other being the Reaper miniatures werewolf by Jean Paul DuChamps. Very different styles, but the poses on each are just perfect. You did a great job on your whole lot here.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Carl. I wasn't familiar with the Reaper werewolf you mentioned but after doing a Google search for him, I agree he is an awesome sculpt. He has quickly been added to my to buy list.

  8. another set of excellent werewolves but I have to join the choir in saying that the heresy figure is the stand out one so far. It would be my choice if I ever had need of one.

    1. Thanks, Chris. It looks like the Heresy werewolf is everyone's favourite. I'm not at all surprised.

  9. It probably comes as no surprise, but I agree, that Heresy werewolf is just stunning. The pose is dynamic, while still making sense, he does not have that "stump" feel that many "dynamic" poses suffer from.
    I have to say I quite like the "polar bear" one, it might be because it's painted white, but it looks very unique.

    1. Thanks, Mathyoo. Andy Foster certainly nailed it when he sculpted that big beastie. As for the white wolf, I was influenced by the colour of the White Fangs tribe of werewolves from "Werewolf: the Apocalypse." I do have more white-furred werewolves to show but he is the first.

  10. "My, what *big* hands you have!"

    A strange collection of miniatures, I think...

    1. "All the better to grab you with!"

      Strange? Yes, I'd go along with that.

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