
Sunday 11 January 2015

Horrorclix Werewolves 02 (and ATZ-Reloaded Preview)

I'm reviewing my second batch of Horrorclix 30mm scale werewolves today and they are quite a mixed bag of figures.
At the far left is a Dire Wolf from the basic set in it's Rookie version. The Veteran version is identical but the Experienced version is made of transparent plastic to represent it in its spirit form. This form is far larger than a normal wolf and in White Wolf's Werewolf: the Apocalypse RPG, this is known as the Hispo form, aka the giant wolf form. It can transform into a normal sized wolf and that is known as its Lupus form. To give you some idea of his size note that I glued him to a 25mm by 50mm cavalry base. He is about the size of a horse! Yikes!!!!
Next up is Jak-Jak the Wolf Boy. This figure came in the Horrorclix expansion set - Freak-show. The Veteran version was given the name Jak-Jak but the Rookie and Experienced versions were just called Wolf Boy. He is tiny and if he wasn't crouching atop a stool could easily be overlooked. There is a chain around his left ankle which is secured to the floor. I guess the Freak-show owners don't trust him to roam free. In case you were wondering, that's not blood on his shirt but a red tie.
The female werewolf is called Lupina and she was also part of the Freak-show expansion set. It is interesting to compare her with the SLAP Minis female werewolves. Lupina is much sturdier and muscular. She also looks far more menacing and deadly. Her sports bra survived her transformation into werewolf form; the only piece of clothing that did. Note her ponytail. I do like her colouration. The pale brown colour is unusual but works well on her. She is my favourite figure out of this group.
Finally, we have Werewolf Orderly, who appeared in The Lab expansion set. It isn't clear from my photos but he is carrying a clipboard in his right hand. It is not hard to guess what happened to him. He must have got bitten whilst tending to a patient. Come the next full moon he turns into a werewolf. Bummer! He has been sculpted in a very animated running pose.
As I said before, the Horrorclix range has been out of production for quite a few years now. However, these figures do crop up on e-Bay and certain figure stores.

Just to prove I have not totally forgotten my main love of gaming - zombie apocalypse games - I was recently contacted by Ed Teixeira of Two Hours Wargames, asking me if I could post this video link on my blog to help promote the new ATZ-FFO board-game called ATZ-Reloaded.
Ed is working in conjunction with Lock and Load Publishing on an updated version of the ATZ board-game to bring it more in line with the ATZ-FFO rulebook. I have the original version of the board-game and felt it was very much ATZ-Lite. It was a lot like ATZ but not quite right. I've seen a rough draught of the new game and I can confirm that the new game is much improved and far more in line with the skirmish game rules. This is the version that Ed has always wanted to produce and any fans of ATZ will appreciate how seamlessly it ties in to the miniatures rules. I can't wait for it to be released.


  1. Another top post from the No.1 Werewolf blog, Bryan. I think the Dire Wolf is awesome, so sadly I'll be trawling Ebay for that one come next pay day. The colour scheme on Lupina is awesome, so I can see why see is your fave. No offence to SLAP but its a cracking sculpt. The orderly is rather nicely posed as well. I gave ATZ boardgame a miss the first time out, but this new version looks good (at least the ad does anyway). Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Simon. I agree that the the Dire Wolf is awesome. It is a truly fearsome beast. Lupina is my favourite female werewolf out of all my figures.
      You were probably wise to give the original ATZ board-game a miss. This new version will be far superior and much more in keeping with the ATZ skirmish war-game. Yes, the preview trailer is very slick, isn't it?

  2. All wolves are not the same size. These look great.

    I happen to have some wargs from Lord of the rings, they could easily go as werewolves in wolf form if you are interrested?

    1. Correct, Johnny. Werewolves can come in many shapes, sizes and colours.

      As for your Wargs, they are very similar to Dire Wolves or Hispo form werewolves, so, of course I'm interested, mate.

    2. I think I have your adress lying around somewhere...

    3. Thanks, Johnny. if you've mislaid it, don't worry. I'll send you an e-mail with it.

  3. Nice variety again Bryan! Great paintjobs too.
    Good to see you haven't forgotten the zombies Dude! That looks like a cool game, I'll wait until you review it though.

    1. Thanks, Bob. I could never forget zombies. They're just taking a short break for now but they will be back with a vengeance later this year.

  4. Hmm I do like this bunch. Very neat models.

    1. Glad you like them, Bob. I try to give you variety.

  5. Nice review and they all look rather good.

  6. I have probably missed the point but FFO was sold to me as being FINAL! I know you are going to say I am wrong but I don't care either it was final or it was not. I have lost interest in things saying they are final and then releasing something else. Sorry it's just the way I am. If this is something different from ATZ then call it by another name.

    A nice variety of were wolves though.

    1. Yes, you have totally missed the point, Clint. ATZ-FFO is designed to be played with miniature figures and 3D scenery. ATZ-Reloaded is the same rules but in board-game format. This will benefit people who want to play the game but don't have the time or space to paint and collect figures and scenery. A computer game version is also in the works. It is all ATZ but in different formats. ATZ-Reloaded has not been designed to replace ATZ-FFO but to complement it. The distinction is important. If you like gaming with minis then stick with ATZ-FFO. If you prefer games taking up much less space or just prefer board-games then choose ATZ-Reloaded.

  7. Great looking figures, love the DireWolf, he's a Big Boy!

  8. Those are my favorite bunch so far! I was immediately impressed with the wolf and he is by far my favorite (which isn't really fair as he's not as humanoid as others). I also like the little one for some reason!

    1. I fully understand, Mathyoo. It's hard not to be impressed by the Dire Wolf. Good on you for liking Jak-Jak. I like them all but I love Lupina.

  9. Another well painted batch of Werewolves, I particularly like the dire wolf, huge beast, also the ATZ Reloaded trailer is very good, I'm sure the board game will do really well.

    1. The Dire Wolf is a very popular figure, TE.
      I certainly hope that the ATZ-Reloaded board-game sells well.

  10. OK, a werewolf in a bra is just weird!

  11. I don't think your photos do justice to the first two, models the first doesn't appear to have a neck and it took me ages to work out that the second was actually howling with his (its ?) head skyward. The third is just silly (sports bra - why ?), but probably the best sculp imo.
