
Wednesday 22 April 2015

Mantic Demon and Rackham Werewolf

Today I'm going to review two very different figures - a Mantic Games Plague Demon from their Deadzone range and a Rackham Miniatures Wolfen Warrior from their Confrontation range. So why am I reviewing these very different figures in one post? Simply because I received them as gifts from my good friend and fellow blogger, Lord Siwoc aka Johnny Frandsen. I have often commented on the kindness of zombie gaming bloggers and Johnny has always been one of the good guys with his extreme generosity, both to me and others.
I know very little about Mantic's Deadzone game other than it is a sci-fi skirmish game. This is a Plague Demon type 1A from the Plague Faction. "Bloodthirsty monsters created by an alien virus, the Plague exist for one thing only – to spread their contagion as far as possible. The virus affects its hosts in a variety of ways; its earliest victims become towering hulks, filled with a steadfast will which drives their lesser kin. In its second generation, the Plague creates smaller, faster, but no less deadly monsters. The third stage infected show considerably less extreme physical changes, but they retain the ability to use technology, laying down covering fire with looted weapons while their larger brethren advance." This hulking brute stands 60mm tall. Its skin has gone and has been replaced in part with an armoured carapace. Its skull-like head looks far too small for its body but it's a demon so I suppose, anything goes. This was a five part plastic model consisting of two arms, a head, body and legs and a 40mm diameter base. It'll cost you £9.99 from the Mantic webstore and is still available to buy.
The giant werewolf is a member of the Wolfen tribe of lupine warriors from the world of Aarklash. This was the setting for Rackham's Confrontation fantasy skirmish wargame. Sadly, Rackham ceased trading in 2010. I have searched for this particular figure online but I can't find him listed anywhere. That said, he is definitely a figure from this range. He stands 58mm tall and he came in four parts - head, right arm, body and limbs and a 40mm diameter base. I drilled, pinned and glued the arm and head to the body. His weapons are very unusual but they do look extremely lethal.
Although I know so little about the games these figures were intended for I can still find uses for them in my own games. The Wolfen will fit in with my collection of werewolves for a contemporary horror game. Ditto, the Plague Demon. So, a big thank you to Johnny for sending me this wonderful pair of monsters. I very much appreciated the gesture and I'm sorry it took me so long to get round to painting them.


  1. I like the plague figure from mantic. The choice of colours is excellent, it is almost like he is shedding a skin!
    The werewolf is good as well.

    1. Thanks, Clint. For the Mantic Demon I simply copied the colour scheme from their website but I do like it a lot.

  2. Nice painting on two very characterfuI figures. I have quite a few wolfen figures and think that they are wonderful sculpts, however I really struggle to paint them to a standard I feel happy with - no Idea why! The mantic figure I have seen before as friends have deadzone and I think it is one of the best figures mantic do in this range. I will get it myself when I get the chance (and a reason!) to.

    1. Thanks, Chris. This was my first and only Rackham Wolfen I have painted although I have painted many other companies' werewolves.

  3. Great posting Bryan (I need to cut'n'paste that expression!). Huge fan of both "Deadzone" and "Rackman" minis and you've done these proud my friend. I especially like the plague figure, though its a tad gory... anyone would think you like your gore ;-)

    1. Many thanks, Simon. I wanted the Plague Demon to look moist as it reveals its inner musculature. Ha, ha, me like gore? Where could you get that idea from?

  4. I like both your paint jobs on these Bryan, though I like the rare and wonderful Rackman Wolfen the best.

    1. Cheers, Robert. I was very happy to receive both figures and I enjoyed painting them.

  5. It's not a's a "Devoreur de Vile-Tys" (in french)...a bad wolfen (very bad..)
    I think it's Kalyar, look à this:

    1. Thanks for that link, Will. It certainly does look like my figure. First edition Confrontation was published in French. The English version didn't appear until the second edition was published. Your picture is probably from the French first edition.

  6. They both look great the plague demon could come in handy as some sort of end boss for a survivor or military mission with the infected being zombies.

    Its a true shame that Rackham went it had some wonderful sculpts across its range.

    1. Simon, I like your idea of using the demon as some sort of end boss in a zombie game, not unlike the Abominations in Zombicide. Definite food for thought.

  7. It is indeed from the bad brothers of the wolfen, THE DEVOURERS OF VILE-TIS! And it really is amazing miniatures from Rackham in general. You have done it proud mate.

    I too opted for a gore look on my plague boys, though their armour is morebrown/sandy look. As Simon mentiones he would go great as an END BOSS! Scary prospect to spot him coming towards you while flinging cars out of the way!

    Well painted my friend.

    1. Johnny, thanks for confirming who the Wolfen is. I'm so glad you liked my paint job.

      I also like Simon's idea of using the Plague Demon as an end boss. He could work as a mutant zombie abomination. A scary prospect indeed!

  8. Blimey that white demon thingy's an ugly bugger!

  9. Great gifts Dude! A very nice paintjob too Bryan, that Plague Demon looks excellent, love the shiny gore. He'd definitely make a great end of level Boss. Maybe some kind of super strain of the virus. Abomination indeed!

    1. Many thanks, Bob. The more I look at the Plague Demon the more I think of him as a Zombie Abomination.
