
Sunday 26 April 2015

Zombicide Season 1 Survivors and Zombivors 02

I recently bought these two promo figures of Kyoko from Zombicide Season 1. The pack contained Survivor and Zombivor versions of her.
Before the zombie apocalypse, Kyoko had neither choice nor freedom. She studied the way her parents wanted, married the acceptable man instead of the one she loved, and hid her empty misery behind hollow smiles. While trying to conceive her first child with her husband, the zombies descended on the world in a gory whirlwind. For Kyoko, it was a release. Her universe has crumbled and she wants to enjoy it. Nobody can tell her who to be, what to do, what to wear. Kyoko has no regrets and now can be whoever she wants. New rules, for new times!
Kyoko the Survivor is armed with a Flamethrower, which is a very rare weapon in Zombicide. It is unusual to see a Season 1 character armed with a Flamethrower because it did not appear as an option until the release of the Season 2 Toxic City Mall expansion set and even then, there is only one Flamethrower card in the whole deck of weapons and equipment. Flamethrowers are like Molotov Cocktails in that they are one of the only weapons that can kill an Abomination. Indeed, they will kill anything and everything in a single Zone. Zombivor Kyoko is armed with a Katana. Kyoko starts the game with the +1 Free Search Action Skill, which grants her a bonus Search Action per Turn but which still limits her to one Search Action per Turn.
Kyoko was originally offered as a prize for those who designed scenarios for Zombicide Season 1. The prize winning scenarios are available online in the Guillotine Games website and in the Zombicide Compendium book Volume 1. Kyoko became the official mascot for this book. I saw that someone was offering her for sale on eBay and made a bid for her. My bid was accepted and she cost me £12.00, which is a lot of money to pay for two plastic 28mm scale figures but given her rarity and the fact that Season 1 Zombicide figures often sell for £30+ I think I got a bargain. She is the only Season 1 promo figure I own, so she has pride of place in my collection.


  1. A wonderful find Bryan, and a bargain imho if such a model holds such a high position within your collection. Certainly I've paid similar prices for some of the rarer "Heroclix" minis I've wanted. Though such prices do hurt when you consider all you get is a couple of pieces of plastic.

    However you've clearly been inspired by this little beauty and given her a subtle hint of Vampirella ;-) Such a shame she got bitten though... and I'd have been somewhat tempted to see if I could use a little greenstuff to bring her back from the dead and simply use her as a sword-slaying alternative pose. But that's probably easier said than done and would 'muck up' the rules?

    Once again though this is another of your postings which has finally broken my resolve, and yesterday at Salute I did so well too in declining a store's offer to give me 25% off all the "Zombicide" boxed sets if I bought them all. Fortunately I couldn't have carried them with me from London... a good excuse not to buy the new SDE Forgotten King set as well. But today I've finally ordered Zombicide Season One, just so I can understand what you and Bob keep talking about every post :-)

    1. Many thanks for the kind words, Simon. The Vampirella connection to this figure was purely a coincidence as I merely copied her colour scheme from her stat cards. As for converting the Zombivor version of her that wouldn't be too hard to do and there is no reason not if you wanted to use her as a human survivor. There is more chance of finding a katana in Zombicide than a flamethrower, so it certainly wouldn't "muck up" the rules. Plus, if you used her with another set of rules then it wouldn't matter what she looked like. You could even leave her as is, but paint her up as a human with battle-damaged clothing.

      Oh, how I wish I could have gone to Salute yesterday. Money considerations made it a non-starter, as it usually does. I am glad that you (and other bloggers) had such a good time there. A 25% discount on all of the Zombicide boxed sets is a fantastic offer but I do understand your reluctance to take it. Carrying that amount of gear would not be easy. By the way, I'm waiting for The Forgotten King to arrive in the post. It should be here soon. As for succumbing to temptation and ordering Zombicide online, I don't blame you and I hope you enjoy it as much as Bob and I do. It's a game with a lot of depth and replay value. I'm planning on doing a Zombicide batrep on my blog very soon so watch out for that. I'm sure you'll find it very useful. I'm back into Zombicide in a big way right now.

    2. Having seen the Forgotten King yesterday Bryan, I don't think you're in any way going to be disappointed with it. The duck knight is especially nice :-) I look forward to seeing your BatRep enormously as if its half as much fun as your ATZ stuff it'll be a cracker.

    3. There is so much I want to see in TFK so my expectations for it are very high. As for my Zombicide batrep, I have already chosen the scenario I want to use. It'll be a simple one to introduce you to the rules and just like my ATZ batreps it will be rules heavy to give newbies like yourself an understanding of how the game plays.

  2. Having not seen these figures before I have got to say how much I like them.

    Having read your comments to Blax rules heavy suits me fine as I really am a light weight. I am now looking forward to it.

    1. Thanks, Clint. The Kyoko figures are very rare, so it's no surprise that you haven't seen them before.

      You and Simon are the kind of people I want to target when I do my first Zombicide batrep.

  3. Very nicely done Bryan whats not to love! Samurai swords and flamethrowers!

  4. Ah, "rare" figures are always a dilemma, aren't they? We know that the price is artificially inflated, yet the completist collector in us wants them :-) !

    1. That is so true, Hugh. I have bid on eBay for all of the Zombicide season 1 promo figures but this was the first time I was successful.

  5. Nice find Bryan! Great paintjob too. I think I'll be going the proxy/conversion route myself as getting them all would be a major headache and investment.
    Top quality ass painting Dude!

    1. I'll admit I got lucky with this purchase, Bob. I didn't expect to win the bid or pay so little for her. I agree that proxy or conversion is probably the way to go.
