
Sunday 24 May 2015

Impact Chibi Pit Lord

My final (for now) review of Impact Miniatures' range of 28mm scale Chibi figures focuses on one of their larger figures - the demonic Pit Lord.
You can find him in the Chibi Adventurers section of Impact Miniatures' webstore as CA-PITF Pit Lord. He costs £12.57 but he is huge! Compared to GW prices for a similar sized monster that is a bargain. He stands 65mm tall from the bottom of his hooves to the tips of his horns and he has a wingspan of 90mm.
He was beautifully sculpted by Juan Miguel Lopez Barea and he comes in 8 parts - body, head, left hand with sword, right hand with half the flaming whip, the second half of the flaming whip, two wings and a 48mm diameter base. Please note that as with all Impact Minis' bases that come with their figures, the slottabases are plain and untextured. However, Impact do sell textured bases with a dungeon floor pattern on them with both a slot in them and without the slot. They come in two diameters - 24mm and 48mm. The Pit Lord does not come with a slottatab under his hooven feet so I pinned and glued him onto a textured base that did not have a slot in it.
The figure fit together extremely well. I used superglue to stick him and it worked just fine. I added a small bit of Milliput to the join between the two halves of the whip just to strengthen it a tad. Please note that he is made of Trollcast resin, as are the majority of Impact's figures. I feared that his fiery whip might easily snap but actually, it is quite springy and providing you take good care of your figures he should last a lifetime. Incidentally, I store all of my Chibi figures in foam-lined cases made by KR Multicases.
I like demons a lot and the main reason that I bought this particular one was to use him as a substitute Dungeon Boss for Starfire the Dragon in Super Dungeon Explore. Yes, he does have a big head and big eyes (all four of them!) but I would certainly use him in other fantasy games like AD&D or Warhammer (a Chaos Khorne Demon) if I still played them.


  1. What a fearsome beastie he is Bryan, and clearly lovingly painted by your good self. I especially like the flaming sword, eyes and teeth work you've done. He is clearly quite a size, so I'm not so sure "None Shall Pass" if he really wanted to ;-)

    What an ambassador for "Impact Miniatures" this series of postings has been, and sadly you have tempted me to pick up a few sculpts for a bizarre terrific trio of adventurers of my own - all Andrew May sculpts though so they fit in with my "Meridian Miniatures".

    Personally I'm looking forward to seeing your next batch of Chibi-stuff in the future as I want to see what you do with the latest figures "SDE" have released. Has your "Forgotten King" boxed set finally arrived?

    1. You should see him in real life, Simon. He really is a most imposing figure.

      I am very intrigued to learn who your trio of adventurers will be. because you mentioned Meridian Miniatures, I'm thinking of Impact's Flying Pig to go with them in keeping with the anthropomorphic theme.

      I am still waiting for The Forgotten King to be delivered but I have heard it should be soon, whatever that means. Next week? Next month? Who knows?

    2. I was tempted by the FLying Pig actually Bryan. But as I want these models to fit in with both my "SDE" adventurers (sort of) and "NN" sculpts I've gone for a trio that should prove a fantastically mix of adventure, science and... music. I would hope C.S. Lewis would approve ;-)

    3. Okay, so I guess science will be covered by the Scientist, music by the Satyr and adventure by... the Venetian Lion/Giant Lion, sticking with your C.S. Lewis theme. Am I right?

    4. Oohhh... you're good Bryan... and close. I'll give you Doc Brown and Mister Tumnus. But you've missed the last one, even though this time he won't be bringing his Dad ;-)

    5. Aha! Good clue, Simon. I know who it is - the Archaeologist, a Chibi-style Indiana Jones. What an interesting team up. I wholeheartedly approve!

  2. What a monster Dude! Lovely paintjob, the flaming whip looks really good.
    Funny you mention Khorne, he does have a Bloodthirster vibe, but also a really bug/insect like look. Must be the multiple eyes.
    He does make a great end of game/level bad guy. Kudos Bryan!

    1. Many thanks, Bob. Red and black are the colours most often associated with Khorne so it was an obvious connection to make.

      You're right, there is something bug-like about his head.

      Yes, I did buy him specifically for an end of game/level bad guy.

  3. Yep! he`ll do ^^ WOW, he`s a pure behemoth. really nicely painted. Makes me more determined than ever to paint mine up soon.

    1. A pure behemoth - I like that description, Steve. I'd very much like to see your take on him. Oddly enough, given his size, I found him quite straightforward to paint.

  4. Great looking mini and paintjob. Reminds me very much of the Heroquest gargoyle but obviously a chibi version.

    1. I'm not familiar with that figure, Simon, but I'm glad you like him.

  5. {{I'd very much like to see your take on him.}}}

    Hmmmmm, game mechanic wise? Lets see; okay without giving away too much, The Pit Lord plays like this: He has a truly staggering 16 dice (16D6) in combat, making him pretty much the highest dice wielding single piece in the game. When you consider that a Goblin might only own 1 Attack die, or an Orc 3 Attack die. Interestingly, The Pit Lord doesn't have a standard ranged attack (although a really pro aggressive Chibi Master could very easily make this Monster even tougher by giving it "Whip", for an additional 2D6 Ranged Attack damage). It`s normal default special ranged attack is "The Inferno", which is a fire weapon which has a chance with every successful hit of setting its target(s) on fire. The Pit Lord does of course have "Flight" because of its immense wings (assuming there is room to use them properly), and can "Zoom" about the board... as long as it makes no attacks or doesn't use any other Traits on that turn. The Pit Lord can also "Charge" its target(s), which... trust me, is a pretty devastating `free` attack (i.e. doesn`t count as part of the Melee Phase). It has a high Iron (Armour class), and is an all round evil thing to encounter. God help any heroes who are unfortunate enough to stumble upon a Pit Lord; making it an ideal Boss or Big Boss for the Chibi Master to use in his games.

    1. Awesome sauce, Steve! I have to agree with Hugh. Your description makes him sound a lot like a Balrog... and why not? He should scare the crap out of any party of adventurers so a big thumbs up from me. 16d6 for attack? WOW! Just wow! But, all things considered, not unreasonable. I agree that his flaming whip should count as a ranged attack. It is far more than just a melee weapon. Fire, flight and charge are all good, solid choices. I think you have summed him up very nicely.

  6. Paint wise, what do I think, Bryan. I think you have done a marvellous job. The combination of fire red and black/ashen grey really contrasts nicely. The fangs are nicely detailed, and I like the eyes, although I think I may have gone to town a little more and made them more..., scary (rings within rings, pupils, inner epicloides, etc... like you do on the Chibi Heroes).

    The fire whip looks like living flame, so excellent work there.

    I will paint mine very differently, as I want this critter to resemble the mythical "Jersey Devil" that is supposed to haunt the forested pinelands of New Jersey. The creature, or cryptid, rose to prominence from the tales the Iroquois (or Haudenosaunee) during the times of the French Indian Wars ("A Touch of Evil"... eat yer heart out). Mine will be a lot more fire engine red looking hehe.

    1. Thanks for the compliments, Steve. I am very happy with how he turned out, although I am still in two minds whether to add more detail to his eyes. I hear what you're saying about them and it's a valid criticism you make. Now that you have mentioned how you want yours to look like and who or what it is based on, I'm even more looking forward to seeing how he turns out. I hope you have as much fun painting yours as I did mine.

  7. hmm, now there`s a thought Colgar. A Chibi version of the Fellowship, Lord of the Rings, or The Hobbit for that matter.... interesting take on a theme.

    I can just see this Wizard standing vulnerably and rather alone on a narrow bridge, saying "Hey, now look you.... I`d rather you didn`t cross this bridge old boy, would cause a terrible to-do with the rest of my companions. What say you just turn round and fly home and we`ll say no more about it, there`s a good fellow?" The Wizard puts a flame to his long pipe and puffs out a long billowing cloud of noxious tobacco smoke.

    1. I'm sure you'd be up for a challenge like that, Steve, given your love of Lord of the Rings and all things Chibi.
