
Wednesday 27 May 2015

Zombicide Zombies - Season 2 Toxic Abominations 01

Toxic Zombies were introduced to Guillotine Games' Zombicide game in the Season 2 expansion set, Toxic City Mall. Toxic Zombies differ from Standard Zombies in a number of ways. First, upon elimination, a Toxic Zombie inflicts 1 Wound on its assailants if they are both in the same Zone. This is a free attack called Toxic Blood Spray. Ranged attacks from outside the Zone do not cause this effect. Toxic Zombies exist in all types - Abominations, Fatties, Runners and Walkers. They have the same characteristics and get the same targeting priority as their counterparts but are removed first in Ranged Combat and car attacks. Toxic Fatties come with an escort of two Toxic Walkers. Toxic Zombies do not benefit from the extra activation cards of other Zombie types. Eliminating a Toxic Zombie with a car does not cause a Toxic Blood Spray.
The Toxic Abomination at the left of the photos is the figure that you get in Toxic City Mall. He is wearing nothing more than a pair of underpants, a pair of fluffy rabbit slippers (!) and a spotted handkerchief tied around his head.The Toxic Abomination has an additional game effect - all Standard Zombies standing in its Zone at the end of the Zombies' Phase become Toxic Zombies. Replace their miniatures with matching Toxic Zombie miniatures. If there aren't enough Toxic Zombie miniatures, any remaining Zombies are simply not replaced. Replacing Standard Zombies with Toxic Zombies does not generate a new activation for the Toxic Zombies. Remember that this effect only applies to Standard Zombies. Other Zombie types are not affected.
The Toxic Abomination at the right is a conversion. I turned his underpants into shorts and his slippers into trainers with modelling putty. I also made him bald-headed. I acquired him by sending away for just about everything in the Zombicide Season 2 Kickstarter project. Amongst the goodies I received were three extra Abominations - one Standard, one Toxic and one Berserker. There are a few scenarios that require more than one Abomination be used, but thankfully, these are very rare. A Toxic Abomination can act once per Turn, has 3 Wounds and rewards the Survivor who kills it with 5 Experience Points.
Finally, I'd like to mention how I painted these figures. Normally, I paint my figures using Foundry paints. But for these I also used the Army Painter Zombicide paint sets - Zombie Core Paint Set and Toxic/Prison Paint Set Expansion. I first used Zombie Skin with a wash of Zombie Shader, which perfectly matched the colour scheme of the Toxic Zombies' skin tones in the rulebook. The spikes were painted with Dirt Spatter, followed by Boney Spikes then Brain-matter Beige. The boils were painted with Toxic Boils and highlighted with a 50/50 mix of Toxic Boils and Brain-matter Beige. The rims of the eyes and mouths were painted first with Dead Black, followed by Foundry White 33C for the whites of the eyes and teeth. These paints are quite thick and they give good coverage. I am very impressed with them. I know I will use Zombie Flesh the most and was wondering what to do when it runs out. Unfortunately, these paints can't be bought separately at the time of writing and I don't want to buy another boxed set just to replace one colour. Fortunately I discovered that Foundry Boneyard 9B is a perfect match for the Warpaints' Zombie Flesh. Sorted!


  1. Well they do look very toxic. That reminds me I will have to do a search for some new Fluffy rabbit slippers. Nice job on the conversations at first glance I was not even aware they had been done.

    1. Fluffy rabbit slippers on a zombie feels... wrong! Even so, I wouldn't want to meet either of these guys.

  2. Great job Bryan! I'm loving these guys, especially the boils Dude! Who knew pants and bunny slippers could be such a scary combination.
    Superb explaination of the Toxic rules Dude, beginners take note that Blood Spray rule can bite you in the ass.

    1. Much appreciated, Bob. I haven't tried out the Toxic Zombies yet but it was quite obvious to me that they should be put down at range 1+. Do not try to melee them unless you have a Survivor with the Toxic Immunity Skill. Toxic Blood Spray is a very nasty effect.

  3. Bryan, wonderfully timed my friend, as I ordered this very expansion on Monday after an 11-hour "Zombicide" session the night before. Fantastic painting too and now I really can't wait until the boxed expansion lands on my doorstep. As Bob says the boils are brill, and the Blood Spray rule sounds fiendishly fun... though I'm personally still getting caught out by the 'all walkers get an immediate turn card' which continually crops up in my games. I trust there isn't a Toxic version?

    1. An 11-hour Zombicide session? Wow! I recently played a mammoth scenario which I'll show on my blog, that lasted 16 hours, although it was played over three days. You will be very pleased to know that the Toxic Zombies don't get any extra activations. Thank God! I hope you find Toxic City Mall a worthy addition. Shopping malls now seem synonymous with zombies.

    2. Its comforting to know that those extra activations aren't part of the Toxic plan Bryan :-) I hate those cards. I'm really looking forward to your next "Zombicide" BatRep... I'd imagine a 16 hour session will keep you preparing and posting parts for weeks ;-)

    3. As far as I can remember only Standard Zombies get extra activations. The 16 hour session was the longest game of Zombicide I have ever played and I recorded every minute of it. Yes, it will be a huge batrep. Look out for it early next month.

  4. Fabulous job Bryan. Outside of zombicide I can see Alice scrapping with it :)

    1. Who ya gonna call? Alice, of course! I must get my Zombicide not-Alice painted.

  5. Those are heavy? I'm surprised that they can stand upright without falling over!

    1. They are indeed top heavy. But they are also knuckle-draggers, so perhaps that helps to keep them balanced.

  6. fabulous painting Bryan, really makes me want to start painting my Toxic City Mall minis now. I shall you know... when I see and read articles like this, it always, somehow, provokes the inspiration to `get mi bum in gear` and start painting.

    Just as an aside, for a second. I was in the city a couple of days ago, and wandered into "Other Realms" (while Hils was in the hospital playing lab rat, while the docs did their standard checks and stuff). With time to spare, I wandered up the road, into the city centre, and nonchalantly, almost whistling a tuneless refrain (determined NOT to buy anything expensive, just take a look, you know how it is). I spotted a lone copy of the one game I really hoped I didn`t see there.... the ONE game I really needed. The elusive Zombicide Prison Outbreak expansion. It was sitting alone, unloved on the surprisingly bare shelves of the shop (bad sign when a shop is bare, because the owner doesn`t restock).

    Without being able to stop myself, I wandered up to the shelf, looking at the game box sidelong. My, hand twitched.... and my arm inadvertently reached out for it; and suddenly it was in my hands. I found myself fondling the sleek, shiny cellophane wrapped cover, as a lover might tenderly embrace his intended.

    .... and then I stopped!

    Turing the box onto the reverse side, so I might read the descriptions of contents, gleaning some insight into the contents contained elusively and seductively within; I paused like a Paladin shocked by the grasp of a Wraith`s `shocking hands`.... appalled, shocked, stunned.

    ... the price tag hit me like a punch in the stomach.

    I blinked. "No, no, that can`t be right" I murmured. I even asked the surly man behind the counter, too busy reading a newspaper even to look up or take notice of his `sole` customer walking his echo ridden store. His disinterested reply confirmed my horror.

    Zombicide Prison Outbreak... price 137 Euro.... that's £99 in English money

    What the...........????????

    unreal. In the immortal words of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "That`s just wrong".

    Needless to say, the game remained on the shelf, as I exited in disgust.

    1. Steve, I know how much you want this expansion but you did the right thing in walking out in disgust. Someone is taking the piss! You and Buffy are so right - "That's just wrong!" I have just checked and Amazon UK have it in stock for £64.08, a saving of £15.91 (20%) over the RRP of £79.99. God, I love Amazon!

  7. mmmm..... nom nom nom *the sound of cookie dough thoughts going off in my head* That's a lovely price. Yes, God bless Amazon.

    My only problem is in two parts. Amazon charge me around 35 euro for postage (the box is dead heavy) and it would come via courier.... which is a headache for me in my remote location. I KNOW you would buy it and send it on to me Bryan, like you have in the past (I actually still owe you for Zombie Dogs). But the postage price would still be crippling I fear. If I CAN find a copy in Ireland that I can buy off the shelf, so much the better. Sadly, the chances of this happening are looking slim

    1. I agree that it is a dilemma, Steve. I'll send you a personal message with one possible solution.

  8. Got the message Bryan..... thank you kindly. Will reply today (to all your mail), first chance I get.
