
Sunday 21 June 2015

Zombicide Zombies - Season 2 Toxic Fatties 01

This is the 600th post of my blog, which is quite an amazing achievement. Yay! :-)
I suppose it should be marked in some special way but I'm not going to. Sorry! :-(
Instead, I'm going to showcase some of my Toxic Fatties from the Zombicide Season 2 expansion set, Toxic City Mall.
Toxic Zombies are disgusting creatures and are easily recognisable by their multiple spikes and profusion of boils that cover their bodies. The first three Fatties in my photos are straight out of the box figures. Only my paintwork distinguishes them from one another.
For the Fatty at the far right of my photos I bent his right arm at the elbow by briefly holding the arm over the flame from a candle. Whilst it was pliant I bent it into a new position and then immediately dunked the figure into a glass of cold water. This set the arm in its new position. He now looks like he is clutching his stomach. It is a very simple conversion. Just be careful not to hold the figure too close to the flame and for no longer than ten seconds.
I really like these figures. They are beautifully sculpted and very detailed, which made them a lot of fun to paint. For the most part they were painted with the Army Painter Zombicide paints from the Zombie Core Paint Set and the Zombie Toxic/Prison Paint Set. I like these paints a lot but not quite as much as my Foundry paints. For the gore effects I used a mix of the Zombicide Glistening Blood with a smidgeon of Zombicide Dead Black (any acrylic black paint would do) and a lot of Tamiya Clear Red (the best paint on the market for doing gore effects). Painting gore is always the last thing I paint on my figures and I must admit, it is the part I enjoy the most!


  1. Oh what a wonderful post Bryan. They look absolutely stonkingly good. I especially like your conversion, and whilst it may be simple it is definitely effective. What a surprise about you liking to paint gore. I'd never have known someone who would recommend to me a miniatures company which sells "My Little Pony" metal figures would be so enthused by a little bit of red ink... What a gore-fiend you are ;-)

    1. Me a gore-hound? Surely not! Wait...
      Nah, who am I kidding? Of course I'm a gore hound!
      Thanks, Simon, Your comments made me smile.

  2. Great job Bryan! Them fatties look very cool, love your boils and pustules. I find the gore looks even better on the larger figures. Thanks for the coversion tip too, maybe, just maybe I'm tempted by this technique as it doesn't involve cutting up the lovely sculpts. Top work Dude, congratulations on a magnificent post total too man!

    1. Many thanks, Bob. Converting figures doesn't have to be hard. Even cutting up figures is easy. Don't be afraid to experiment. I'll show you some more simple conversions in my upcoming posts.

  3. Thye look very good indeed. Congrats on the 600th post no need to mark with anything special, I visit your blog because I like what you do, simple as that.

    1. Thanks, Clint. 600 posts are a hell of a lot but it's not that significant a milestone. Thanks for your continued support.

    2. Woooot, yeeey wooohoooo !!!! happy 600th Post.

      Love the fatties, can`t wait to start on my toxic set. Actually, I`m playing a game of Zombicide today with the missis... AND a game of Chibis ^^

      I have plans for my toxics.... oh yes, indeedy.... big plans. Just hope it works out. Lets just say.... Tolentino's "Planet Terror" zombies eat yer heart out.

      I really love your models Bryan. Makes me want to go paint more zombies now... damn hahaha.

    3. Cheers, Steve. I love the Fatties, too. I dunno why but I just find them both cool and disgusting at the same time.

      "Planet Terror" is a great zombie film that had me laughing out loud at how OTT it was. But, hey, I LOVE gross out films.

      I'm glad you like my zombie figures, Steve, as you'll be seeing a lot more of them over the next month.

  4. Suitably Gross looking Bryan! Top job my friend there awesome!

    1. Thanks, Simon. Gross is the effect I was after!
