
Wednesday 24 June 2015

Zombicide Zombies - Season 2 Toxic Fatties 02

Following on from my last post, here are the rest of my Zombicide Toxic Fatties. The first three, going from left to right, came from the Box of Zombies - Set #2: Toxic Crowd. The other two were freebies I received for backing Zombicide Season 2 on Kickstarter. Please note that four of these are different sculpts to the sculpts found in the Toxic City Mall expansion set.
The first four Fatties in my photos are the new sculpts. They look very similar to the original sculpts and you can do a comparison with the Fatty at the far right. A closer look reveals that their T-shirts are not as badly torn, they lack spikes on their shoulders and they carry a bottle in their right hands. The two at the far left are unconverted. For the one in the middle I bent his left arm at the elbow so that it points forward instead of to the side. This was done using the flame and cold water technique I described last time. For the Fatty standing second from the right, I chopped his right hand off and added a small piece of Milliput to the stump to show a bone poking through the wound and to create a jagged edge to the wound, indicating his hand had been bitten off not sliced off.
The Fatty at the far right had a hole drilled into his neck to represent a gunshot wound. It's not an obvious conversion and if you didn't know it was there you could easily overlook it. This gives me a total of nine Toxic Fatties, which is quite a frightening amount. As I said last time, I had a lot of fun painting these obese monsters.
By the way, Box of Zombies - Set #2: Toxic Crowd also contains new sculpts of a couple of Walkers and comes with 24 figures plus 6 Toxic Zombie Spawn cards. You can still purchase this set. I've just checked and Amazon UK have it in stock for £15.52 instead of the RRP of £19.99.


  1. Great job once again Bryan! The new sculpts are very nice and your subtle conversions only enhance them further. Super paintjob with just the right amount of gore. Brilliant!

    1. Much appreciated, Bob. Yes, the conversions are subtle and easy enough for anyone to have a go at. Hint, hint! :-)

  2. I'm thoroughly enjoying these posts Bryan, especially as you seem to lavish such attention to their detail; a little bent arm there, a jagged arm bone there. Great stuff. I do though get the impression you sit patiently applying layer up loving layer upon these minis and then just before you take the piccie, the gore-hound in you can't be abated any longer and you throw a bucket of blood all over them :-)

    1. Ha, ha, Simon! that's exactly what I do! My secret has been uncovered! Seriously though, you are right about one thing - I do lavish a lot of attention on my zombies.

  3. Fabulous job Bryan they all look great and the paintjob and slight moving of the arms makes them all stand out from each other.

    1. Thanks, Simon. I try to make all of my zombies look different.

  4. Nice work Bryan, like Simon says the slight arm changes really make the difference!

  5. Looking good and just the kind of Physique I would expect of my local zombies. If the first rule is Cardio, we have to expect the overweight and lumbering to take the greatest toll.

    1. I totally agree with you, Clint. Mind you, having visited America a few times I can say that their Fatties would certainly outnumber ours!
