
Wednesday 15 July 2015

Zombicide Zombies - Season 2 Toxic Female Walkers 01

I'm drawing to a close of my reviews of the 28mm scale Toxic Zombies for Zombicide. In this and the following post I'll review my female Toxic Walkers. The eight figures that I'm showcasing here all came from the Toxic City Mall expansion set.
As usual, I start off with two figures that are straight from the box. These two Walkers, looking like office workers, have not been converted at all. I still can't explain why female Toxic Zombies keep their hair but males don't.
The two Walkers to the right of the two photos above have kept their upper bodies but have had leg swaps with two of the Walkers in the photos below. They look taller than the two Walkers at the left of the two photos above and a lot less classy.
The two Walkers at the left of the photos directly above and below are also straight from the box sculpts. When I first saw them two words immediately sprung to mind - "trailer trash!"
The two Walkers at the right of the two photos had their legs swapped with the two Walkers at the right of the first two photos. They aren't as trashy looking as the two women to the left of them, thanks to their long skirts, although they are still flashing their bras.
I like the sculpting of these figures far more than that of the male Toxic Walkers. The way they have been posed means that they do lend themselves to lots of conversion possibilities. I'll show even more ideas that I came up with next time. One conversion in particular, takes pride of place in my entire collection of 28mm scale zombie figures, which is why I have deliberately kept the best until last.


  1. The ladies are stunning(if you could call a self-ambulatory corpse "stunning")! Great work, as always, Bryan!

    1. I know what you mean, Major. I wanted to call them "sexy" but was afraid my meaning would be misconstrued.

  2. Marvelous stuff Bryan. There's bizarrely a lot of sultry character to some of these ladies, especially the first two... disturbingly so considering their the living dead :-o

    Though I suppose if I was going to have my brains eaten by a hungry walking corpse with toxic breath then I'd go for the gal with the denim short shirt and yellow top :-)

    However "I'm drawing to a close of my reviews of the 28mm scale Toxic Zombies for Zombicide" is one of the saddest things I've read on your blog for ages. But I'm very much looking forward to seeing your 'pride of place' conversion :-)

    1. Ah, many thanks, Simon. I'm with you over your choice of who you'd prefer to be eaten by. The lass in the white socks runs her a close second, though.

      Just to reassure you, my friend, just as one door closes another opens. So although I'm coming to the end of my reviews of my Toxic Zombies there is still much to look forward to. For Zombicide I have a load of reviews to post for my Berserker Zombies, plus reviews of the season 3 Survivors and Zombivors. And as if that wasn't enough, there are Zombie Crowz to show. Whilst I have been predominantly concentrating on painting my Zombicide figures I have also found time to do a few interesting side projects, which I won't reveal just yet, but they will surprise everyone! With all that I have in the pipeline for future posts I ought to publish my blog more frequently!

  3. Lovely job Bryan! Great conversions and tremendous paintwork Dude. My "trailer trash" sculpts seem a little different to yours, mine have calf length boots making them look more like street walkers. The flowery skirt is wicked Dude and your gore is particularly pleasing.

    1. Thanks, Bob. There is a lot you can do with these females to make them look different. Calf length boots is an idea I hadn't considered, but I like your thinking.

  4. Nicely done Bryan! Great job on them.
