
Sunday 12 July 2015

Zombicide Zombies - Season 2 Toxic Male Walkers 02

Here I present part two of my review of my male Toxic Walkers for Zombicide. Most of these came from from the Box of Zombies - set #2: Toxic Crowd. The others were free stretch goals I received for backing Zombicide Season 2.
The two Walkers at the far left of the two photos above and below have been converted very easily. One has had his left hand cut off and the other has lost his right arm just below the elbow. This is probably the easiest conversion to do, requiring no skill at all.
The next three Walkers in line are new sculpts not found in the Toxic City Mall expansion set. Instead, they come from the Box of Zombies - Set #2: Toxic Crowd. The two Walkers at the far right of the two photos above have not been converted at all, but they do have very contrasting colour schemes. For the Walker in the centre, wearing the yellow jacket, I gave him an Elvis Presley quiff of hair out of modelling putty. I got to wondering why all of the male Toxic Zombies lost their hair but the female Toxic Zombies didn't? So, "Elvis" here is my only male Toxic Zombie with hair and for that reason he  stands out from the rest. Here's a thought. Perhaps it is not his real hair at all but a wig. That would make sense if all males lose their hair, wouldn't it?
As above in my first two photos, the two Walkers at the far left of these photos directly above and below have been converted by me cutting off the right hand of the  first one in line and the lower arm of the second one. Once again, very simple conversions.
The two Walkers at the far right were free Kickstarter stretch goal figures that I received. They are the same sculpt as the three Walkers to the right of the first two photos. They have both been converted by having their left arm cut off at the shoulder. However, for the Walker in the orange coat, I glued his arm back on at the side of his body. The gap at his shoulder was filled with modelling putty.
By the way, I should mention that when I cut off limbs from my zombies, nothing gets thrown away. The offcuts go in my spare parts box. Quite often I'll use a spare body part to add to the base of a figure. It adds a piece of grisly decoration to the base.
Next up are my female Toxic Walkers.


  1. What a cracking way to finish the weekend Bryan :-) These postings are great as you somehow manage to make your Zombies appear the most colourful Walking Dead I've seen, and though simple, your conversions are great to see as well. Elvis is the stand out for me, though the Purple zombie is rather impressive as well. I don't think you can beat green jacket bod though for sheer quantity of gore ;-) Did you inadvertently spill your gore-bath ink over him!?! Terrific stuff.

    1. I always appreciate your comments, Simon. I'm not at all surprised that you like "Elvis" best of all as he does stand out from the rest. I like adding celebrity zombies to my Zombicide horde. So far I've done Laurel and Hardy, Tina Turner, Alex Polizzi and now, Elvis Presley.

      As for the excessive gore on the one-armed zombie wearing the green jacket, I must admit that was deliberate. My reasoning for it was that he lost his arm whilst he was still alive and just bled to death from massive blood loss. Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it ! :-)

  2. These look great. Tricky model to do much with this ones pose. You've done a sterling job on making them all appear so different to one another.

    1. Thanks, Simon. I'm chuffed that you approve of my conversions.

  3. Great work, as usual, Bryan! I need to try replicating some of those conversions now that I have some Toxic zombies to work on ;-) Looking forward to seeing what you've done with the females!

    1. Thanks. Major. I'm hoping my female Toxic Walkers will prove just as inspirational for you.

  4. Lovely job Bryan! Top quality paintwork and subtle yet superb conversions Dude. The zombie in the Elvis wig is inspired. Once again your gore is just about perfection itself.

    1. Many thanks, Bob. I do have other zombie Elvis lookalike figures, but this one is my first for Zombicide. I must admit that my favourite part of painting zombies is doing the gore effects.
